Anti-War Resources

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Anti-War Activism and Peace Groups

National Organizations:

Peace Action: 1819 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006-3603; (202) 862-9740; [email protected]; The largest peace group in the United States, with many chapters around the country.

United For Peace: 2017 Mission Street, #303, San Francisco, CA 94110; (800) 497-1994, ext. 263; [email protected]; A collaboration of national and international peace and social justice organizations.

Global Exchange: 2017 Mission Street, #303, San Francisco, CA 94110; (800) 497-1994, ext. 263; [email protected]; A non-profit research, education, and action center dedicated to promoting people-to-people ties around the world.

Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research: [email protected]; Sweedish-based peace group.

War Resisters League: 339 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10012; (212) 228-0450; [email protected]. A pacifist group with a radical, secular orientation. Online grassroots advocacy group working to reform electoral politics.

Fellowship of Reconciliation: Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960; (845) 358-4601; [email protected]. A pacifist group with a religious orientation.

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom: 1213 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107; (215) 563-7110; [email protected]. A women's pacifist group.

National Network to End the War Against Iraq: Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, 457 Kingsley Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94507; (888) END-A-WAR; [email protected]; A nation-wide coalition of over 140 peace and justice, student and faith-based organizations united in opposition to the war on Iraq including putting an end to current UN economic sanctions.

American Friends Service Committee: 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102-1403; (215) 241-7000; [email protected]. A Quaker peace group.

Voices in the Wilderness: Organization who has been working to end economic sactions in Iraq. They have sponsored a project called Iraq Peace Team which offers news, analysis, and concrete activist planning to oppose the war in Iraq.

The Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC): An organization dedicated to improving humanitarian conditions in Iraq and defending the human rights of the Iraqi people.

Local Organizations:

Peace Action: 33 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12210; 477-4004; [email protected]. The local branch of Peace Action.

Capital District for Justice and Peace: 33 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12210; 273-0167; [email protected]. The local branch of Peace Action.

United Nations Association: [email protected]. The local branch of the UN Association, a citizens' organization supporting the United Nations.

World Federalist Association: [email protected]. The local branch of the World Federalist Association, a citizens' organization working to strengthen the United Nations.

Capital District Women Against War: Meeting Tuesday, October 29 at 6 p.m. at the Women's Building 79 Central Ave., Albany.

MAWD: [email protected]; A Capital District grassroots group that is making "War is Not the Answer" lawn signs.

Progressive, Peace & Justice Calendar, Capital District of NY: Subscribe to their e-mail listserv and stay up to date with a comprehensive listing of local activities and issues from Capital Region organizations.

Campus Groups:

Campus Action: 33 Central Ave, Albany, NY 12210; (518) 463-5907; [email protected]

NYPIRG, New York Public Interest Research Group: Campus Center 307; 442-5658.

Campus Greens

Research and Information

Middle East and Iraq

The Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP): Analysis of Middle East politics, culture and society.
See especially their publication "Why Another War?: A Backgrounder on the Iraq Crisis, 2nd Ed."

Princeton University Near Eastern Studies Resources: Scholarly resources, with links to Middle East Centers around the country and the world.

Voices in the Wilderness: Organization who has been working to end economic sactions in Iraq. They have sponsored a project called Iraq Peace Team which offers news, analysis, and concrete activist planning to oppose the war in Iraq.

The Institute for Public Accuracy--Detailed Analysis of October 7 Speech by Bush on Iraq

The Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC): An organization dedicated to improving humanitarian conditions in Iraq and defending the human rights of the Iraqi people.

Iraq Speakers Bureau/Education for Peace In Iraq Center

Alternative Media Provides alternative news, opinion and investigative journalism.

CounterPunch: Political newsletter edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffery St. Clair The Independent Media Center is a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth. Started in 1999 to provide coverage of the Seattle WTO protests.

The Nation Magazine: Longstanding political magazine of the left.

The Progressive: Longstanding political journal dedicated to providing a journalistic voice for peace and social justice at home and abroad.

Z Magazine: Progressive political journal with an activist bent. See particularly their Iraq Crisis Section.

Mother Jones: A longstanding political magazine with a commitment to social justice.

The Independent: Left-leaning British newspaper.

The Guardian: Another British newspaper�both offer excellent analysis of foreign affairs.

WebActive: Contains archives of Pacifica Radio, Democracy Now!, RadioNation, Hightower Radio and more. A nonprofit, public interest Web site dedicated to global media issues.

This Magazine: One of Canada's longest-publishing alternative journals. Filmaker Michael Moore's website.

ProjectCensored.Org: Dedicated to covering the worthy newstories that are undercovered by the mainstream press.

Common Dreams: Progressive News and Information.

Portside Discussion Group: portside (the left side in nautical parlance) is a news, discussion and debate service of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. It aims to provide varied material of interest to people on the left.

Organizations and Think Tanks

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting: A national media watch group.

International Action Center: Founded by Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General.

Institute for Policy Studies: The nation's oldest multi-issue progressive think tank.

The Council for Emerging National Security Affairs (CENSA): Nonprofit research group dedicated to National Security issues.

Foreign Policy in Focus: A "think tank without walls" that functions as an international network of more than 650 policy analysts and advocates.

Video/Media Organizations

Paper Tiger Television: A video collective designed to analyze and critique issues involving media, culture and politics.

Free Speech Television: Airs progressive documentary television programs.

Other Online Anti-War Petitions

The Campaign for Peace and Democracy

Not In Our Names

No Iraq Attack

Campaign of Conscience Peace Pledge to Stop the Spread of War to Iraq

Write And Call Your Elected Officials

Find Your US Congressional Representatives

Please Call/fax Congress and the White House: Tell them No War on Iraq! It only takes a minute--just register your opposition.

Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Sen. Schumer 518-431-4070, 212-486-4430 Fax: 518-431-4076
Sen. Clinton 518-431-0120, 212-688-6262 Fax: 518-431-0128
Rep. McNulty 518-465-0700, 271-0822, 374-4547 fax 427-5107
Rep. Sweeney 518-587-9800 , 587- 1030 fax 587-1228

Call the White House at 202-456-1111

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