Web pages
Delivering the pieces�

Web pages

HTTP � HyperText Transfer Protocol
who else?� Tim Berners-Lee
when you type a URL or click on a hyperlink, such as http://www.somewhere.domain,
your PC uses the HTTP protocol to communicate with the Web server that has the pages you want to fetch

HTTP � HyperText Transfer Protocol
At the moment, this is the dominant protocol for PC-to-server communication on the Web, but browsers are fully capable of using other protocols, e.g.,
FTP � File Transfer Protocol
(file = .doc, .txt, .jpg, .wav, .htm, .html�)

HTML � HyperText Markup Language
This is TB-L�s great invention!
It tells your browser (IE, Netscape�) how to display the file that your PC retrieves (using HTTP) from the Web server.
It is a subset of SGML, Standardized General Markup Language�

A digression�
What is a �markup language�?
It is a metalanguage, a language for talking about languages
The simplest markup language is the set of standard proofreader�s marks

A digression�
The simplest markup language is the set of standard proofreader�s marks
�I wroteabout this painting beecause tranquility it shows.�
This tells you what you should have written.

HTML � HyperText Markup Language
HTML is analogous to the red pencil marks on a corrected paper or manuscript
It tells the browser how the author of the Web page wants it to appear inside the window � text, images, multimedia, everything (well, almost everything�)

HTML � HyperText Markup Language
A Web page is simply �text�
It is created by typing according to certain rules
It can be created in a simple text editor (like Windows� Notepad) or a word processor or with an HTML editor
The best:HTML Kit (chami.com)

HTML � HyperText Markup Language
Text � �Web pages� � that is organized according to HTML has a very simple structure and a small number of rules
structure = grammar (parts of speech)
rules = vocabulary (words)
Both of these � structure and rules � are specified with �tags.�

HTML � HyperText Markup Language
Structure � the parts of a Web page
opening declaration: <html>
This is a �tag,� and it says �Here there be HTML.�

HTML � HyperText Markup Language
Structure � the parts of a Web page
opening declaration: <html>
open first part:<head>
close first part: </head>
open second part:<body>
close second part:</body>
closing declaration:</html>

A file with these lines would create a Web page:
An empty page, of course, but still a Web page�

What else would we need?Two things�
<title>My Web page</title>
<meta> info about the page, e.g., keywords
stuff, content, text, images�

In addition to these four tags (and their closures) � <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body> � there are a few others that are essential and that provide the �rules�:
<a> � �anchor,� the hyperlink
<img> � image
Each of these contains and conveys additional information through �attributes� that are inside the tag�

<a> � �anchor,� the hyperlink
On the ISP100 course Web page, there is a link to the file containing the class schedule:
<a href=�s07schedule.htm">Class schedule</a>
href=�� is an attribute of the <a> tag
the info inside the �� is the URL of the linked Web page

<img> � image
This is the tag, and some of its possible attributes, that inserts the green arrow:
<img src="4logo6.gif" width="31" height="46" hspace="10" vspace="10" border="0" align="left">
These attributes control size, position, etc., of the image on the page.

In total, about 90 tags (and their attributes) exist to control aspects of Web page design:
<table>, <tr>,<td>
<b>, <i>
<br>, <p>
<applet>, <script>
These last two lead us to Tools�

An HTML file, e.g., s07schedule.htm:
always contains instructions to the browser for displaying the page
may contain two kinds of �programs�:
Java applets, e.g., the IP address application at the top of the ISP100 course Web page
Javascripts, e.g., �mouseover� effects or popups