Exercise: Using Device Magic Mobile Forms
This exercise provides you with instructions for getting and using the Device Magic Mobile Forms app which runs on Android and IOS devices. After installing the app and setting up an account, you will collect some data, analyze it, and send me your results.
I am presuming that you own a GNSS-capable IOS or Android cell phone or tablet device. If you don't, let me know immediately so we can come up with another plan.
Get the Device Magic Mobile Forms app.
Android/IOS users: Go to your respective app stores and search for
device magic: get mobile forms
Use this search term! There are many apps named 'mobile forms', we want the one from Device Magic.
and download the free app. You do not have to upgrade to a paid subscription.
On installation, look for a new icon:
Setting up your app
Since we're using the free version, we're not going to be working with servers of any kind. Each of you will be your own 'company' and any forms you submit will just go to your own email accounts.
When you start Mobile Forms for the first time, you will be asked to supply your name, email address, your company name, and other data. You will be asked to create a password. Remember the email address and password you entered as the next setup step will need them to login to your account. For your company, create any name you like (except FredCo—that's mine!). Do whatever they tell you to do to finish up.
On a browser, go to https://www.devicemagic.com/ and click the Log In link at the top. Use the email and password you created when you setup Mobile Forms in the last step.
Once you log in, you should see the Device Magic dashboard. If you click on Devices in the column on the left,
you should see your email and the type of your device. This is what I saw:
Create a new form. Forms are the means by which you enter information in the field.
First, click on Forms in the menu on the left
Next, click
Click Properties and change the Form Name from untitled Form to Hello DM
If you see a Form Field on the left called untitled Question, click it and then click Remove in the Field Properties frame.
In the Toolbox on the left, click Location and a new Location field pops up. Rename it as My Position.
Back in the Toolbox, click Image. A new Image field pops up. Rename it as Photo and check the Timestamp and Geostamp boxes.
Finally, add a Free Text field and rename it Describe your location.
Click on Preview to see what your form will look like. Mine looks like this:
Click Save and Close.
Go outside and run the Mobile Forms App. Start the Mobile Forms app. Click Forms at the bottom of the screen and click Hello DM. Click the links for Capture Location, camera, and then type in a brief description of your location.
Click the blue and white check mark at the bottom right corner of the app when you're done. You will see a Submit page with a Submit Form button. Push it! You should get an email in a few minutes with your results. This is what I got:
My Position: http://maps.google.com/?q=42.686793,-73.824015
Describe your location: My lovely office
Device ID: iPhone_xxxx
Username: [email protected]
Submitted at: 2020-01-08 15:00:53 -05:00
Submission ID: 43242282and a lovely picture of my lovely office!
Instructions for submitting your work:
Copy the text and photo you received in your Hello DM Submission email into some kind of file that can save images as well as text (e.g. a Word doc) and save it.
Return to the XXX module and click the link for Exercise: Using Device Magic Mobile Forms
Click the link for Browse My Computer in the Attach Files box
Select and Open the document you just created
After you've attached the file, click Submit
I've limited the number of submission attempts that I will accept so please be careful
An important note on grading
The procedures in this lab will be repeated in most of the other exercises in this class. It is really important to me that you submit your work correctly so I can grade it properly. I will take off points for incorrect submissions. If you have any questions at all, send me an email and I'll be happy to help!