Survey for Visual Resources Professionals: Assessment of the Necessary Current and Future Core Competencies, Training Opportunities and Educational Alternatives.


               1. Gender :

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            2. Age group (please check one):
                                a. 22-30
                                b. 31-39
                                c. 40-48
                                d. 49-57
                                e. 58-66                        
                                f. 67+

             3.  Ethnic origin

            1. Degrees received/earned:

                                a. BA/BS/BFA  
                                                1. Year:       
                                                2. Institution:
                                b. MA/MS
                                                1. Year:       
                                                2. Institution:
                                c. MFA 
                                                1. Year:       
                                                2. Institution:

                                d. MBA 
                                                1. Year:       
                                                2. Institution:

                                  e. MLS/MSIS etc. 
                                                1. Year:       
                                                2. Institution:

                                f. PhD 
                                                1. Year:       
                                                2. Institution:

                                g. Other
                                                1. Year:       
                                                2. Institution:

                2. Fields of study:
                                a.  Bachelors:
                                b.  Masters:   
                                c.  Doctorate:


                1.  Title:        

                2.  Institution: 

                3.  Location:  

                4.  Years at present position:


                1.  Changes in position/title/job description:

                2.  Professional reasons for changes in employment status:

                3.  Did you have to acquire new education/professional training to qualify for the new position?
                                a. Yes     b. No

                4.  If yes, please explain what type of education/ training you acquired?

                5.  What new skills did you need to acquire?

                1.  Please specify your VR training besides degree program:  

                                a. Apprenticeships
                                                1. duration:
                                b. Conferences
                                                1.  number
                                c. Co-ops
                                                1. duration:
                                d. Credit course work in Library and Information Science
                                                1. duration:
                                e. Internships
                                                1. duration:
                                f. On-the-job training
                                                1. duration:
                                g. Self-taught
                                                1. duration:
                                h. Student assistant
                                                1. duration:
                                i. Summer Educational Institute VRA/ARLIS
                                                1. duration:
                                j. Workshops
                                                1. duration:
                                k. Other:        
                                                1. duration:
                2.  How do you expect to keep current?

                3.  Did specific opportunities for useful VR training exist of which you were not able to take advantage (location, cost, time, etc.)? Please detail

       Please check all that apply.

                1.  Computer:

                    a. Database Management/Development: Which software:
                       1. Oracle  2. MySQL  3.  4.   5. Others (please list )

                            i. Database development,                              1. Literate  or  2. Advanced
                           ii. Database management,                               1. Literate  or  2. Advanced
                           b. Desktop publishing,                                    1. Literate  or  2. Advanced                            
                           c. Digital imaging,                                           1. Literate  or  2. Advanced                     
                           d. Hardware installation ,                                1. Literate  or  2. Advanced          
                           e. Data & software migration,                         1. Literate  or  2. Advanced 
                            f. Digital preservation,                                    1. Literate  or  2. Advanced                            
                           g. Network management/administration,          1. Literate  or  2. Advanced               
                           h. Integrated library system use. Which software:   
                                1. Ex-Libris  2. Sirsi  3. III  4. DRA  5. Others(please list:   )                                                                                                                              1. Literate  or  2. Advanced

�������������������������� i. Presentation Tools:
                               1. MDID 2. Luna's Insight  3. Power point 4. Portfolio 5. WebCT  6. Others (Please list )                                                                                                    1. Literate or b. Advanced

                            j. Data asset management software:
                               1. CONTENTdm 2. Digitool  3. Dspace  4. Embark   5. Others(Please list: )                                                
                                                                                                    1. Literate  or 2. Advanced

                          k. Server management,                                 1. Literate  or 2. Advanced                             
                           l. Website development,                              1. Literate  or 2. Advanced                       
                         m. Website management,                               1. Literate  or 2. Advanced                        

                2.  Digital Photography:
                                a. None                          
                                b. Minimal
                                c. Average                      
                                d. Extensive

                3.  Copy Photography:
                                a. None                          
                                b. Minimal
                                c. Average                      
                                d. Extensive

                4.  Language skills:  (reading and writing), please list

                5.  What additional advanced technological skills have you been required to learn in the last few years?:
                                a. 1-3  years

                                b. 4-6 years 

                6.  What skills do you expect to acquire within the next 3 years?:

                7.  Do you perceive of a need for different skill levels within the profession?

                8.  How do you expect to keep current in their training?

II. Views on recruitement competencies and training of VR professionals:
                1.  How do you recruit entry level VR personnel?

                2.  What level of expertise do you expect entry level VR people to have?

                3.  In what specific areas do you require education?

                4. In what specific areas do you require experience?

                5.  What skills do you find entry level professionals lack?Please list the areas.
                                a. b. c.

                               d. e. f.

                               g. h.

                6.  Where do you expect them to acquire further education and experience (on the job, internships, workshops,etc)?

                7.  How do you provide development training in the weaker areas?


                1. Please rank each of the following on a 1 to 10 scale, with 10 being the most important, based on their importance to the education of VR Professionals:

                                a. Data asset management
                                b. Art & architectural History
                                c. Photography
                                d. Cataloging & Metadata
                                e. Web design / html
                                 f. XML
                                g. Course delivery systems (WebCT – Portfilio – Blackboard, etc)
                                h. Database design & maintenance
                                 i. Copyright & intellectual property
                                 j. Image processing
                                k. Digital imaging
                                 l. Visual literacy & communication
                               m. Human resources management
                                n. Classification
                                o. Vocabulary management (AAT- LCSH)
                                p. Other, please specify 1.

                2. What basic coursework do you think is necessary for professionals now and in the future?
                                a.  Entry level:

                                b.  Middle level:

                                c.  Senior level:

                3.  Do existing Library & Information Science (LIS) programs adequately prepare graduates to work in the visual resources environment as VR                  professionals? Please explain:

                4.  Do you think that VR professionals are coming into the field with the actual skills needed to be a VR professional?  If not, please list specifics:

                5.  What in your opinion are the most indispensable core list of skills for a VR professional?
                                a.  Entry level :

                                b.  Middle level:

                                c.  Senior level:

               6.  What in your opinion are the other useful required skills for a VR professional?
                                a.  Entry level:

                                b.  Middle level:

                                c.  Senior level:

                7.  What in your opinion are the other relevant supporting knowledge areas for a VR professional?
                                 a.  Entry level:

                                b.  Middle level:

                                c.  Senior level:

                8. In what directions do you see the profession moving over the next 4 years?             

      IN THE 21st CENTURY

                              1. What are the basic core competencies, various skill sets and relevant supporting knowledge areas you expect to be required in the future VR work environment? Please explain:

  2. Into what new work environments do you expect VR Professionals might move in the 21st Century? PleaseExplain: