1968 - 1987
compiled by
Michael Knee
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
If your research benefited from the use of this bibliography, I would appreciate the following acknowledgement in your paper: "This research has made use of Wolves: A Bibliography and Guide to the Literature by Michael Knee <https://www.albany.edu/~knee/wolf.hmtl>, which is hosted by the University at Albany, SUNY."
This bibliography provides comprehensive, worldwide coverage of the scientific literature about wolves for the years 1968 through 1987. For more details about the scope, coverage, arrangement, and method of compilation, please see the Introduction. This bibliography was compiled in 1988 and made available on the Web in 1995. Please send me any errors, corrections, or problems.Michael Knee
For more recent citations see:
Table of Contents
China Egypt India Iran Israel Kashmir and Jammu Lebanon Mongolia Nepal Oman Pakistan Saudi Arabia
3. Canada
Alberta British Columbia Manitoba Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Ontario Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Territory
4. Europe
5. Greenland
8. Anatomy and Morphology
9. Genetics, Biochemistry, and Physiology
10. Growth and Development/Care and Rearing of Young
11. Evolution, Paleozoology, and Taxonomy
12. Diseases, Parasites, Public Health, and Toxicology
13. Field Methods and Apparatus
14. Social Behavior and Intelligence
15. Communication, Vocalization, and Scent Marking
16. Reproduction, Breeding, and Hybridism
17. Density, Movement, Habitat, and Territory
18. Predation, Food and Feeding Habits, Nutrition Studies
19. Interspecies Relationships
21. Management, Ecology, Control, Protection, and Reintroduction