General Information
Capital: Damascus
Population: 15,725,000
Land Area: 184,180 sqkm
Per Capita GNP: $970
Under 5 Mortality Rate: 30
Adult Literacy: 91(M); 73(F)
Fertility Rate: 3.8
Life Expectancy: 70(M); 73(F)
Urbanization Rate: 55%
Unemployment Rate: 20% (2000)
Major Language: Arabic
Major Religion: Islam
Government Type: Republic (under control by military now)
* Data are from UNSD, UNICEF and CIA World Factbook
Internet Resource
Ministry of Information
Embassy of the Republic
of Syria in Washington D.C.
A Country Study
Comprehensive information about Syria, including the economy, history,
geography, culture, society, etc.
CIA World Factbook
This site contains detailed information the country's population,
economic situation, political system, natural resources, etc.
A concise history of Syria.
Daily English newspaper.
Tourist information
Ministry of Tourism.
Provided by U of Texas.