Lecture Outline

1. The Progressive Era.
2. The clergy; organized women; social scientists; journalists.
3. The election of 1912.

Important Information, Terms, and Names from this Lecture

"trust busting"
Anthracite Strike (1902)
Northern Securities Case (1904)
Pres. William Howard Taft
Social Gospel
Charles M. Sheldon, In His Steps (1896)
John Ryan, A Living Wage (1906)
Walter Rauschenbusch, Christianity and the Social Crisis (1907)
Christian Socialism
Gen'l Federation of Women's Clubs (1889)
child labor laws
Nat'l Consumers' League (1899)
Muller v. Oregon (1908)
Jane Addams
"settlement house"
Hull-House (1889)
American Economic Association (1885)
William James, Pragmatism (1907)
Russell Sage Foundation (1907)
Lincoln Steffans, The Shame of the Cities (1904)
Ida M. Tarbell, History of the Standard Oil Co. (1904)
Progressive (Bull Moose) Party

History 101 Syllabus