Lee S. Bickmore
Department of Anthropology
Program in Linguistics and Cognitive Science
Email address: L.bickmore@albany.edu
Snail mail:
Dept. of Anthropology, AS237
University at Albany
Albany, NY 12222
Fieldwork in Zambia, summer 2003
Victoria Falls, summer 2003
Click here to go to my "Languages of Zambia"
Primary Research Interests: African languages (Bantu),
phonology, tone
Selected Publications:
Bickmore, L. (2007) Cilungu Phonology, Stanford, Center for the Study of Language and Communication.
Bickmore, L (2007) "Stem Tone Melodies in Cilungu" in Proceedings of the SOAS Conference on Bantu Grammar. SOAS Working Papers, London.
Bickmore, L (2007) "High-toned Mora Insertion Between Onsetless Morphemes in Cilungu" in Selected Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, D. Payne (ed.). Cascadilla Press, Somerville, MA.
Bickmore, L. (2004) "H-Tone Lowering in Chilungu: Phonological or Phonetic?" in Linguistic Typology and Representation of African Languages, J. Mugane (ed.). Trenton: Africa World Press, 93-101.
Bickmore, L. (2003) "The
use of feet to account for binary tone spreading," in Frankfurter
Afrikanistische Blatter
vol. 15, R. J. Anyanwu (ed.), Rudiger Koeppe Verlag, Koln.
Bickmore, L. (2000a) "Downstep and Fusion in Namwanga" Phonology 17.3, 297-333.
Bickmore, L. (2000b) "Tones
and Glides in Namwanga" in Advances in African Linguistics , V. Cardstens & F. Parkinson
(eds.), Africa World Press, Trenton, 135-149.
Bickmore, L. (1999) "High Tone Spread in Ekegusii Revisited: An Optimality
Theoretic Account" Lingua 109,
Bickmore, L. (1998) "Metathesis and Dahl's Law in Ekegusii", Studies
in the Linguistic Sciences 28:2, 149-168.
Bickmore, L. and G.A. Broadwell (1998) "High tone docking in Sierra
Juarez Zapotec" IJAL 64:1.
Bickmore, L. (1997) "Problems in constraining High tone spread in
Ekegusii" Lingua 102:4, 265-290.
Bickmore, L and M. Doyle (1995) "Lexical Extraprosodicity in
Chilungu" Studies in African Linguistics 24:2, 85-122.
Bickmore, L. (1995) "Refining and formalizing the Tahitian stress
placement algorithm" Oceanic Linguistics 34:2, 410-442.
Bickmore, L. (1995) "Tone and stress in Lamba" Phonology 12:3, 307-342.
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