Alumni January Newsletter
January 15, 2009
by Judy Koblintz Madnick, '61
Milne Alumni homepage:
Milne Alumni and Supporters,
this issue:
* Hall of Fame: Dr. Theodore H. Fossieck
* Class of '59 50th Reunion!
* Missing Milne Alumni
Sad News
Thank you to Judy
Jenkins Young,
'56, for suggesting that I look for Dr. Fossieck's obituary to find
biographical information. The following is what I found in the Albany
Times Union archives. I have edited it slightly for punctuation
and grammar; rearranged some of the content so that it reads logically;
added some information not included in his obituary; and added paragraph
breaks for readability. I have included information that will probably
be as new to many of you as it was to me!! For that reason, and because
Dr. Fossieck was known to so many Milne alumni, his bio is longer than
H. Fossieck, 82 years of age, a retired principal of the former
Milne School in Albany and a State University Professor (Emeritus),
died on Saturday [October 19, 1996] in St. Peter's Hospice. A resident
of Eastmount Drive, he had lived on Hawthorne Avenue in Albany for
15 years and then at Bethlehem Terrace Apartments, Slingerlands.
Fossieck was born in Granite City, IL, where he attended the Community
High School. He received a bachelor of philosophy degree from Shurtleff
College in Alton, IL, in 1936. He was granted a master of arts degree
in education from Washington University, St. Louis, MO, in 1941; a second
master of arts degree in 1947; and a doctorate in education in 1949
from Teachers College, Columbia University.
Dr. Fossieck joined the faculty of the New York State College for Teachers
at Albany in 1947 as Director of Guidance for the campus school and
Assistant Professor of Education in guidance. The following year he
became Principal of the Milne School and remained in that position until
retiring as Professor of Education (Emeritus) from the State University
of New York at Albany in 1972.
Professional activities included membership in the New York State Association
of Secondary School Principals, for which he was Chairman of District
#16 and also Chairman of the Association's College-High School Relations
Committee in the 1950s. A member of the National Association of Laboratory
School Principals for 20 years, he served on its Board of Directors
and as Chairman of its Constitution Committee. He was a member of the
National Society for the Study of Education, the National Education
Association, and the New York State Teachers Association. Since its
inception in 1949, he was a member of the Jenkins Memorial Scholarship
Committee of the New York State Congress of Parents and Teachers.
After his retirement, Dr. Fossieck continued an active association with
the University. He served as Coordinator of the School of Education
Retirees at [what is now called] the University at Albany. In 1994 the
Alumni Association named him its "Citizen of the University,"
and prior to that he became a member of the University's Heritage Circle
and President's Club. In 1994, the University further honored him by
naming the former library of the Milne School as the "Theodore
H. Fossieck Milne Alumni Room." Dr.
Fossieck established an annual scholarship to the University at Albany
for a student who is a descendent of a Milne School graduate or faculty
Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in Military Intelligence in the U.S.
Army Reserve in 1938, he retired as a full Colonel in 1968 and remained
active in the Reserve Officers Association and the Retired Officers
Association. His active duty in W.W. II included service as Post Public
Relations and Intelligence Officer at Fort Custer, MI, from 1941 to
1943 and as Assistant A.C. of S., G-2 and Counter Intelligence Corps
Detachment Commander for the XV Corps in the United States and Europe
from 1943 to 1945, during which time he received the Bronze Star and
four battle stars. Returning to the Reserves in 1945 as a Lt. Colonel,
Dr. Fossieck was active in the Reserves in Albany until 1968, when he
received the Army Commendation Medal on his transfer to the Inactive
Reserve. His assignments included staff positions with the U.S.A.R.
School in Schenectady and the 1189th Logistical Command in Albany, which
he commanded at the time of his retirement, as well as staff and faculty
positions in the 1st United States Army Area Intelligence School. His
military education included the Counter Intelligence Corps Schools in
Chicago, IL, and Fort Holabird, MD; 1st Military Government School at
Fort Gordon, GA; and the command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth,
Dr. Fossieck's interest in Colonial America led him to the New York
State Archives, where he had been indexing its Revolutionary War Manuscripts
collection. In addition to being a member of several local historical
associations, he served on the Boards of the Friends of Schuyler Mansion
and the Albany County Historical Association; was a member of the Albany
Institute of History and Art, the New York State Historical Association,
and the National Society for Historic Preservation; was a founding member
of the Mohawk-Hudson Community Foundation; and was associated with the
Capital City Rescue Mission, the Torch Club of Albany, and the "Second
Milers" Club of Delmar. Dr. Fossieck established the "Janice
Dorr Fossieck and Theodore H. Fossieck" endowment to provide annual
lecture and library materials in the field of American Colonial History.
A member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Dr. Fossieck served two terms
on its Vestry.
Dr. Fossieck was the husband of the late Janice Dorr Fossieck, who died
in 1985.
The Class of '59 is having a Destination Reunion in New Bern, North
Carolina, for their 50th, which will start on May 1, 2009. Many classmates
have decided to stay beyond the weekend. A lot of correspondence has
gone back and forth, which Faith Meyer Sandles reports has been a lot
of fun!
The Class of 1959 is planning its 50th reunion and is very anxious to
find three missing classmates:
Susan Catherine AUSTIN Colby
Mary Hale MATTICE Jenson
Barbara Ann SAGER Rogers
have received word that Walter SIMMONS attended and/or graduated
from Milne in the late 1930s or early 1940s. If anyone has information
regarding his class year, please advise.
In addition,
we occasionally see obituaries indicating that the deceased either attended
or graduated from Milne but are unable to determine his or her class
year. If you have information regarding the following, please let us
Shirley Jackofsky, 92, died October 5, 2007
Ruth O. Osterhout, 92, died July 10, 2007
Arlene Dwyer Kirwin, 97, died April 10, 2007
Herrington, 90, died November 19, 2008
The following Milne alumni, attendees, or family members passed away
recently. Please note that I rely upon the Albany Times Union
and input from other alumni for this information, so if you become aware
of someone who has passed away, please let me know. If a name is underlined,
it represents a link to the obituary. The Times Union links are
available free for 30 days after the initial posting. Other newspapers
may have different timetables.
Ford, mother of Dr. Jockular Ford, '67, passed away on Saturday,
December 20, 2008 -
Times Union.
D. Laven, mother of Barbara Laven, '76, passed away on Saturday,
December 20, 2008 -
Times Union.
H. Powell, mother of Susan Powell Van Buren, '57, passed away on
Saturday, January 3, 2009 - Times
P. Kermani, mother of David
Kermani, '64, and Karyl Kermani Bisson, '66, passed away on Thursday,
January 8, 2009 -
Times Union.
S. Axelrod, mother of Rosemary Axelrod, a member of the Class of
'63, and Jon P. Axelrod, '61, passed away on Friday, January 9, 2009 -
Thanks to all of you for your interest in Milne Alumni
Judy (Koblintz) Madnick, '61
For contact
information, see the Milne Alumni homepage:
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