In the 1977 Bricks and Ivy, Charles Bowler referred to Milne as having
"...a high powered faculty teaching beautiful student teachers, experimenting
with methodology, still keeping their covenant by turning out educated students....
The alumni will keep Milne alive as, really, nothing can 'close' the campus school."
Let's each do our part to keep the memory of Milne alive.
Contact information:
Website Administrators:
Judy Koblintz Madnick
Randi Greenberg Barrell
Facebook Administrators:
Judy Koblintz Madnick
Janis Paul Jacobs
Google Groups Moderator (MilneSchoolAlumni and MilneSchoolObituaries):
Judy Koblintz Madnick
Here are two options:
1. Go to
and join (if you are not already a member) and search for the Milne School Alumni group or go directly to the Milne School Alumni group. See the September 2008 Newsletter for further information.
2. Join the Milne School Google Groups MilneSchoolAlumni and/or MilneSchoolObituaries and follow instructions or contact Judy Koblintz Madnick.
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for the sole purpose of increasing communication among alumni of the Milne School.
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