Department of Mathematics and Statistics
State University of New York at Albany
1400 Washington Ave,
Catskill 399
Albany, NY 12222
Office: CK343
Email: czhong AT
Phone: 518 442 4629
1. On the torsion of Chow groups of twisted Spin-flags, (with S. Baek and K. Zainoulline),
Math. Res. Lett., 20 (2013), no. 4, 601-614, Erratum
2. On the gamma-filtration of oriented cohomology of complete spin-flags
J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 218 (2014), no.7, 1291-1301.
3. Comparison of Dualizing Complexes
J. Reine Angew. Math., 695 (2014), 1-39.
4. Invariants, Exponents and Formal Group Laws, (with J. Malagon-Lopez and K. Zainoulline),
J. Algebra, 409 (2014), 244-264.
5. On the formal affine Hecke algebra
J. Inst. Math. Jussieu , 14 (2015), no. 4, 837-855.
6. Equivariant oriented cohomology of flag varieties, (with B. Calmes and K. Zainoulline),
Doc. Math., Extra Volume: Alexander S. Merkurjev's Sixtieth Birthday (2015), 113-144.
7. Milnor-Witt K-theory of local rings, (with S. Gille and S. Scully),
Adv. Math., 286 (2016), 729-753.
8. A coproduct structure on the formal affine Demazure algebra, (with B.Calmes and K. Zainoulline),
Math. Zeitschrift, 282 (2016) (3), 1191-1218.
9. Geometric representations of the formal affine Hecke algebra, (with G. Zhao)
Adv. Math., 317 (2017), 50-90.
10. Push-pull operators on the formal affine Demazure algebra and its dual, (with B. Calmes and K. Zainoulline),
Manuscripta Math. , 160 (2019), no. 1-2, 9-50.
11. Formal affine Demazure and Hecke algebras associated to Kac-Moody root systems, (with C. Calmes and K. Zainoulline),
Alg. Rep. Theory, 23 (2020), no.3, 1031-1050.
12. Parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig basis, Schubert classes and equivariant oriented cohomology, (with C. Lenart and K. Zainoulline),
J. Inst. Math. Jussieu , 19 (2020), no. 6, 1889-1929
13. On K-theoretic stable bases of Spinger resolutions, (with C. Su and G. Zhao),
Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér., (4) 53 (2020), no. 3, 663-711.
14. Stable bases of the Springer resolution and representation theory, (with C. Su),
Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 332
Springer, Singapore, 2020, 195–221.
15. Wall-crossings and a categorification of K-theory stable bases of the Springer resolution, (with C. Su and G. Zhao),
Compositio Math., 157 (2021), no. 11, 2341-2376.
16. On Equivariant Oriented Cohomology of Bott-Samelson Varieties, (with H. Li),
New York J. Math. 27 (2021), 1443-1464.
17. Elliptic affine Hecke algebras and their representations, (with G. Zhao),
Adv. Math. 395. (2022), Paper No. 108077, 75 pp.
18. Geometric properties of the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis, (with C. Lenart, C. Su, K. Zainoulline),
Algebra Number Theory , 17 (2023), no. 2, 435–464.
19. Structure Constants in equivariant oriented cohomology of flag varieties, (with R. Goldin),
Math. Zeitschrift 307 (2024), no. 3, Paper No. 42
20. Equivariant oriented homology of the affine Grassmannian,
J. Algebra, to appear
21. The Leray-Hirsch Theorem for equivariant oriented cohomology of flag varieties, (with M. Douglass),
submitted. arXiv: 2009.05902
22. Elliptic classes via the periodic Hecke module and its Langlands dual, (with C. Lenart and G. Zhao),
submitted. arXiv: 2309.09140
23. A Langlands duality of elliptic Hecke algebras, (with G. Zhao),
submitted. arXiv: 2310.13460
24. On the Peterson subalgebra and its dual, (with R. Xiong and K. Zainoulline),
submitted. arXiv: 2312.03965
1. On the torsion of Chow group of twisted complete spin flags, Workshop on algebraic K-theory and motivic cohomology, Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 963-1913
2. Hecke-type algebras and equivariant oriented cohomology of flag varieties, Workshop on Algebraic cobordism and homogeneous varieties, Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 13, Issue 1, pp. 244-247