Ricardo L. Nirenberg
E-mail R.Nirenberg@albany.edu
Born 1939 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Bachiller 1957, Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires.
Licenciado en Matemáticas 1960, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Ph.D. in Mathematics 1966, New York University.
Taught at the Universidad Nacional
de Buenos Aires, the Balseiro Institute (Universidad Nacional
de Cuyo, Argentina), Brandeis University,
the University of Wisconsin Madison, the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa,
the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, and
from 1971 until
his retirement in 1998, at The University at Albany.
Lectured at the universities of Rome, Florence,
L'Aquila and Camerino, UC Berkeley,
Notre Dame, Brown,
Columbia, the University of Kentucky,
the Université de Montreal,
and at
the German universities of Freiburg and Augsburg.
On Pseudo-quasiconformality in Several Complex Variables (Thesis, New York University). Twelve
papers and articles, in journals including Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina,
Transactions of the American
Mathematics Society, Bulletin of the American Mathematics Society,
Mathematische Annalen, and others.
Nirenberg's interdisciplinary lectures for Project Renaissance were given at UAlbany in the 1996-97 academic year.
Since 1998, Nirenberg is the editor of Offcourse, a literary journal. Many of his essays, book reviews, stories and translations appear there.
Recent work:
- David Nirenberg and Ricardo L. Nirenberg, "Numbers and Humanity", Liberties Journal, Vol.2 #2
- David Nirenberg and Ricardo L. Nirenberg, "Uncountable: a Philosophical History of Number from Antiquity to the Present", October 2021, U. Chicago Press.
- "The Long Agony of the Humanities", Academia Letters Article 1234, June 2021
- "A Note to the History of Time", Academia Letters Article 486, April 2021.
- "Redressers Dressed Down", in PN Review #256, November/December 2020
- "Knowledge from Pebbles: What Can Be Counted and What Cannot," with David Nirenberg, in Know: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge, Vol.2 Number1, Spring 2018
- "Apariciones en el agua que se evapora", poems by Carlos Barbarito with translations by Ricardo Nirenberg, Cuadernos de Casa Bermeja (Argentina) and MAGO Editores (Chile), 2017
- The Pedestal Magazine, Issue #79, Fall 2016, "Daniel Y. Harris’s The Rapture of Eddy Daemon, Reviewed by Ricardo Nirenberg"
- The Pedestal Magazine, Issue #77, Fall 2015, "Daniel Y. Harris,
The Underworld of Lesser Degrees, NYQ Books, Reviewed by Ricardo Nirenberg"
- "Losers All", PN Review #224, Vol. 41 #6, 2015
- PER CONTRA Issue #31, "Frightful Symmetry", Spring 2014
- "The Sting and the Web", PN Review #208, 2012
- "Badiou's Number: A Critique of Mathematics as Ontology", Ricardo Nirenberg and David Nirenberg, Critical Inquiry, Summer 2011, Volume 37 Number 4
"Simone Weil: médiation et universalité", in
Orient lointain - proche Orient.
La présence d'Israël dans la littérature francophone,
Till R. Kuhnle, Carmen Oszi, Saskia S. Wiedner Eds.,
Éditions Lendemains, 2011. ISBN 978-3-8233-6516-7, p. 95-102
- "Three Elements in Shestov's and Fondane's Thought," Euresis, Cahiers Roumains d'Etudes Littéraires et Culturelles,
N0. 3-4, Automne-Hiver 2008, pp. 165-17
- "Wave Mechanics: a Love Story", a novel
about the physicist Erwin Schroedinger's mysterious Christmas escape
to Arosa in
1925. Blaurock Press December 2007
- "Cry Uncle", a novel, The Latino Press, 1998.
(Both novels are available
at Amazon.com and at Alibris.com.)
- "Metaphor: The Color of Being," in Contemporary Poetics, ed. Louis Armand, Northwestern University Press,
Evanston, ILL. 2007
- "Conte ou la Violence de L'Imaginaire", (in French), Cahiers Benjamin Fondane, N0.9, 2006, pp.83-92 (in French)
- "Gritando desde los márgenes (leyendo a Cioran)", Paradoxa, Revista de Filosofía, No.9, U.T. de Pereira, Colombia
- "2+2 = 5," (in French) in "The Tragic Discourse, Shestov's and Fondane's Existential Thought", ed. Ramona Fotiade,
Peter Lang, 2006, pp.47-53
- "Jorge Luis Borges si oaspetti veniti din Europa", Observator Cultural, Bucharest, Dec. 15 2005. (This is a
Rumanian translation
of "Jorge Luis Borges and the European Visitors", Offcourse Issue #27, July 2006)
- "The Sky over Louis Zukofsky and Some Others," Litteraria Pragensia 29, 2005, Vol. 15, pp. 64-77
- "Le Négatif chez Hegel et Fondane," (in French), Cahiers Benjamin Fondane, No.8, 2005, pp. 126-135
- "Le Baudelaire de Fondane," (in French), Seine et Danube, No.2, 2004, pp.71-91
- "Le Joujou Gnostique," (in French), in "Une Poétique du Gouffre," ed. Monique Jutrin & Gisèle Vanhesse,
Rubbettino, 2003, pp.129-135
- "Le Tout et le Néant: Fondane contre Heidegger", (in French), Cahiers Benjamin Fondane, No.6, 2003, pp.72-82
- "Entretien avec Cioran", (in French), Cahiers Benjamin Fondane, N0.6, 2003, pp.98-105
- "Fondane et Buenos Aires," (in French), in "Rencontres autour de Benjamin Fondane, Poète et Philosophe",
ed. Monique Jutrin,
Parole et Silence 2002, pp.159-164
Short stories in Stories (Boston); translations (from the French) of the poetry of Benjamin Fondane and
essays (including "Howling from the Margins [on Reading Cioran]," "Harold Bloom, American
" and "Against Professionalism")
in Exquisite Corpse