Visual Studio Installation Instructions


1.                  Put Disk 1 into your CD tray. Setup should start immediately. If not, open the disk in Windows Explorer and double-click

2.                  You will now see the Setup dialog. If you get this message:

click on Visual Studio .NET Prerequisites to begin. Follow the instructions on the screen. You will be asked to insert the Prerequisites disk. The installer will add Microsoft FrontPage extensions and Visual J# to your configuration.

3.                  You are now ready to install Visual Studio. Click the link for the install:

Follow the instructions on the screen. If you were required to install the prerequisites, you will be asked to re-insert Disk 1.

4.                  The Setup Start Page will appear. You only have to agree to the terms of the EULA to get started�you can leave everything else as-is.

Click Continue to go on.

5.                  You will now see the Setup Options page:

KEEP THINGS SIMPLE and just click Install Now! You don�t need to change any of the options. The installer will crank away, performing mysterious tasks, for many minutes.

6.                  Install disk 2 when you are prompted to do so. Continue to Sit and Wait for a long time.

7.                  You are done installing Visual Studio so click Done. A new option appears on the Setup page:

Click Product Documentation to continue. You will be asked to insert the MSDN disk 1. Hit OK. Click Next on the setup wizard. Accept the terms of the license agreement and hit Next. Add your user info and click Next. Select Full for an installation type and hit Next. Click Next to keep the suggested destination folder and hit Next. Click Install. Go read War and Peace. Occasionally glance up to see if you need to put in a new disk.

8.                  At this point I strongly urge you to go to Windows Update to download the latest patches for your version of Windows. Not doing so may open you up for viruses that attack your newly-installed program.

Things That Might Go Wrong

The only thing I know of is the possibility that the MSDN library might refuse to install on your computer. If it does, fear not. You can get to the entire MSDN Library online. Much of the Visual Basic Reference can be found here. Have fun!