of History
Social Science 060R
at Albany, State University of New York
Albany, New York 12222
Phone: (518) 442-5427
E-mail: |
[Updated: 2-5-2021]
I'm a professor
of History and Director of the Documentary Studies Program at the
University at Albany, State University of New York, where I have been
since 1985. I completed my undergraduate education at Cornell (with a BA
in European Intellectual History), and received my MA (in European
Cultural History) and Ph.D. from the Maxwell School at Syracuse
University (the latter with a specialization in modern U.S. economic,
social, and labor history).
From a fairly
young age, while attending White Plains High School, I became interested
in audio, radio, multimedia, and film production -- including 16mm
filmmaking, concert recording, sound and slide shows, and theatrical
soundcraft (in fact, I headed my High School theater department's sound
crew). While I put these interests aside as I worked toward my doctorate
in history, they never left me. In 1996, perhaps reflecting my
long-term interest in the use of media -- old and new -- to communicate
history to a wide audience (I was very frustrated by how insular my
field had become, with professors essentially writing for other
professors), I founded Talking History, an aural history production center with a weekly FM radio program that was broadcast over the Internet ( for almost two decades (till 2016). A year later, in 1997, I co -founded the Journal for MultiMedia History,
and in 2006 -- after close to three years of effort -- I helped
establish an interdisciplinary Documentary Studies Program at the
University at Albany, a program which I now direct. I also helped
inaugurate, in 2009, an innovative History and Media M.A. track within
our History department that offered research and production training for
history graduate students interested in cutting-edge work in history
and hypermedia authoring, photography and photoanalysis,
documentary video/filmmaking, oral/video history, and aural history
and audio documentary production; that track has since been
incorporated into our broader Public History Program.
At the
University at Albany, I teach courses in documentary studies, oral/video
history, public history, quantitative methods for historians,
historical radio/audio documentary production, film/video documentary
production, as well as U.S. social and economic history, American labor
and modern U.S. business history, U.S. local and regional history, and a
number of general American. history courses.
My academic
research interests are diverse. They focus on such topics as: welfare
capitalism; the history of General Electric (projects include an oral
history of the corporation and the GE Research Laboratory, as well as a
documentary on the history of GE); labor and political radicalism in
modern America; Cold War science and politics; and oral/aural history.
I'm the author of Workers, Managers, and Welfare Capitalism: The Shoemakers and Tanners of Endicott Johnson, 1890-1950
(University of Illinois Press, 1988) and a number of articles on the
history of labor and radicalism -- as well as the producer and audio
engineer of a 2-CD oral history of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
of Columbia University. I've also been heavily involved in several
document and media preservation and publication projects, serving as the
editor of over half-a-dozen labor and business history related
microform publications. I'm nearing the completion of another book on
the local and regional history of American communism titled Embers on the Land; several chapters have already been published as articles ( one was the cover article of an issue of The Journal of American History and a second won the Frederick
C. Luebke Award for the best article of the year published in The Great Plains Quarterly as well as the Western History Association's Ray Allen Billington
Award for best article of the year on Western history).
As a media producer for over twenty years, I was engaged weekly in the
production of broadcast content -- including radio segments of Talking History.
I now consult for North Country Public Radio. Most
recently -- since 2016 -- I have been heavily involved in museum work
as a member of the Executive Committee of the Essex County Historical
Society & Adirondack History Museum -- working as co-curator on a
variety of museum exhibits, as media consultant, and as oral/video
history project director.
On a
personal note: I have a carpentry shop and a recording studio/production
center at my home in the Adirondack Mountains, near Elizabethtown, New
York, where I work on various non-academic and academic
projects. My hobbies include carpentry, electronics -- including
building and repairing computers, painting, guitar, poetry & song
writing, photography and cinematography, kayaking, sailing, fly fishing
and fly tying, and hiking.
Broadcast and Internet
Radio & Film Productions:
* Consultant and interviewee, "Association Island" (film) by Timothy W. Lake, Lake Productions, 2013.
* "Allen B. Ballard: An African American Life," Parts 1 and 2." Produced and hosted by Gerald Zahavi. Broadcast 3/24 and 3/31/2011 on Talking History.
* "George F. Johnson and the Square Deal," Produced for NPR by Joe Richman and Radio Diaries / NPR broadcast. [Dec. 2010]. Interviewee and oral historian. Resource Web site:
* "Turkish Radical Poet Nazim Hikmet Recalls Hiroshima: The story of 'The Little Girl'/'I Come and Stand at Every Door.'"
Many events in American and world history have
stimulated the composition of commemorative songs and poems. On this
anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, we look back at one event and
how writers and poets reacted to it -- through a close examination of
ONE poem/song: recited by Hema Manicka. "The Little Girl" was written
by Turkish Communist poet Nazim Hikmet in the 1950s, and originally
titled "Kiz Cocugu." It is aso known in English by various titles --
in addtion to "The Little Girl" -- including "Hiroshima Girl" and "I
come and Stand at Every Door." Nazim Hikmet (1901-1963) was one of
Turkey's best know modern poets ane novelists; he was also a Communist
and a political activist. In the 1940s, he was imprisoned in Turkey
for his political activities, but freed in 1950s after a world-wide
campaign on his behalf. Soon afterward he left Turkey and lived in exile
in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe for the rest of his life. In
the mid-1950s, he wrote the poem/song "The Little Girl."
In this segment of Talking History,
aired on 8-6-2009, I examine the origins and evolution of Hikmet's poem
and how it was re-shaped by later singers and song-writers, including
Pete Seeger. Researched, hosted, and edited by Gerald Zahavi.
* "Sam Adams Darcy on the San Francisco Strike of 1934." (July 23, 2009).
Selection from talks delivered by former U.S.
Communist Party activist and leader Samuel Adams Darcy (1905-2005) at
Cornell University in November of 1975. The talks were delivered to
students in Professors Roger Keeran's and Cletus Daniels' classes.
Edited and introduced by Gerald Zahavi.
* "Claire
Parham on the Construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway." (June 25,
2009). Hour-long interview. This year marks the
50th anniversary of the completion of the construction of the St.
Lawrence Seaway and Power Project, one of the great infrastructural
construction projects of the 20th century. In this interview I explore
the history of the Project with Claire Puccia Parham, author of the
recently published The St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project: An Oral History of the Greatest Construction Show on Earth
(Syracuse University Press, 2009). In our conversation, we delve into
origins of this bi-national undertaking, dealving especially into
lives of the workers who made it possible. Parham, a native of
Watertown, NY, currently teaches history at Siena College. She earned a
BA degres from St. Lawrence University, received her master's degree
from the University of Massachusetts/Amherst and completed her Ph.D.
in American history at SUNY Binghamton. She's also the author of From Great Wilderness To Seaway Towns: A Comparative History of Cornwall, Ontario, and Massena, New York, 1784-2001 (SUNY Press, 2004). Conducted, recorded, and edited by Gerald Zahavi.
* "An
Interview with Stetson Kennedy (From the Oral History Association
2008 Meeting, October 16, 2008)." Filmed and edited by Gerald Zahavi.
Stetson Kennedy, born in
Jacksonville, Florida in 1916, is a writer, journalist, social and
political activist, and a former administrator of the Florida Federal
Writers Project (1935-39). Influenced by the documentary tradition
that was emerging with and without federal government sponsorship
during the Great Depression, and by such books as Erskine Caldwell and
Margaret Bourke-White's You Have Seen Their Faces (1937), he sought
to insure that on his state's level, the Florida Writers Project would
contribute to that emerging tradition. After his years with the
Project, he became an investigative journalist and established a
strong reputation for his anti-racist writings, writings that came to
include: Southern Exposure (1946), Forced Labor in the United States
(1953), I Rode With the Klan (1954), Jim Crow Guide to the U.S.A.
(1959) and The Klan Unmasked (1990). In his battles with the southern
Ku Klux Klan, Kennedy not only exposed their violent work in print,
but also through radio. He successfully encouraged the producers of
The Adventures of Superman, an enormously popular radio show, to shift
Superman's enemies from the WWII Nazi's and Japanese, to more
domestic targets, like the Klan. This program was presented as an audio
broadcast (edited for length) on Talking History. Stetson was
introduced and interviewed in front of a large audience by David A.
Taylor, head of Research and Programs with the American Folklife
Center at the Library of Congress and director of the Center's annual
field school for cultural documentation.
* The Story of Sosua: A Tale of Two Racisms. (August, 2008). Sosua: Haven in the Caribbean is a 1941 film produced by the Dominican Republic Settlement
Association. It tells the (incomplete) story of a Jewish war refugee
community established in the late 1930s in the Dominican Republic, with
the blessings of its dictator, Rafael L. Trujillo. Trujillo, hardly
known for his human rights record, took advantage of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt's call for an international conference to address the plight
of European refugees -- particularly Jewish refugees. A 32-nation
conference to address the problem was convened in Evian, France in
1938. Only the Dominican Republic made a firm commitment to admit
refugees, and soon afterwards took in around 500 Jews. Trujillo's
motives were hardly humanitarian: he was not only trying to redeem his
reputation as an ethnic cleanser (the term was not used then), but he
also sought to racially transform his people. Trujillo had adopted a
policy that strove to "whiten" the Dominican population and had
practiced a vicious policy of racial discrimination against
mostly-black Haitians -- one that came to be known as
"antihaitianismo." In 1937 he ordered the massacre of thousands of
Haitians residing in the Dominican Republic. The admission of white Jews
-- the victims of racism in Germany and Austria -- served Trujillo's
racist goal of "whitening" his own nation. Here, we present the
sountrack from this archival film as a springboard to tell the story
of Trujillo's racial policies and the fate of the lucky 500 Jews who
were ironically saved by it.
* Christine Ehrick on Radio Femenina.
Prof. Susan Gauss of the University at Albany,
SUNY, interviews Christine Ehrick (MA, Phd UCLA), Associate Professor
of History at the University of Louisville, about Radio Femenina and
women and radio in the Puerta del Sol. Ehrick's first book, The Shield of the Weak: Feminism and the State in Uruguay, 1903-1933,
which was published in 2005 by the University of New Mexico Press, is
a comparative study of feminist political organizations across the
political spectrum and their relationship to the emergence of Latin
America's first "welfare state." She is currently researching women
and citizenship in "golden age" of Latin American radio (1930s-1950s),
and is interested in intersections of gender and technology in Latin
America. Dr. Ehrick teaches courses in Colonial and Modern Latin
America, the History of Mexico, Latin American Women, and Media
History. Recorded (5/11/2008), edited, and produced by Gerald Zahavi.
* Ann Pfau and David Hochfelder on World War II Radio Propaganda (April 2008).
Historians Ann Pfau and David Hochfelder
discuss their recent research into real and imagined World War II
propaganda broadcasts from Japan and Germany made by Iva Toguri, William
Joyce, Mildred Gillars,and Rita Zucca. Our conversation with them
explores such varied topics as wartime rumors, popular legends about
World War II radio propaganda, oral history, British and American
wartime propaganda monitoring, soldier surveys, and popular histories
and Hollywood depictions of Tokyo Rose, Lord Haw Haw, and Axis Sally.
Pfau holds a Ph.D. in United States history from Rutgers University
and is author of Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
(forthcoming as an e-book from Columbia University Press in May
2008). She will begin researching a book about World War II radio
traitors later this month. David Hochfelder is assistant professor at
SUNY at Albany. He is currently finishing a book on the history of the
American telegraph industry. His interest in WW2 radio propaganda
arose from his work in public history and oral history. Produced and
hosted by Gerald Zahavi and Susan McCormick.
* The Miracle Case.
Prof. Laura Wittern-Keller, author of Freedom of the Screen: Legal Challenges to State Film Censorship
(University Press of Kentucky) and visiting professor of History at
the University at Albany, SUNY, tells the story of the attempt in the
early 1950s to block the showing of Roberto Rossellini film 'The
Miracle,' and film distributor Joseph Burstyn's battle against film
censorship. Recorded at the University at Albany's History and
Documentary Studies Sound Studio, April 11, 2008.
BACKGROUND: "In 1950 the Roberto Rossellini
film 'The Miracle,' part of a trilogy called 'Ways of Love,' was
condemned by the Catholic Legion of Decency and censored by the New York
State Motion Picture Division (the state censor board). The
Miracle's" distributor, Joseph Burstyn, fought back through the New
York courts and finally at the United States Supreme Court, claiming
that his First Amendment rights had been violated by the state.
Burstyn won and in 1952, a unanimous Supreme Court ruled that movies
were entitled to the free speech protections of the First Amendment.
The story did not end there, though, since the Court allowed state
censorship statutes to stand provided they were "narrowly drawn." The
fight over the right of states to pre-approve movies continued until
1965 when all states but Maryland stopped censoring movies." For more
information on this story, see Laura Wittern-Keller's Freedom of the Screen and the forthcoming Burstyn v. Wilson: The Miracle Case
by Ray Haberski, Jr. and Laura Wittern-Keller (Landmarks Law Cases
series of the University Press of Kansas). Recorded, edited, and
produced by Gerald Zahavi.
* D. Graham Burnett on Maurice, v. Judd.
On Friday, November 16, 2007, Dr. D. Graham
Burnett, a historian of science from Princeton University, was the
keynote speaker at the annual Researching New York conference at the
University at Albany, SUNY. He delivered this talk about an 1818 New
York trial, Maurice, v. Judd, that raised public debate about
the order of nature, and how we understand it. The trial dramatized the
transformations that were taking place in the years of the early
Republic, when Americans' understanding of the natural world was being
challenged -- often in courts of law. Burnett explores the root
question of Maurice, v. Judd: Is a whale a fish? The question
was important economically, scientifically, and culturally. If indeed
the courts ruled a whale a fish, whale oil was taxable as fish oil
and subject to state inspection. But there was more at stake: arguments
based on the new science of taxonomy challenged accepted Biblical
interpretations and drove the debate. Burnett is the author of Trying Leviathan: The Nineteenth-Century New York Court Case That Put the Whale on Trial and Challenged the Order of Nature (Princeton University Press, 2007).
* "Kevin Willmott on CSA: Confederate
States of America." (2007). Interview conducted by
Gerry Zahavi with Kevin Willmott on May 3, 2007. Willmott,
who is an Associate Professor in the Film Studies Department
of the University of Kansas, produced the film "C.S.A
- THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA," as a counter-factual
faux documentary -- modeled after a Ken Burns-style documentary
-- about an America in which had the South won the Civil
War. The film was selected for the 2004 Sundance Film
festival and later sold to IFC Films (the film was also
backed for distribution by Spike Lee). CSA has played
in film festivals in Denver, Colorado, Stockholm, Sweden,
Locarno, Switzerland and the Hamptons, New York and had
its theatrical release in February of 2006.
* "Songs from General Electric's
Association Island" (2007).
Association Island is situated just off the coast of the
northeastern edge of Lake Ontario in New York State near
the outlet of the Great Lakes and the beginning of the
St. Lawrence River. From 1907 until the mid-1950s it served
as a summer retreat and conference center for managers
and engineers from the National Electric Lamp Company
and later the General Electric Company (GE), the National's
corporate parent. The Island is perhaps more widely familiar
to avid modern fiction readers as the satirized "Meadows"
in Kurt Vonnegut's Player Piano (1952). In Vonnegut's
novel the "flat, grassy island" located on the
St. Lawrence River, was a corporate playground that also
served as a rite-of-passage to status and power within
a technocratic dystopia. There, in Vonnegut's fictional
realm-as in real life-managers and engineers, all male,
"spent a week each summer in an orgy of morale building."
Through "team athletics, group sings, bonfires and
skyrockets, bawdy entertainment, free whiskey and cigars;
and through plays, put on by professional actors, which
pleasantly but unmistakably made clear the nature of good
deportment within the system, and the shape of firm resolves
for the challenging year ahead," the Island worked
"its magic" on its temporary inhabitants, helping
to forge a male-centered brotherhood of managers. Yet,
ironically, Association Island in 1952, when Player Piano
was published, was entering the final years of usefulness
to the corporation. Soon, a new corporate structure and
ethos emerged and swept away the seemingly quaint fraternalism
of the serene Island. In 1959, the company turned the
Island over to the YMCA.
The two songs featured in this selection come from the
GE archival collection of the Hall of History at the Schenectady
Museum, Schenectady, NY and were digitized for the Museum
some years ago in an attempt to preserve these very rare
recordings of the "Island Chorus" which reflect
the culture of the Island during its heyday.
* "Mark Klempner on Dutch
Rescuers of Jews During WWII." Mark Klempner, an
oral historian and folklorist who recently published a
book on Dutch rescuers of Jews during World War II (The
Heart Has Reasons: Holocaust Rescuers and Their Stories
of Courage, 2006) discusses his research and book
in this lengthy interview. Klempner began as a research
project during his senior year as an English major at
Cornell in 1996-97. The interview includes audio excerpts
from some of the individuals Klempner interviewed. Go
to Talking
History to listen to the interview. April 20,
2006. [Producer/editor/inteviewer].
* "Agrarian Movements in
Nineteenth-Century New York." Thomas Summerhill,
Associate Professor of History at Michigan State University,
and author of Harvest of Dissent: Agrarianism In 19th
Century New York (Univ. of Illinois Press, 2005), joins
Gerald Zahavi in a discussion of agrarian movements in
nineteenth-century central New York. Summerhill explores
Northern farmers' complex attitudes toward a spreading
capitalist market and their tendencies to both embrace
and resist it. Zahavi and Summerhill focus on such topics
as the Anti-Rent Wars, the debate over the construction
of the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad, and the rise and
significance of the Grange. Go to Talking
History to listen to the interview. March 30,
2006. [Producer/editor/inteviewer].
* "Reginald
Jones on GE's Jack Welch." Reginald Jones died on
December 30, 2003 in Greenwich, Ct. He began his career
at General Electric in the 1930s, and worked his way up
the corporate ladder until, in 1972, he was selected as
President and CEO of the firm. He headed the company from
1972 through 1981, implementing various innovative strategic
planning initiatives and driving the corporation further
into a global marketplace. Under his watch, the company's
sales more than doubled; its profits did even better.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, several business publications
acknowledged him to have been one of the most influential
business leaders in America. In fact, in 1981, the year
of his retirement, U.S. News & World Report ranked
him as the most influential man in business. Not surprisingly,
three presidents had relied on his counsel. In this short
selection from a day-long interview conducted by Gerald
Zahavi on June 12, 2000, Jones speaks about how he went
about selecting his successor, Jack Welch. Aired Sept.
15, 2005. [Producer/editor/interviewer]
* "Howell
Harris, Chad Pearson, and Gerald Zahavi Discuss Business
Ideology and Labor-Capital Relations in American History."
Historian Howell Harris from Durham University (England),
Chad Pearson, a doctoral student at the University at
Albany, SUNY and Talking History's Gerald Zahavi discuss
the evolution of business ideology and labor-management
relations in the 19th and 20th centuries. [Producer/editor/interviewer].
* "Sharra
Vostral on Julia Dent Grant and the Moveable Homefront."
An interview with Prof. Sharra L. Vostral about the multiple,
complex, and important roles that Julia Dent Grant played
before and during the Civil War. Vostral is a member of
the faculty of the Science and Technology Studies Department
at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a specialist in
gender history, medical history, and the history of sexuality.
She is the author of "Julia Dent Grant and the Moveable
Homefront: Maintenance of a General's Family," published
in Gateway Heritage (the magazine of the Missouri Historical
Society) in 2003. [Producer/editor/interviewer]. 2005.
* "Diggers."
[Documentary]. A short-form audio documentary
on the Bennington Cloverleaf Archaeological dig of the
late 1990s. 5 minutes. 1998. [A longer 30 minute version
is currently in production].
* "Leon Carl Brown and the Study of Middle
Eastern History." Prof. Karl Barbir of Siena College
interviews Leon Carl Brown, the Garrett Professor in Foreign
Affairs Emeritus at Princeton University and a specialist
on Middle East history, about Brown's career and perspectives
on Middle East history. [Producer/editor]. 2004.
* "Black Inventors." Gerald Zahavi
interviews Rayvon David Fouche, Assistant Professor
of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, on African American inventors in American history.
Fouche is the author of Black Inventors in
the Age of Segregation (Johns Hopkins University
Press, 2003), co-editor of Appropriating Technology:
Vernacular Science and Cultural Invention (University
of Minnesota Press, 2004), and is currently editing a
manuscript for Perdue University Press titled Race
and the Machine: Technology and Black Cultural Experience (forthcoming). [Host/Producer/Editor]. 2004.
* "A History of Menstruation and Menstrual
Technologies in America." Gerald Zahavi interviews
Sharra L. Vostral, Assistant Professor of Science and
Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Vostral is a specialist in medical history and the history
of sexuality and is the author, most recently, of "Masking
Menstruation: The Emergence of Menstrual Hygiene Products
in the United States" in Andrew Shail, ed. Menstruation:
History and Culture from Antiquity to Modernity (Palgrave,
UK., forthcoming), and "Reproduction, Regulation,
and Body Politics," Journal of Women's History 15-2 (Summer 2003): 197-207. Vostral is currently working
on a monograph titled Red Marks: Menstruation, Menstrual
Hygiene Products, and Women's Rights in the United States.
* "White Boy: A Conversation with Historian
Mark Naison." Gerald Zahavi interviews Mark Naison,
Professor of African and African-American Studies and
Director of the Urban Studies Program at Fordham University.
Naison is the author of White Boy: A Memoir (Temple
University Press, 2002), Communists in Harlem During
the Depression (University of Illinois Press, 1983),
co-author of The Tenant Movement in New York City,
1940-1984 (Rutgers University Press, 1986), and the
author of several articles on African-American culture
and contemporary urban issues, including "Outlaw
Culture in Black Culture" (Reconstruction,
Fall 1994). In this interview Naison reviews his life
and career as a specialist in African American history
-- and his participation in some of the most significant
social and political movements in recent American history:
the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Movement, SDS,
and the Weathermen.
* "Howard Blue on World War II Radio Dramas
and the Post-War Blacklist." (Part 1 and 2). Produced:
October 2003; original interview date: May 14, 2003. [Host/Producer/Editor].
* "From the Archives series: dozens
produced in 2003-2005. [Host/Producer/Editor].
* "Robert Snyder on September 11th and the Response
of New Yorkers." Edited talk delivered at the annual
Researching New York conference in November of 2002. [Producer/editor].
* "James W. Loewen on Historical Lies and Distortions."
Interview of sociologist James Loewen about historical
lies and distortions -- by omission and commission --
in textbooks, historical markers, and monuments. Loewen,
now retired from the University of Vermont, is the best-selling
author of Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your High
School History Textbook Got Wrong and Lies Across America:
What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong. [Interviewer and producer/editor].
* "Benjamin Filene Recalls Alan Lomax. Benjamin Filene, author of Romancing the Folk:
Public Memory and American Roots Music, recalls the
life and contributions of Alan Lomax.[Producer/editor]. 2002.
* Eric Foner on "The Abolitionist Movement and
the Idea of American Freedom." Recorded in Elizabethtown,
New York, August 11, 2002. [Producer and editor]. 2002.
* "Joshua B. Freeman on New York City Workers." Professor Joshua B. Freeman of CUNY is interviewed
by Gerald Zahavi about the history or New York City unions
and workers. Freeman is the author of Working-Class
New York: Life and Labor Since World War II (2000), In Transit: The Transport Workers Union in New York
City, 1933-1966 (1997, revised ed., 2001), and a co-author
of Vol. 2 of Who Built America?: Working People and
the Nation's Economy, Politics, Culture, and Society:
From the Gilded Age to the Present. [Interviewer,
editor, and producer]. 2002.
* "A Brilliant Solution." Professor Carol
Berkin, City University of New York, is interviewed by
Professor G.J. Barker-Benfield about the "invention"
of the American constitution. [Producer and editor]. 2002.
* Dr. John Stauffer on "Timbuctoo and the Origins
of an Integrated America." 50 minutes. Recorded in
Elizaberthtown, New York, August 5, 2001.
* "The Myth of the Violent West." Gerald Zahavi interviews
historian Robert Dykstra about his revisionist scholarship
on Western violence. 30 minutes. 2001.
* "I'm a Hobo, Not a Bum." Greg
talks about the life and history of tramps and hoboes
with IWW minstrel Mark Ross. 45 minutes. 2001.
* Peter Kornbluh on "The Bay of Pigs Declassified."
30 minutes. 2001. [Producer and editor].
* Richard S. Wortman on Nicholas II. 30 minutes.
2001. [Producer and editor].
* Timothy Gilfoyle on City of
Eros: New York City,
Prostitution, and the Commercialization of Sex, 1790-1920.
30 minutes. 2000. [Producer and editor].
* Mary Beth Norton on "Sex,
Religion, and Society
in Early America." 60 minutes. 2000. [Producer and editor].
* Ossie Davis on John Brown and
his Legacy. Reading
from Frederick Douglas' 1881 address on John Brown. 60
minutes. 2000. [Producer and editor].
* Alex Lichtenstein on "Labor On the Move: Current
Perspectives and Historical Contexts." 60 minutes.
1999. [Producer and editor].
* Daniel Horowitz on "Betty Friedan and the
Making of The Feminine Mystique." 60 minutes.
1999. [Producer and editor].
* Pauline Maier on "The Making the Declaration of
Independence." 60 minutes. [Producer and editor].
* Rachel Bliven on "Looking for Kate Mullaney:
Documenting the Story of An Irish Working Woman."
45 minutes. 1999. [Producer and editor].
* Mark Solomon on The Cry Was Unity: Communists
and African Americans, 1917-36. 60 minutes. 1999.
[Producer and editor].
* "Frank Capra's Populism."
Historians Robert Brent
Toplin (U.N.C. at Wilmington), Lawrence W. Levine (George
Mason University), and Dan T. Carter (Emory University),
present assessments of Frank Capra's cinematic works. Recorded
at the American Historical Association
(AHA) meeting in Washington, D.C. on January 9, 1999.
60 minutes. 1999. [Producer and editor].
* Thomas J. Sugrue on history, race, and urban crises.
60 minutes. 1999. [Producer and editor].
* Daniel J. Walkowitz on the Labor Movement in Troy,
New York. 45 minutes. 1999. [Producer and editor].
* Scott Christianson on the History of American Prisons.
[Producer and co-editor]. 1998.
* Spencer Crew, Director of the
National Museum of
American History, on "New Challenges for History Museums."
* Douglas Brinkley on Pres. Jimmy Carter's foreign
policy. 40 minutes. 1998. [Producer and editor].
* D. A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus on the art of cinema verite. 60 minutes. 1998. [Producer and
* Richard Hamm on "Animals and Cannibals on
Trial." 60 minutes. 1998 [Producer and editor].
* Filmmaker Laurie Kahn-Leavitt on the making of A Midwife's Tale. 30 minutes. 1998. [Producer and
* "Nuclear Disarmament Activism
in the 1950s
and 1960s." Andrew Feffer, Lawrence Wittner, David McReynolds,
and Ursula Franklin examine the history of the nuclear
disarmament movement. 60 minutes. 1998. [Co-producer and