Installing Python and Sublime Text 2 on a Windows 7 or Mac OS X Computer

Python 2.7.x, the development language for this course, may already be installed in some form on your laptop. Likewise, you may already have Sublime Text 2. The instructions here are general guidelines for getting the packages onto your Windows PC or Mac OS X computer. You can also set both environments up for Linux but since I don�t have a Linux machine right now, you will have to work that out on your own.


Installing Python

On a Windows PC:

First, check to see if you already have Python. Open up a command window. On Windows 7, click the Start button and type cmd in the text box (for other versions of Windows, google �open command prompt windows X�). A window with a command prompt will open. In the command prompt window, type python. If you get a message saying that Python is not recognized, then you will need to install it on your computer. If Python does start, check the version. If it is 3.x, you will still need to download version 2.7.x. Also, make sure that �Anaconda� is mentioned somewhere in the starting info. If it is not, you should continue with the installation instructions. Type quit() at the >>>> prompt and Python will exit.

If you do not have version 2.7.x of Python, click here to get the Python Anaconda distribution. Anaconda includes a Python interpreter and many other helpful tools for Python programming. Click the Python 2.7 Windows 64-bit graphical installer and follow the instructions.

On a Mac (OS X):

First, check to see if you already have Python. Open up Terminal. The easiest way is to open Spotlight with +space and type terminal in the text field. Double click on Terminal under applications. In Terminal, type python. If you get a message saying that Python is not recognized, then you will need to install it on your computer. If Python does start, check the version. If it is 3.x, you will still need to download version 2.7.x. Also, make sure that �Anaconda� is mentioned somewhere in the starting info. If it is not, you should continue with the installation instructions. Type quit() at the >>>> prompt and Python will exit.

If you do not have version 2.7.x of Python, click here to get the Python Anaconda distribution. Anaconda includes a Python interpreter and many other helpful tools for Python programming. Click the Python 2.7 Mac OS X 64-bit graphical installer and follow the instructions.


Installing Sublime Text 2

Sublime Text 2 is available for both Windows PCs and Macs running OS X. Click here to get Windows and OS X installers.


Testing your installation

Start Sublime Text 2. Enter

print �hello python�

in the text window.

Save the file somewhere with a name like It is very important to save the file with a .py extension before the next step.

On Windows, type ctrl-B. On the Mac, type +B

In both cases, your program should run and hello python should be printed at the bottom of the frame. You can exit Sublime�all is well. If nothing happened, make sure to save your file with a .py extension and try again.