This guide is designed to list basic sources and approaches for research by discipline in women's studies. An updated 2002 guide arranged not by discipline but thematically can be found at The 2002 guide provides more complete and current information on databases. For help in researching your particular topic, please consult a reference librarian.
Library research in Women's Studies is challenging because materials of interest in the study of women and women's issues are scattered throughout the library collection. Before you begin your library research it is wise to develop a "search strategy," an organized plan for identifying and obtaining the information you will need. Susan Searing, in her Introduction to Library Research in Women's Studies (REF HQ 1206 Z999 S43X 1985), includes a chapter on Research Strategy which lays out in detail the steps for a systematic approach to library research. Consult this chapter for a thorough explanation of effective methods of conducting library research. Listed below is an abbreviated search strategy for Women's Studies.
What types of material do we have in the library to support your research?
Books: Monographs, collections, serials in the stacks. Most of these circulate. Reference books. In the Reference Area. These do not circulate. Periodicals (serials that are issued more than once a year). If periodicals are in print format see the Periodicals Room and some on Microform. These do not circulate. If online, use the ADVANCEWeb Library Catalog to locate journal title and full-text of article if available. United States Government Documents. In Government Publications area across the lobby from the Reference Area. Most of these circulate.
How do you identify material relevant for your topic?
HQ | class letter |
1236 | class number |
C35X | book number |
1987 | year of publication |
Materials of interest are also scattered through the classification, e.g.
Women in philosophy | B 105.W6 |
Afro-American women | E 185.85 |
Women in sport | GV 709 |
German literature -- Women authors | PT 167.W66 |
Women in science | Q 141 |
Key Electronic Resources in Women' Studies.
Some indexes and abstracts of interest to Women's Studies are:
GenderWatch - An excellent source for full-text coverage of articles, news and newsletters but does have specific Gay/Lesbian focus. Database on trial through 2001.
Dissertation Abstracts. Library has V.1, 1938+ . Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site. [Z 5055 U5 A53] Abstracts of doctoral dissertations from over 400 American and Canadian institutions. Arranged by broad subject area. Contains author index and keyword title index. Also in Dewey.
Essay and General Literature Index. Library has V.1, 1900/33+ . Available online 1986+ . [REF Index AI 3 E752] Indexes essays and articles in collections, offering author and subject access. WOMEN is a subject heading, with various sub-divisions. Other headings of interest are WOMEN IN LITERATURE, FEMINISM and SEX ROLES.
Studies on Women Abstracts. Library has V. 1, 1983+ . Available online. [REF Index HQ 1180 S78X] Bimonthly. Abstracts of articles and books in English. Major focus is on the social sciences. Author and subject indexes provide access to the articles.
Women's Studies Index. Library has V. 1, 1990+ . [REF Index HQ 1101 W68X] Indexes American journals of interest to women's studies.
Web-Based Databases: A significant number of indexes are available on the Web via the Libraries' Web Site. For example, Women Studies Abstracts is a print index but the same information is also indexed online through Women's Studies International(WSI). The same is true for PSYCINFO (Psychological Abstracts) and ERIC. Terminals that can be used to access the Internet are available to the public. Ask at the Reference Desk for further information about using them.
Click here to find, an extensive list of databases in Women's Studies
Click here to find, a selective or key list of electronic databases in Women's Studies
To find journal titles after searching the indexes, search ADVANCEWeb by the source or journal title listed in the citation.
Shelved in Government Publications (GP) Area. Arranged by U.S. Superintendent of Documents Classification number, with prefix J 85. Access to these materials is available through the following indexes and abstracting services. Ask at the Reference Desk for assistance in using them.
American Statistics Index. Library has 1974+. Also available online from 1973+. [GOVDOC Z 7554 U5 A46] Indexes statistical publications of the U.S. government including some 800 periodicals. Non-depository documents cited are available on microfiche in GP Microforms Area. Also in Dewey.
CIS/Index. Library has 1970+ Available online from 1970+ . [GOVDOC Z 1223 A25X] Abstracts U.S. Congressional committee publications. Includes subject, name and other supplementary indexes.
Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. Library has 1895+. Also available on CD-ROM and through Computer Search Services from 1976+ . [GOVDOC J 85 GP 3.8/6:] Entries arranged by Superintendent of Documents number, with author, title, subject, and other indexes. Serves as a catalog and indicator of shelf locations for materials in the GP Area.
Carter, Sarah. Women's Studies: A Guide to Information Sources. Mansell, 1990. [HQ 1206 Z999 C37 1990] A bibliography of international resources on women. Includes international government publications.
Searing, Susan E. Introduction to Library Research in Women's Studies. Westview Press, 1985. [HQ 1206 Z999 X43X 1985] Includes a section on using the library for research in women's studies and listings of bibliographic and other types of library resources. Arranged by discipline with author, title and subject indexes.
Ballou, Patricia K. Women: A Bibliography of Bibliographies. G.K. Hall, 1986. [REF HQ 1121 Z999 B34X 1986] An annotated listing of bibliographies and similar works issued between 1970 and 1985.
Loeb, Catherine R., Susan E. Searing and Esther F. Stineman. Women's Studies: A Recommended Core Bibliography, 1980-1985. Libraries Unlimited, 1987. [REF HQ 1180 Z999 L64X 1987] A continuation of Stineman (see below) through 1985.
Stineman, Esther F. Women's Studies: A Recommended Core Bibliography. Libraries Unlimited, 1979. [REF HQ 1180 Z999 S85X] An excellent starting place for research or background reading on almost any topic in women's studies. Lists almost 1,800 books in English of interest in women's studies.
Watson, G. Llewellyn. Feminism and Women's Issues: An Annotated Bibliography and Research Guide. Garland Publishing, 1990. [REF HQ 1206 Z999 W38 1990] Predominantly items from the 1960s and 1970s arranged by subject and subheading, includes journal articles and books.
We Shall Be Heard: An Index to Speeches by American Women, 1978 to 1985. Scarecrow, 1988. [REF PS 408 Z999 M36X 1990] Indexes proceedings, anthologies, government documents and periodicals. Arranged by subject, author, title, and list of books indexed.
Continuum Dictionary of Women's Biography. Continuum: Macmillian, 1989. [EXT REF CT 3202 C66 1989] Entries for 1,500 women of achievement include references to published biographies and autobiographies. Scope is international but women of North America and Western Europe predominate.
Jackson, Guida. Women Who Ruled. ABC-CLIO, 1990. [REF D 107 J33 1990] Biographical sketches of all women rulers since the beginning of history. Includes rulers of islands, empires and nations.
World Who's Who of Women. International Biographical Centre, 1973+. [CT 3202 W67X] Offers over 5,000 biographies of women living at the time of publication.
Tuttle, Lisa. Encyclopedia of Feminism. Longman, 1986. [REF HQ 1115 T87 1986B] Contains brief topical and biographical entries relating to feminism and a bibliography. International in scope.
Women's Studies Encyclopedia. Greenwood, 1989- . Library has Vol. 1-3. [REF HQ 1115 W645 1989] Information about women/s roles in various fields. Vol. 1 Views from the Sciences. Vol. 2 Literature, Arts and Learning. Vol. 3 History, Philosophy and Religion.
Index to International Statistics. Library has 1983+. [GOVDOC / REF HA 154 I53X] Abstracts of the statistical publications of international bodies. Arranged by organization with several indexes including subject, name, and category index. Search under relevant headings in the subject index and in the Index by categories under SEX.
Statistical Handbook on Women in America. Oryx Press, 1991. [REF HQ 1420 T34 1996] 437 charts and tables of statistics reproduced from Federal Government Documents. Statistics are provided in historical context where possible.
Statistical Record of Women Worldwide. Gale Research, 1991. [REF HQ 1150 S73 1991] Contains statistics on a variety of topics including religion, sexual preference women in public life, vital statistics and sports. Half of the data is on women in the US and half is international in scope.
Statistical Reference Index. [REF Index HA 195 Z999 S78X] Indexes statistical sources published by associations and states. The source materials are available at the Main Library in microfiche.
Tinling, Marion. Women Remembered: A Guide to Landmarks of Women's History in the United States. Greenwood Press, 1986. [REF E 159 T56 1986] Describes landmarks commemorating women who contributed to society, performed acts of heroism or participated in historic events. Arranged geographically with index of personal and organization names and classified listing of women.
Directory of Women's Media. Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press, 1972- .Annual. [REF P 94.5 W65 I53X] Combines an index to the bimonthly Media Report to Women with directories of individuals and women's media groups. An up-to-date source for names, addresses and telephone numbers. Library keeps latest 2 editions. Also in Dewey.
Directory of Women's Studies Programs & Library Resources. Oryx Press, 1990. [HQ 1181 U5 D57 1990] Lists courses offered, teaching faculty, library resources, etc., for 413 women's studies programs throughout the US. This volume is indexed by discipline, orientation, credentials, and institution.
The National Directory of College Athletics. [GV 561 N345X] Latest issue shelved in REF. The women's edition provides a summary of past years events and a list of college athletic directors and coaches.
Women's Information Directory. Gale Research, 1993- . Library retains latest 2 editions only. [REF HQ 1402 W85X] Lists associations, awards and honors, government agencies, scholarships, libraries, videos, directories, and newsletters dealing with women.
Brennan, Shawn and Julie Winklepleck. Resourceful Woman. Visible Ink, 1994. [REF HV 1443 B74X 1994] 15 Chapters arranged by broad topic which list information, associations, publications, consultants, government agencies, etc. which are useful to women.
Costello, Cynthia. The American Woman. NY: W. W. Norton, 1987- . [REF HQ 1421 A43X] The Institute publishes a volume every other year as part of a series of reports on the status of women in the U.S. This volume deals with women and health and contains a statistical portrait of women in the U.S.
Franck, Irene M . and David Brownstone. The Women's Desk Reference. Viking, 1993. [HQ 1236.5 U6 F73 1993] A dictionary type compilation of information about women and their issues.
Miller, Casey and Kate Swift. Handbook of Nonsexist Writing. Harper & Row, 1988. [REF PN 218 M5 1988] A collection of suggestions for nonsexist terminology with applied examples.
The New Quotable Woman. Facts on File, 1992. [REF PN 6081.5 N 49 1992] Also in Dewey. Arranged chronologically with name and subject indexes. Coverage is international; quotations are given in English.
W.I.S.H.: The International Handbook of Women's Studies. Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993. [HQ 1180 W57X 1993] An international listing of women=s studies courses and research centers.
A Women's Thesaurus: An Index of Language Used to Describe and Locate Information By and About Women. Harper & Row, 1987. [REF HQ 1180 Z999 W66X 1987] Lists 5,000+ terms for use as a controlled vocabulary of language relating primarily to women. Includes alphabetical, permuted, hierarchical, and subject group arrangements.
The Women's Review of Books.1984+ . Monthly. [PER Z 1035 A1 W54X] Reviews books with a feminist perspective. Each issue also includes an unannotated listing of books received.
Arts & Humanities Citation Index. [REF Index AI 3 A28X] Library has V. 1, 1977+. Available online as Arts and Humanities Search from 1980+. Annual. Lists citations to periodical articles and books in the arts and humanities. Includes source index, citation index, permuted subject word index and an index of organizations.
Humanities Index. [REF Index AI 3 H86X] (Formerly International Index, 1907-1916 and Social Sciences and Humanities Index, 1916-1974). Library has 1907+. Available via the University Libraries' Web Site as Humanities Abstracts, 1984+. Cites periodical articles, poems, short stories and other fiction. Film and book reviews indexed separately. Search under FEMINISM, GENDER, LESBIANISM, MOTHERS, SEX DISCRIMINATION, WOMEN and other headings of interest. Also in EXT.
For books on the representation of women in works of art, search the catalog under WOMEN IN ART. For information about women working in the arts search under WOMEN ARTISTS, WOMEN SCULPTORS, etc.
Art Bibliographies Modern. Library has V.1, 1969+.[REF Index N 1 Z999 A78] Available online from 1974+. Semi-annual. Focused on the 19th and 20th centuries. Abstracts articles, books, exhibit catalogs and theses. Arranged by broad subject area. Search under FEMINISM AND ART, WOMEN AND ART and under the names of individual artists.
Art Index. [Quarterly] Library has 1929+. [REF Index N 1 Z999 A79] Available via the University Libraries' Web Site as Art Abstracts, 1984+.Cites articles on all phases of art. Especially useful for locating information about individual women artists, reviews of their shows and reproductions of their works. Search under DISCRIMINATION, FEMINISM, FEMINIST ART and headings beginning with the word WOMEN.
RILA: Repertoire International de la Litterature de l'Art. Library has 1975+. Also available online from 1973+. [REF Index N 1 Z999 R15X] Abstracts works on post-classical European and post-Columbian American art. Arranged chronologically with author and subject index. Search under FEMINISM, WOMEN and other key terms.
Doumato, Lamia. Architecture and Women: A Bibliography Documenting Women Architects, Landscape Architects, Designers, Architectural Critics and Writers, and Women in Related Fields Working in the United States. Garland Pub, 1988. [NA 2543 W65 Z991 1988] A bibliography of books, articles, dissertations, exhibition catalogs, conference proceedings, archival material etc. on U.S. women architects, landscape architects, architectural critics and writers.
Langer, Cassandra L. Feminist Art Criticism: An Annotated Bibliography. G.K. Hall, 1993. [Z 5956 F44 L36 1993] Covering the last 100 years with an emphasis on English language publications. This bibliography focuses on feminist interpretations of visual arts. It is arranged by material type e.g. book, exhibition catalog, article, etc.
Petteys, Chris. Dictionary of Women Artists: An International Dictionary of Women Artists Born Before 1900. G.K. Hall, 1985. [REF N 43 P 47 1985] Lists brief biological data for over 21,000 artists. Includes an extensive bibliography of sources.
Watson-Jones, Virginia. Contemporary American Women Sculptors. Oryx, 1986. [REF NB 212 W37 1986] Illustrated listings arranged by author contain biographical data, selected exhibitions, public collections and short bibliographies. Includes geographical and media indexes.
Books on women in the performing arts can be found in the catalog under WOMEN COMPOSERS, WOMEN DANCERS, WOMEN AUTHORS, WOMEN IN THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY, ACTORS AND ACTRESSES, etc. For recent works with a feminist perspective or about feminism in the performing arts, search under FEMINISM AND MUSIC, FEMINISM AND MOTION PICTURES, FEMINIST THEATER. Works about the representation of women in the performing arts may be found under WOMEN--SONGS AND MUSIC, WOMEN IN MOTION PICTURES, WOMEN IN TELEVISION, WOMEN IN LITERATURE.
Film Literature Index. Library has V. 1, 1974+. Quarterly. [REF Index PN 1993 Z999 F55] Also in Dewey. Indexes periodical articles on film and, in a separate section, articles on television. Search under FEMINIST ANALYSIS OF FILM, FEMINIST MOVEMENT, headings beginning with WOMEN, the names of individuals and the titles for films or TV shows.
The Music Index. Library has V. 1, 1949+. Monthly. [REF Index ML 118 M84] Indexes journal articles, book reviews, reviews of performances. Search under WOMEN IN MUSIC and names of individuals or performing groups.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature. Library has 1976+. [REF Index ML 118 R19X] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1969+. Indexes books, articles, reviews, dissertations, catalogs and other materials in a classified subject arrangement. Search under WOMEN IN MUSIC or names of individual composers.
Bzowski, Frances Diodato. American Women Playwrights, 1900-1930: A Checklist. Greenwood Press, 1992. [PS 338 W6 Z991 1992] A check list of all types of drama including plays, pageants, musical comedies, operas, dialogues, etc. Each entry includes authors.
Cohen, Aaron I. International Encyclopedia of Women Composers. Books & Music USA, 1987. [REF ML 105 C7 1987] Entries include biographical data, a list of musical works and other publications by and about the composer.
Davis, Gwenn. Drama By Women to 1900: A Bibliography of American and British Writers. University of Toronto Press, 1992. [PS 147 Z999 D38 1992] Arranged by author, this bibliography provides the author's name, nationality, birth and death dates, pseudonyms, husband's name and a list of writings. Writings are listed with brief notes and dates of first production of plays. Also contains a chronology, subject index, and an index of adaptations or translations.
Grattan, Virginia L. American Women Songwriters: A Biographical Dictionary. Greenwood Press, 1993. [REF ML 106 U3 G73 1993] A biographical dictionary arranged by type of music. Each entry provides a brief biographical sketch and a list of sources.
Leder, Jan. Women in Jazz: A Discography of Instrumentalists, 1913-1968. Greenwood Press, 1985. [ML 156.4 J3 L44 1985] Contains listings by individual players and a collective section of recordings by two or more women players. Includes an index of names.
Women in Music: A Bio-bibliography. Scarecrow Press, 1993. [ML 105 H6] Each entry contains the woman's name, field of musical activity, place and date of birth, and sources for more information.
Women Writers: From Page to Screen. Garland Pub., 1990. [PN 1997.85 W58 1990] A bibliography of British and American feature films and television movies based on women's writings covering the years 1913-1988. Major literary figures and lesser known writers are included.
Search under WOMEN--LANGUAGE, LANGUAGE--SEX DIFFERENCES, AND SEXISM IN LANGUAGE for books on women and language. Additional material may be listed under SOCIOLINGUISTICS, and under phrases such as ENGLISH LANGUAGE--SEX DIFFERENCES or SPANISH LANGUAGE--SOCIAL ASPECTS.
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts: LLBA. Library has V. 1, 1967+. [REF Index P 105 Z999 L58] Also available online from 1973+. Uses a classified subject arrangement. Citations on women and language fall into the category "Sociolinguistics". Subject index is of little help identifying entries relevant to women's studies.
MLA International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures. Library has V. 1, 1921+. [REF Index PB 1 Z999 M53] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1963+. Volume III covers Linguistics. Entries arranged by topic and language group. Citations on women and language generally fall into "Sociolinguistics". Search the subject index under WOMEN'S SPEECH and WOMEN--LANGUAGE.
The Feminist Critique of Language: A Reader. Routledge, 1990. [P 120 S48 F46 1990] A collection of essays which are generally unavailable or difficult to find by women such as Virginia Woolf, Muriel R. Schulz, and Tillie Olsen, providing feminist views on the use of language.
The Women and Language Debate: A Sourcebook. Rutgers University Press, 1994. [P 120 W66 W63 1993] A collection of essays which provide a history of the study of language and gender. Also contains an overview of the issues of the debate and their history. Authors selected include Freud, Spivak, and Lacan.
Search under WOMEN IN LITERATURE for books about the depiction of women in literary works. Books about women writers may be found under WOMEN POETS, etc. For books about particular themes, try entries such as FEMINISM IN LITERATURE, MOTHERS IN LITERATURE, etc. FEMINISM AND LITERATURE is applied to works of criticism. Anthologies of works by women may be listed as WOMEN'S WRITING or WOMEN--LITERARY COLLECTIONS. Anthologies about women in a specific genre may be found under WOMEN--SHORT STORIES, etc. Books, critical studies and bibliographies about an individual author will be found under her name.
American Literary Scholarship. Library has 1963+. [REF PS 3 A47] Duke University Press. Anthology of bibliographic surveys of recent books and articles. Includes a section on "Women in Literature and Feminist Concerns".
MLA International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures. Library has V. 1, 1921+. [REF Index PB 1 Z999 M53] Also available via the University Libraries' web site, 1963+. Cites works in humanistic studies, languages, literature, linguistics, folklore, derivative languages and other communicative behavior. Since 1981, Volume IV has included sections on "Feminist Criticism" and "Feminist Literary Theory". Subject index contains many entries under WOMEN, WOMEN WRITERS, FEMINIST APPROACH and other key terms.
Afro-American Women Writers, 1746-1933: An Anthology and Critical Guide. G.K. Hall, 1988. [PS 508 N3 A36 1988] A bibliography of writers who published books or serialized novels. This volume is arranged by time period and each section contains introductory material, biographies of the writers, and samples of their writings.
Butler, Deborah A. American Women Writers on Vietnam: Unheard Voices: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. Garland Pub., 1990. [PS 228 V5 Z992 1990] Lists writings from 1957 to 1987 arranged by genre (novel, oral history, drama). This volume lists only written works not films.
Carter, Susanne. War and Peace Through Women's Eyes: A Selective Bibliography of Twentieth-Century American Women's Fiction Greenwood Press, 1992. [PS 374 W6 Z992 1992] Divided into five chapters: World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, Nuclear War, War and Peace. Each entry contains substantial annotations. The bibliography lists only writers from the U.S. or who have established residency in the U.S.
Davis, Gwenn. Personal Writings by Women to 1900: A Bibliography of American and British Writers. University of Oklahoma Press, 1989. [PN 471 Z999 D38 1989] The first volume in a planned series to make women's accounts of their own experiences accessible in one source. This volume covers autobiographies, letters, diaries, and travel literature.
French Women Writers: A Bio-bibliographical Source Book. Greenwood Press, 1991. [PQ 149 F73 1991] Arranged alphabetically this book provides a brief biography of 50 writers, a bibliography of their writings, and commentary on their writings. Also included is a section on women troubadours in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Gerry, Thomas M.F. Contemporary Canadian and U.S. Women of Letters: An Annotated Bibliography. Garland, 1993. [Z 1376 W65 G46 1993] A listing of publications by women who have written both poetry and/or fiction and literary criticism and/or theory.
Great Women Mystery Writers: Classic to Contemporary. Greenwood Press, 1994. [PR 830 D4 G74 1994] Biographical information on women mystery writers from classical to contemporary times including a bibliography of writings, a bibliography of criticism, a list of award winners, book sellers, and listservs.
Jackson, J.R. de J. Romantic Poetry By Women: A Bibliography, 1770-1835. Oxford University Press, 1993. [PR 508 W6 Z991 1993] A list of verse published by women whose primary language is English. Each entry list works by date of publication and is indexed by title, publisher, and author's name.
Jordan, Casper LeRoy. A Bibliographical Guide to African American Women Writers. Greenwood Press, 1993. [PS 153 N5 J677X 1993] Arranged by authors name, this volume lists African American women authors and their writing from the 1700s to 1991. Poetry, biography, memoirs, essays, short stories, and other genres are represented.
Nemec Ignashev, Diane. Women and Writing in Russia and the USSR: A Bibliography of English-Language Sources. Garland Pub., 1992. [PG 2997 Z999 N45 1992] This bibliography contains English language materials divided into three sections: Primary Sources, Biographical and Critical Sources, and Supplementary Sources.
Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth. Caribbean Women Novelists: An Annotated Critical Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1993. [REF PN 849 C32 Z991 1993] Alphabetical by Caribbean novelist with an index by islands, this volume list their works and an annotated list of criticism of those works.
Reardon, Joan. Poetry by American Women, 1975-1989: A Bibliography. Scarecrow Press, 1990. [PS 151 Z999 R43 1990] The 2,800 titles published between 1975-1989 comprise this supplementary volume to Poetry by American Woman 1979-1975.
Reardon, Joan and Kristine A. Thorsen. Poetry by American Woman 1900-1975: A Bibliography. Scarecrow Press, 1979. [PS 151 Z999 R43X] A bibliography of more than 5,500 women poets who published at least one volume of poetry between 1900-1975. The volume also includes a title index.
Werner, Craig Hansen. Black American Women Novelists: An Annotated Bibliography. Salem Press, 1989. [PS 153 N5 W43X 1989] This annotated bibliography also includes a A General Studies section which contains an annotated list of books and articles on the study of Black American women novelists. Includes writers from traditionally marginalized areas, i.e. science fiction and children's literature.
Women Writers of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Greenwood Press, 1989. [PT 167 Z999 W65X 1989] 185 German, Austrian, and Swiss writers from the 10th century to the present. This book is arranged alphabetically by author's name and contains a brief biography and an annotated list of writings.
Women Writers of Spain: An Annotated Bio-bibliographical Guide. Greenwood Press, 1986. [PQ 6055 Z999 W65X 1986] Covering 300 writers each entry provides a succinct biography and an annotated list of major works.
Women Writers of Spanish America : An Annotated Bio-bibliographical Guide. Greenwood Press, 1987. [PQ 7081 Z999 W64X 1987] Entries of predominantly 20th century writers include brief biographical information and listings of author's works, some of which are annotated. Listings of anthologies, translations and bilingual editions, authors born before 1900, authors by country and dramatists are also included.
Yellin, Jean Fagan. The Pen is Ours: A Listing of Writings by and about African-American Women before 1910 with Secondary Bibliography to the Present. Oxford University Press, 1991. [PS 153 N5 Y44 1991] Arranged by author's name. Each entry has a section for writings by the author and about the author.
Bell, Robert E. Women of Classical Mythology: A Biographical Dictionary. ABC-CLIO, 1991. [REF BL 715 B445 1991] 2,600 women from mythology including humans, gods, monsters and animals, also transsexuals and hermaphrodites. Includes a section "Men in their Lives".
A Dictionary of British and American Women Writers, 1660-1800. Rowman & Allanheld, 1985. [REF PR 113 D5 1985] Bio-critical essays relate what is known of the writer's life and career and list each writer's published works.
Dictionary of Russian Women Writers. Greenwood Press, 1994. [REF PG 2997 D53 1994] Arranged alphabetically by most frequently used name. Each entry contains a biographical sketch and list of writings. Also includes an introductory section on Russian women writers 1760-1992.
An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers. Garland Pub., 1991. [REF PN 481 E5 1991] An A-Z biographical list of continental writers from antiquity to post World War II. Each entry contains a bibliography.
Modern American Women Writers. Collier Macmillian Canada, 1991. [REF PS 151 M54 1991] Critical and bibliographical essays on 41 women who have written in the U.S. since 1870.
Robinson, Doris. Women Novelists, 1891-1920: An Index to Biographical and Autobiographical Sources. Garland, 1984. [PN 471 Z999 R62X 1984] Cites biographical background on over 1,500 authors of the period.
Romancieres Africaines d'expression Francaise: le sud du Sahara. Editions l'Harmattan, 1994. [PQ 3981 O76X 1994] A bio-bibliography of French speaking SubSaharan African women novelists who wrote during the latter half of the 20th century. Although grouped together as novelists these women actually wrote a variety of genres including poetry, essays, novels and children's literature.
The Bloomsbury Guide to Women's Literature. Prentice Hall General Reference, 1992. [REF PN 471 B57 1992] Covering the world and the centuries since earliest recorded women writers. The essay section looks at women writers in different eras and countries. The reference section provides an A-Z look at women and their writings.
The Oxford Companion to Women's Writing in the United States. Oxford University Press, 1995. [REF PS 147 O94 1995] A dictionary approach to individual women, their writings, genres, and criticism. Includes a time line of U.S. women's writings.
Index to Jewish Periodicals. Library has 1963+. [REF Index DS 101 I55X] Cites articles in English on Jewish history, Judaism, Israel, anti-Semitism, Jewish cultural and intellectual life worldwide. Search under WOMEN, SEX ROLE, MOTHERS and related topics.
The Philosopher's Index. Library has 1967 to date. Available online from 1940 to date. [REF Index B 72 Z999 P56X] Cites periodical articles and book reviews in philosophy. Selectively annotated and indexed by author and subject with separate section for book reviews. Search under FEMINISM, WOMAN, WOMEN, WOMEN'S LIBERATION, GENDER and other related headings.
Key Electronic Resources -- Women's Studies
Social Sciences Citation Index. Library has V. I, 1973+. Quarterly. [REF Index H 1 Z999 563X] Lists citations to books and periodicals in the social sciences. Includes source index, citation index, permuted term index and an index of organizations. Also in Dewey. Please consult Reference for online access to this resource.
Social Sciences Index. Library has V. 1, 1974+. [REF Index AI 3 S63X] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site as Social Sciences Abstracts. Indexes major English language periodicals in all areas of the social sciences. Author and subject entries in one alphabetic sequence, with a section for book reviews in the back of every issue. Search under FEMINISM, GENDER, LESBIANS, SEX DISCRIMINATION, WOMEN and related terms. Also in Dewey.
General Indexes/Databases for Women's Studies
Key Electronic Resources -- Women's Studies
Abstracts in Anthropology. Library has V. 1, 1970+. [REF Index GN 1 A15] Abstracts are arranged by broad category. Search under FEMALE, FEMINISM, SEX ROLE, WOMEN and related headings in the subject index. Also includes author index.
Anthropological Literature. Library has V. 1, 1979+. [REF Index GN 25 Z999 A57X] Vol. 5, 1984+ on microfiche; located in Reference Microforms Area. Also available on CD-ROM in the University Library. Articles are arranged by broad subject and indexed by archaeological site, ethnic and linguistic group and geographic area. Search under FEMINISM, MATRIARCHY, MOTHERS, SEX ROLE, WOMEN and other key topics.
International Bibliography of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Library has V. 1, 1955+. Annual. [REF Index GN 1 Z999 I58] Arranged by topic and then subdivided by geographic area. Subject indexes provide many references to women.
DeCaro, Francis A. Women and Folklore: A Bibliographic Survey. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1983. [GR 470 Z999 D53X 1983] Contains an "Essay Guide" highlighting topics such as female folk heroes, women's speech, sexual folklore and material culture which is keyed to an alphabetical listing of 1,664 publications.
Materials on women's situations in specific countries can be found under WOMEN followed by the name of the place, e.g. WOMEN-TURKEY. Books with special themes will be described more specifically, such as WOMEN-EMPLOYMENT-BOLIVIA or WOMEN IN EDUCATION.
The American Bibliography of Russian and East European Studies. Library has 1969+. [REF Index DJK 1 A65X] Annual listing of material, mostly in English. Includes separate listing of book reviews. Arranged by broad subject categories. Look for WOMEN, FEMINISM and other terms under the heading SOCIOLOGY. Published about three years late.
Bibliography of Asian Studies. Library has 1969+. [REF Index DS 503 Z999 B53] Cites Western-language works, arranged by area or country and then sub-arranged by topic. See the section "Women" under "Anthropology and Sociology." Published from 2 to 5 years late.
British Humanities Index. Library has 1962+. [REF Index AI 3 B7] Indexes popular and scholarly periodicals published in England in the humanities and social sciences. Subject headings are quite specific, e.g. WOMEN AND HUSBANDS' CAREERS; WOMEN ATHLETES, WOMEN IN BRASS BANDS; WOMEN RUGBY FOOTBALL PLAYERS.
A Current Bibliography on African Affairs. Library has V. 1, 1968+. [REF Index DT 3 Z999 C87] Topical headings vary slightly from issue to issue, but WOMEN is usually present. Most entries have brief annotations.
Handbook of Latin American Studies ... A Selective Guide to the Material Published ... On Anthropology, Archives, Art, Economics, Education, Folklore, Geography, Government, History, International Relations, Labor and Social Welfare, Language and Literature, Law, Libraries, Music, and Philosophy. Library has 1969+. [REF Index Z 1605 H23] Also available via the University Libraries Web Site, 1935+. Annual volumes alternate coverage of the social sciences and the humanities. Arranged largely by discipline. Subject index is helpful in identifying references about women.
HAPI, Hispanic American Periodicals Index. Library has 1978+. [REF Index F 1408 Z999 H25x] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1970+. Indexes journals which treat the people of Latin America or of Latin American heritage in the United States. Search under terms such as SEX ROLES or MEXICAN AMERICAN WOMEN or WOMEN sub-divided by country or by topic. Published three years after year covered.
International African Bibliography. Library has 1975+. [REF Index Z 3501 I58X] Covers all of Africa except Egypt. Entries are arranged geographically. Subject index includes WOMEN in Social Sciences section. Subject tracings printed in bold type after each entry.
Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur aus allen Gebieten des Wissens. Library has 1966+. [REF Index AI 9 I5] Good coverage of European journals. Subject index lists entries under German form of term with cross references from English and French form; e.g. under WOMAN and FEMME, user is referred to FRAU.
Acosta-Belen, Edna. Albany PR-WOMENET Database: An Interdisciplinary Annotated Bibliography on Puerto Rican Women. Center for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1991. [HQ 1522 Z999 A36 1991] Descriptive annotations are arranged by author and subject with annotation under author entry. Includes a keyword index. Lists books and articles from 1970-1980.
Anant, Suchitra. Women at Work in India: A Bibliography. Sage Publications, 1986. [HD 6189 Z999 A53 1986] Entries, some annotated, are arranged by broad subject category. Includes author, subject and geographical index.
Brady, Anna. Women in Ireland: An Annotated Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1988. [HQ 1600.3 Z999 B7 1988] 2,312 annotated entries arranged by broad topic with author and title indexes. Includes articles, books, dissertations and theses on subjects covering the early Celtic period to the present.
Ghorayshi, Parvin. Women and Work in Developing Countries: An Annotated Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1994. [HD 6223 Z999 G46 1994] Annotated listing of books, articles, reports, dissertations, videos and film. Arranged by region with author, country and region and subject indexes. Covers the 1980s and early 1990s. Also contains addresses of women's organizations and research centers, arranged by region.
Huber, Kristina R. Women in Japanese Society: An Annotated Bibliography or Selected English Language Materials. Greenwood Press, 1992. [HQ 1762 Z999 H83X 1992] Provides comprehensive coverage of 19th and 20th century materials in English on all aspects of the lives of Japanese women through 1990. Also includes a chapter on non-Japanese women in Japan. Covers books, journal articles, published conference proceedings. Annotated entries are arranged by broad topic with author, title and subject indexes.
Ruthchild, Rochelle Goldberg. Women in Russia and the Soviet Union: An Annotated Bibliography. G.K. Hall, 1993. [HQ 1662 Z999 R9 1993] Annotated entries are arranged by time period covered with author, title and subject indexes. Includes separate sections on biography and autobiography and literary works and criticism. Lists primarily books, articles and dissertations from 1960s-1980s.
Stoner, K. Lynn. Latinas of the Americas: A Source Book. Garland Pub., 1989. [HQ 1460.5 Z999 S76X 1989] Unannotated bibliography and bibliographic essays by eminent scholars bibliographies on women in Spanish America. Arranged by broad subject with author, country and subject index. Includes works in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and other languages. Most of the works included were published between 1977 and 1986.
Townsend, Janet G. Women in Developing Countries: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography for Development Organizations. Institute of Development Studies, 1988. [OVER (*) HQ 1870.9 Z999 T68X 1988] Annotated entries are arranged by country with subject and author indexes. Includes 524 entries for books, articles and book chapters, mostly from the 1980s.
Women in the Third World: A Historical Bibliography. ABC-Clio Information Services, 1986. [HQ 1870.9 Z999 B97X 1986] Contains 600 abstracts and citations to articles "relevant to women in countries traditionally considered Third World". Arranged geographically with subject and author indexes.
The Europa Biographical Dictionary of British Women: Over 1000 Notable Women from Britain=s Past.. Europa Publications, 1983. [REF CT 3320 E87X 1983] Covers women from the earliest times of the British Isles to the 20th century. Most entries cite, further references.
Notable American Women, 1607-1950: A Biographical Dictionary. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971. [EXT Ref CT 3260 N57] Profiles American women of distinction from 1607-1950. Includes short bibliography of primary and secondary sources.
Notable American Women: The Modern Period: A Biographical Dictionary. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1980. [REF CT 3260 N573] A continuation covering women who died from 1951-1975. Includes short bibliographies of primary and secondary sources.
The European Women's Almanac. Columbia University Press, 1992. [REF HQ 1587 S69 1992] Includes statistics and commentaries on the socio-economic position of women in Europe. Arranged by country.
Index of Economic Articles in Journals and Collective Volumes. Library has V. 1, 1886/l925+. [REF Index HB 1 Z999 A35] Also available through Computer Search Services(CSS) from 1969+. English language articles listed in a classified arrangement and by author. Use the "Topical Guide to Classification System" to determine which categories contain articles about women.
International Bibliography of Economics. Library has l955+. [REF Index HB 30 Z999 I58] Entries arranged in classified topical outline. WOMEN appears as a sub-section of the "Labor Problems" category in the division of "Organization of Production". Subject index also contains references to WOMEN.
Journal of Economic Literature. Library has 1963+. [PER HB 1 J65X] Articles indexed in EconLit via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1969+. Contains extensive abstracts. Use classified arrangement to determine which categories contain articles about women.
Search under WOMEN -- HISTORY for general works on the history of women. More narrowly focused headings include WOMEN -- FRANCE -- HISTORY, WOMEN -- EMPLOYMENT -- HISTORY, and AFRO-AMERICAN WOMEN -- HISTORY.
America: History and Life. Library has V. 1, l964+. [REF Index E 11 Z999 A44] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1982+. Classified abstracts on American and Canadian history. Approach women's studies topics through subject index. Includes index to book reviews and unannotated list of books, articles and dissertations. Abstracts from 1964-1977 reproduced in Women in American History (REF HQ Z999 H37X).
Historical Abstracts. Library has V. 1, 1926+. [REF Index D 299 H5] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1982+. Covers world history from 1775-1945 in two parts: "Modern History Abstracts" and "Twentieth Century Abstracts". Women's history usually subsumed under "Social and Cultural History" in each part. Each part includes subject index. Abstracts provided only for articles; books and dissertations are just cited.
Writings on American History. Library has 1902+. [REF Z 1236 L331] Classified listing of works in various languages. Since 1936, coverage limited to the U.S. Recent volumes include separate section on women's history under the larger category of social history. Includes author, title and subject indexes.
Conway, Jill K. The Female Experience in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century America: A Guide to the Study of the History of American Women. New York: Garland Pub., 1982. [HQ 1410 Z999 C65X] Short bibliographic essays on aspects of American women's history, followed by listings of primary and secondary sources.
Frey, Linda, Marsha Frey, and Joanne Schneider. Women in Western European History. Supplement: A Select Chronological, Geographical, and Topical Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1987. Library has V. 1. [REF HQ 1587 Z999 F74X SUP]
Lists unannotated secondary sources in a complex outline based chronologically and then geographically. Includes subject, author and name indexes.
Goodwater, Leanna. Women in Antiquity: An Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1975. [Z 7961 G66] Lists classical studies and modern sources on the position of Greek and Roman women from the earliest records to 476 A.D. Works in English covered extensively; in other languages, selectively.
Hinding, Andrea. Women's History Sources: A Guide to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States. Bowker, 1979. [REF HQ 1410 Z999 W64X] Describes over 18,000 collections in the U.S. Includes dictionary index of personal and corporate names, subject entries and entries under states and countries.
Kanner, Barbara. Women in English Social History, 1800-1914. Garland Pub., 1987-1990. Library has V. 2-3. [REF HQ 1593 Z999 K36 1987] Includes annotated entries arranged by topics within broad subjects with author indexes. Vol. 3 includes autobiographical writings arranged alphabetically by author with a subject index.
Soltow, Martha Jane. American Women and the Labor Movement, 1825-1974: An Annotated Bibliography. 2d. ed. Metuchen, NJ : Scarecrow Press, 1976. [HD 6079.2 U5 Z991 1976] Concentrates on the historical role of women in American labor unions. Includes an appendix listing U.S. archives concerned with women and labor.
Women in the West: A Guide to Manuscript Sources. Garland Pub., 1991. [HQ 1438 W45 Z991 1991] Lists materials from repositories in the western United States, covering 1610-1910. Provides general descriptions of the repositories and their holdings, noting multicultural materials and collections of special interest. Arranged alphabetically by city within each of the 20 states covered.
The Women of England: From Anglo-Saxon Times to the Present: Interpretive Bibliographical Essays. Archon Books, 1979. [HQ 1599 E5 W65] Includes bibliographic essays arranged chronologically, each followed by a bibliography on a specific period in English history. Covers primary and secondary sources.
Handbook of American Women's History. Garland Pub., 1990. [REF HQ 1410 H36 1990] Arranged alphabetically by topic. Entries include a concise definition of the historical significance of the topic and a brief bibliography. Includes entries for notable women and organizations and a comprehensive subject index.
General works are listed under MINORITY WOMEN. Works about women of specific ethnic groups are entered under terms such as AFRO-AMERICAN WOMEN, PUERTO RICAN WOMEN, INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA -- WOMEN AND WOMEN, JEWISH. WOMEN, BLACK refers to African women outside the U.S.
The Chicano Index. Chicano Studies Library, Publications Unit, University of California at Berkeley. Library has 1967+. [REF E 184 M5 Z993] Indexes the most important academic and popular Chicano periodicals. Search under CHICANOS, WOMEN-MEN RELATIONS, WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND WORKING WOMEN. Subject index is preceded by a thesaurus of terms and instructions for searching. Vols. covering 1967-1988 have title Chicano Periodicals Index.
HAPI, Hispanic American Periodicals Index. Library has 1975+. [REF Index F 1408 Z999 H25X] Covers Hispanics in the U.S. as well as in Latin America. See entry above in Area Studies for fuller information.
Index to Black Periodicals. Library has 1950+. [REF Index AI 3 O4] Indexes popular and academic African American journals. Articles are cited under author and subject. Uses Library of Congress subject headings.
The Kaiser Index to Black Resources, 1948-1986: From the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture of the New York Public Library. Brooklyn, NY: Carlson Pub.,Inc., 1992. [REF Index Z 1361 N39 K34 1992] 174,000 citations to books and journal articles from the Schomberg Center for Research in Black Culture of the New York Public Library are arranged alphabetically by subject.
Sage Race Relations Abstracts. Library has 1975+. [REF Index GN 320 R23XA] Includes the category "Women" in its classification scheme. Articles classed under other headings are cross-referenced.
Women of Color and Southern Women: A Bibliography of Social Science Research, 1975 to 1988. Center for Research on Women, Memphis State University, 1988. [HQ 1421 Z999 W65 1988] Unannotated listing of items from 1975-1988. Arranged geographically within broad subject areas with author and subject keyword indexes. Library has 1989 supplement.
Women, Race and Ethnicity: A Bibliography. University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian, 1991. [HQ 1161 W66X 1991] Annotated listing of 2,500 books, articles and non-print resources. Arranged by broad topic with subject index. Non-print resources are listed in a separate section. Covers 1960 through 1980s.
Black Women In America: An Historical Encyclopedia. Carlson Pub., 1993. [REF E 185.86 B542 1993] Includes entries for individuals and for general topics. Arranged alphabetically. Entries include bibliographic citations. Also includes a chronology, bibliography of basic resources, a classified list of biographical entries and a comprehensive subject index.
Native American Women: A Biographical Dictionary. Garland Pub., 1993. [REF E 98 W8 B38 1993] Short biographical essays arranged alphabetically by name with bibliographical references. Includes listings of names by primary area of specialization, decade and state/province of birth and by affiliation. Also includes a subject index.
Notable Hispanic American Women. Gale Research, 1993. [REF E 184 S75 N68 1993] Includes biographical entries arranged alphabetically by name with listings of names by occupation and ethnicity and a subject index. Some entries include bibliographical references.
Search under WOMEN IN POLITICS for materials about women's role in political life. For materials relating to women themselves, look under WOMEN LEGISLATORS, WOMEN REVOLUTIONARIES, POLITICIANS' WIVES, etc. Other types of terms of interest are WOMEN IN PUBLIC LIFE, WOMEN'S RIGHTS and WOMEN AND SOCIALISM.
ABC Pol Sci: Advance Bibliography of Contents: Political Science & Government. Library has V. 1, 1969. [REF Index JA 1 Z999 A23] Also in Dewey. Lists and indexes the contents of about 300 journals in political science, government, public policy and related disciplines. Relevant items are listed under the headings WOMEN.
International Bibliography of Political Science. Library has V. 1, 1952+. Also in Dewey. [REF Index JA 1 AI Z999 I58] Entries are listed topically and geographically. Approach subjects relevant to women's studies through the subject index.
International Political Science Abstracts. Library has 1951+. [REF Index JA 36 I5] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1989+. Also in Dewey. Abstracts written in either English or French. Arranged in broad subject categories. Search under WOMEN in subject index for entries and cross references to other relevant terms.
PAIS Bulletin. Library has V. 1, 1915+. [REF Index H 1 Z999 P83] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1972+. Also in Dewey. Indexes materials on public affairs and public policy. Includes English language books, pamphlets, government documents, articles and non-print materials. Search under WOMEN, EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK, WOMEN -- EMPLOYMENT FEMINISM, etc.
Buhle, Mari Jo. Women and the American Left: A Guide to Resources. G.K. Hall, 1983. [HQ 1420 Z999 B84X 1983] Arranged chronologically, this annotated guide covers the period from 1871-1981. Cites histories and general works, biographies and autobiographies, pamphlets, articles, fiction and poetry.
Feinberg, Renee. The Feminization of Poverty in the United States: A Selected Annotated Bibliography of the Issues, 1978-1989. Garland Pub., 1990. [HV 1445 Z999 F45X 1990] Selective annotated listing of books, articles, government documents and research papers arranged by topic with author and subject indexes. Each topic is introduced by an essay elaborating the issues as they relate to the topic.
Child Abuse, Child Welfare & Adoption. Available via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1965+. Offers citations and abstracts to books, journal articles, final reports from federally-funded grants, conference papers, unpublished papers, reports on completed or continuing research, as well as descriptions of service programs and prevention and treatment strategies.
Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography. Library has V. 1, 1927+. Also in Dewey. [REF Index HQ 750 A1 C47] Indexes and abstracts the journal literature on the health, psychology and education of children. Books are cited and annotated in a separate section. Arranged by category with a subject index. Search under GENDER or SEX.
Psychological Abstracts. Library has V. 1, 1928+. Dewey has V. 43, 1969+. [REF Index BF 1 P65] Available via the University Libraries' Web Site as PsycINFO, 1887+. Arranged topically with author and subject indexes. One topic of interest is "Psychosexual Behavior and Sex Roles". Subject heading for women is HUMAN FEMALES. Current year of the print index is in Reference, previous years are in the stacks.
Female Psychology: An Annotated Psychoanalytic Bibliography. Analytic Press, 1991. [SCIENCE RC 451.4 W6 F45 1991] Annotated listing of over 2,000 psychoanalytic books and articles and works from allied disciplines. Arranged by topic with author and subject indexes.
The broadest women's subject heading for sociology is WOMEN SOCIAL CONDITIONS. There are many narrower ones, such as WOMEN -- HEALTH AND HYGIENE, WOMEN PRISONERS, AGED WOMEN, WORKING CLASS WOMEN.
International Bibliography of Sociology. Library has 1952+. [REF Index HM 15 Z999 I58] Covers the world's literature in sociology. Author and subject indexes are provided in English and French. Search under WOMEN and related topics.
Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature. Library has V.I, 1960-64+. Also in Dewey. [REF Index HQ 728 Z999 A43] Formerly International Bibliography of Research in Marriage and the Family (1900-1972). Entries are found under subject, author and keyword-in-title.
Population Index. Library has 1935+. [REF Index HB 881 Z999 P67] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site as Popline, 1970+. Identifies studies of fertility, contraception, abortion, marriage and family life. Includes articles, bibliographic essays and a classified annotated list of relevant works. Geographic and author indexes.
Sage Family Studies Abstracts. Library has V.1, 1979+. [REF Index HQ 546 S23] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site via Ebsco, 1996+. Abstracts are arranged in categories with a subject index. Typical subject headings include WOMEN, MARRIED WOMEN, MOTHERING, BATTERED WOMEN AND WIDOWHOOD.
Social Work Research and Abstracts. V 1., 1965+. [EXT Index HV 1 N37XA] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site as Social Work Abstracts, 1977+. Includes reports of recent research and summaries of writings of interest to professional social workers. Abstracts grouped in categories with author and subject indexes. Relevant subject headings include SEXUAL EQUALITY, SEX ROLES, MOTHERS and WOMEN.
Sociological Abstracts. Library has V. 1, 1953+. [REF Index HM 1 S67] Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1974+. Also in Dewey from V. 15, 1967+. Abstracts journal articles in sociology and related fields. A supplementary section abstracts papers presented at conferences. Each section has its own author and subject indexes. Current year of the print index is in Reference, previous years are in the stacks.
Davis, Nanette J. Women and Deviance: Issues in Social Conflict and Change: An Annotated Bibliography. Garland Pub., 1984. [HQ 1420 Z999 D38X 1984] Cites over 500 works on various aspects of social deviance by women. Also covers forms of deviant behavior that affect women, such as pornography. Also includes general works on women's contemporary and historical roles.
McFeely, Mary Drake. Women's Work in Britain and America: From the Nineties to World War I: An Annotated Bibliography. G.K. Hall, 1982. [HD 6135 Z999 M34X] Annotated listing of books, pamphlets and articles published from the 1890s through the 1980s. Titles listed alphabetically by author with separate subject, author and title indexes.
Nordquist, Joan. Women and Aging: A Bibliography. Reference and Research Services, 1994. [HN 17.5 Z999 C53X No. 35] Includes listings for about 900 books, pamphlets, government documents, dissertations, book chapters and journal articles published from 1980-1994. Arranged alphabetically by author and format under broad subject areas.
ABI Inform. University Microfilms International. Available via the University Libraries' web site, 1986+. Contains citations with abstracts of articles from over 1,000 business and trade journals.
Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe. Available via the University Libraries' web site, dates covered varies. Databases for business, news, law, biography, medicine and reference.
Professional Women and Minorities: A Manpower Data Resource Service. [HD 6278 U5 V47] Latest issue shelved in Reference. Provides current and historical statistical data on women and minorities. Arranged by topics with a subject index and a bibliography of data sources.
Schneider, Dorothy. The ABC-CLIO Companion to Women in the Workplace. [REF HD 6095 S34 1993] ABC-CLIO, 1993. An encyclopedia on women in the workplace with entries for topics and for individuals. Includes a chronology from 1714-1993, a bibliography of sources and a subject index.
The Women's Business Resource Guide. [REF HD 6054.4 U6 W68X 1994] Library retains 2 latest issues. Covers resources that can assist women in starting, running and expanding their businesses. Includes information on training, technical assistance and counseling, information sources, selling to government, membership organizations and resource, program and agency listings.
Leavitt, Judith A. American Women Managers and Administrators: A Selective Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth Century Leaders in Business, Education, and Government. [EXT Ref HC 102.5 A2 L37 1985] Greenwood Press, 1985. Documents the lives of 226 successful women managers who were first in their fields. Includes biographical data and bibliographic references.
Current Index to Journals in Education: CIJE. [REF Index L 11 Z999 C87] Library has V. 1, 1969+. Also available as ERIC via the University Libraries' web site. Contains annotated citations for articles in education. Relevant subject headings include WOMEN'S EDUCATION, WOMEN'S ATHLETICS, FEMINISM, etc. Current year of the print index is in Reference, previous years are in the stacks.
Education Index. [REF Index L 11 Z999 E38] Library has V. 1, 1929+. Also available on CD-ROM. Indexes English-language journals on education. Some useful headings are WOMEN, BLACK WOMEN, SEX ROLE, WOMEN AS EDUCATORS.
Stott. Beverly A. Gender Equity in Education: An Annotated Bibliography. [LC 212.82 Z999 S75 1994] Southern Illinois University Press, 1994. Brief selective annotations for articles, books, curriculum guides, videos and classroom activities from the 1970s to the early 1990s arranged within broad topic by title. Includes subject index.
Touchton, Judith G. and Lynne Davis. Fact Book on Women in Higher Education. [REF LC 1756 T68 1991] American Council on Education, 1991. Includes statistical information arranged by topic with a guide to sources, a bibliography and a subject index.
Works on laws relating to women are found under WOMEN -- LEGAL STATUS, ETC. and SEX DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN -- LAW AND LEGISLATION. Headings for women in the legal professions include WOMEN LAWYERS, WOMEN JUDGES, etc.
Index to Legal Periodicals. [REF Index KF 8 I54X] Library has V. 1, 1925+. Dewey has V.10, 1952+. Also available via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1981+. Articles are indexed by author and subject. Headings of interest to women's studies include DISCRIMINATION: SEX, WOMEN, MARRIED WOMEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, ABORTION, and RAPE.
Legal Trac. [EXT Index KF 8 L54X] Available via the University Libraries' Web Site, 1980+. Indexes 800 legal publications. Coverage begins with 1980. Updated monthly.
Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe. Available via the University Libraries' Web Site, dates covered varies. Databases for law, news, business, biography, medicine, and reference.
DeCoste, F. C. Feminist Legal Literature: A Selective Annotated Bibliography. Garland Pub., 1991. [K 644 A12 D43 1991] Annotated listing of journal articles in English and in French from French Canadian publication, books and book review essays arranged by broad subject with author, journal and topical indexes. Includes over 800 entries from the 1980s.
Equal Rights Amendment Project. [KF 4758 A1 E6] The Equal Rights Amendment. Greenwood Press, 1976. Lists items from 1914-January 1976. Arranged by type of material with an author index and an index of organizations.
Feinberg, Renee. The Equal Rights Amendment: An Annotated bibliography of the Issues, 1976-1985. [KF 4758 AI F45 1986] Greenwood Press, 1986. A selectively annotated list of journal and newspaper articles, government documents and television broadcasts from 1976-1985. Arranged by broad subject with author and subject indexes.
Sellen, Betty-Carol. Feminists, Pornography and the Law: an Annotated Bibliography of Conflict, 1970-1986. [EXT HQ 471 Z999 S45X 1987] Library Professional Publications, 1987. Listings of books, journal and newspaper articles, nonprint and other materials from 1970 to 1986, arranged by format. Lists organizations concerned with issues of pornography and censorship, a chronology of newspaper articles and an index of authors and subjects.
Biographical Sources in Mathematics and Science
American Men and Women of Science: Physical and Biological Sciences. [SCIENCE Q 141 A47] Bowker, 1979+. Library has 1979+. Covers all the natural sciences. Entries, arranged by name, give brief biographical data on each scientist. Includes index by discipline.
Bailey, Martha J. American Women in Science: A biographical Dictionary. [SCIENCE Ref Q 141 B25 1994] ABC-CLIO, 1994. Focuses on women scientists from the 19th and early 20th century. Only women whose careers began before 1950 are included. Entries include biographical information and bibliographical references. Includes a name and subject index.
Herzenberg, Caroline L. Women Scientists from Antiquity to the Present: An Index: An International Reference Listing and Biographical Directory of Some Notable Women Scientists from Ancient to Modern Times. [SCIENCE Q 141 H475 1986] Locust Hill Press, 1986. Lists 2,500 women scientists by name, with birth and death dates, area of speciality and nationality and includes a bibliography of sources and a listing of scientists by discipline.
Siegel, Patricia Joan and Kay Thomas Finley. Women in the Scientific Search : An American Bio-bibliography, 1724-1979. [SCIENCE Ref Q 141 Z999 S54X 1985] Scarecrow Press, 1985. Provides biographical data on 251 women and an annotated bibliography of general biographies of women in science and an index of names and titles.
August 1996 Compiled by Judith Hudson and Catherine Dwyer
February 2000 Revised by Trudi Jacobson, 2001, 2003 Revised Electronic Database Sources, Deborah M. LaFond
Comments to