Ricardo L. Nirenberg

E-mail  R.Nirenberg@albany.edu 

Born 1939 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Bachiller 1957, Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires.
Licenciado en Matemáticas 1960, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Ph.D. in Mathematics 1966, New York University.

Taught at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, the Balseiro Institute (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina), Brandeis University, the University of Wisconsin Madison, the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, and from 1971 until his retirement in 1998, at The University at Albany.

Lectured at the universities of Rome, Florence, L'Aquila and Camerino, UC Berkeley, Notre Dame, Brown, Columbia, the University of Kentucky, the Université de Montreal, and at the German universities of Freiburg and Augsburg.

On Pseudo-quasiconformality in Several Complex Variables (Thesis, New York University). Twelve papers and articles, in journals including Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina, Transactions of the American Mathematics Society, Bulletin of the American Mathematics Society, Mathematische Annalen, and others.

Nirenberg's interdisciplinary lectures for Project Renaissance were given at UAlbany in the 1996-97 academic year.

Since 1998, Nirenberg is the editor of Offcourse, a literary journal. Many of his essays, book reviews, stories and translations appear there.


Recent work: