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Barış K. Yörük

Professor of Economics

Research Fellow, CESifo

Research Fellow. IZA

Department of Economics, Hudson 209, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222, USA.

PH: (518) 442-3175        E-mail: byoruk@albany.edu

Recent Selected Publications                                                                                                                       

  • Does public policy affect attitudes? Evidence from age-based health insurance coverage policies in the United States, 2023, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 205, 287-302.
  • The effects of Medicare on health care utilization and spending among the elderly, 2022,  American Journal of Health Economics. 8. 151-180 (with P. Chatterji and T. Nguyen).
  • Keg registration laws, alcohol consumption, and alcohol related traffic fatalities among adolescents, 2021, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 82, 66-75 (with L. Xu).
  • The effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act dependent care provision on family structure and public program participation among young adults, 2019, Review of the Economics of the Household, 17, 1133- 1161 (with P. Chatterji and X. Liu).
  • The impact of the false ID laws on alcohol consumption among young adults: New results from the NLSY97. 2018, Journal of Health Economics, 57, 191-194.
  • Charity ratings, 2016, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 25, 195-219. Media Coverage: JEMS Feature Article, Chronicle of Philanthropy

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