#run this first to initialize data about root system # w=weights, r=roots, dec=decompositions of s_\alpha, b=simple roots, # rh=rho, rs=name of root system prepare:=proc(rs0) global w,r,dec,b,rh,rs; rs:=rs0;w:=weights(rs); rh:=rho(rs); b:=base(rs); root_dec(); print(`ready`); end; #outputs lambda-chain and the list of levels lchain:=proc(lam) local i,k,v,kk,n,av,a,comp,ll,ord,aux,lc,lev;global w,r,rs; comp:=proc(a,b) local i; i:=1; while a[i]=b[i] do i:=i+1 od; if a[i]<b[i] then 0 else 1 fi; end; n:=nops(w); lc:=[];v:=[];lev:=[]; for i from 1 to nops(r) do av:=2*r[i]/iprod(r[i],r[i]);k:=iprod(lam,av); if k>0 then lc:=[op(lc),seq(r[i],kk=0..k-1)]; lev:=[op(lev),seq(kk,kk=0..k-1)]; a:=[seq(iprod(w[kk],av)/k,kk=1..n)]; v:=[op(v),seq([kk/k,op(a)],kk=0..k-1)]; fi; od; ll:=nops(lc);ord:=false; while (not ord) and (ll>1) do ord:=true; for i from 1 to ll-1 do if comp(v[i],v[i+1])=1 then ord:=false; aux:=v[i];v:=subsop(i=v[i+1],v);v:=subsop(i+1=aux,v); aux:=lc[i];lc:=subsop(i=lc[i+1],lc);lc:=subsop(i+1=aux,lc); aux:=lev[i];lev:=subsop(i=lev[i+1],lev);lev:=subsop(i+1=aux,lev); fi; od; ll:=ll-1; od; lc,lev; end; #computes decomposition of s_\alpha for every positive root; only needed in initialization root_dec:=proc() local i,v,kk,n,av,a,comp,ll,ord,aux,sr,k,sr0;global r,dec,w,b,rh,rs; comp:=proc(a,b) local i; i:=1; while a[i]=b[i] do i:=i+1 od; if a[i]<b[i] then 0 else 1 fi; end; r:=pos_roots(rs);n:=nops(w); v:=[]; for i from 1 to nops(r) do av:=2*r[i]/iprod(r[i],r[i]);k:=iprod(rh,av); a:=[seq(iprod(w[kk],av)/k,kk=1..n)]; v:=[op(v),a]; od; ll:=nops(r);ord:=false; while (not ord) and (ll>1) do ord:=true; for i from 1 to ll-1 do if comp(v[i],v[i+1])=1 then ord:=false; aux:=v[i];v:=subsop(i=v[i+1],v);v:=subsop(i+1=aux,v); aux:=r[i];r:=subsop(i=r[i+1],r);r:=subsop(i+1=aux,r); fi; od; ll:=ll-1; od; sr0:=[r[1],seq(reflect(seq(r[i],i=1..kk-1),r[kk]),kk=2..nops(r))];sr:=[]; for i from 1 to nops(sr0) do k:=1;while b[k]<>sr0[i] do k:=k+1 od;sr:=[op(sr),k]; od; dec:=[seq(reduce([seq(sr[i],i=1..kk-1),sr[kk],seq(sr[kk-i],i=1..kk-1)],rs),kk=1..nops(sr))]; end; upbruhat1:=proc(r0,p) local i,d;global r,dec,rs; i:=1;while r[i]<>r0 do i:=i+1 od; d:=reduce([op(p),op(dec[i])],rs); if nops(d)=nops(p)+1 then true,d else false,[] fi; end; #outputs all foldings of a lambda-chain and the list of their keys fold:=proc(lc) local i,j,u,r0,f,p,pos,fld,nn,sp,aux,key; f:=[[]];nn:=nops(lc);key:=[[]]; p:=[];sp:=[p]; pos:=1;fld:=[]; while (pos<=nn) and (nops(f)<20000) do r0:=lc[pos]; u:=upbruhat1(r0,p); if u[1] then fld:=[op(fld),pos]; p:=u[2]; sp:=[op(sp),p];f:=[op(f),fld];key:=[op(key),p]; %print(f); if irem(nops(f),2000)=0 then print(nops(f)) fi; fi; pos:=pos+1; while (pos>nn) and (not (fld=[])) do pos:=fld[-1]+1;p:=sp[-2]; fld:=subsop(-1=NULL,fld);sp:=subsop(-1=NULL,sp); od; od; f,key; end; #gives weight in coordinate form weight:=proc(lc,lev,fld,lam) local i,nf,a,w,n;global rs; nf:=nops(fld);w:=lam; for i from nf to 1 by -1 do a:=lc[fld[i]]; w:=reflect(a,w)+lev[fld[i]]*a; od; weight_coords(w,rs); end; #converts adm. subsequence to list of roots (folded chain) admfold:=proc(lc,fld) local i,nn,a,flc,j,indf,ii; nn:=nops(lc);flc:=[seq([lc[i],lc[i]],i=1..nn)]; #fold chain for i from nops(fld) to 1 by -1 do ii:=fld[i];a:=lc[ii]; flc[ii][2]:=-a; #better algorithm by computing r_j_1...r_j_i; later do (r_j_1...r_j_s(\rho),\alpha_p^\vee) for j from ii+1 to nn do if flc[j][1]=flc[j][2] then indf:=false else indf:=true fi; flc[j][1]:=reflect(a,flc[j][1]); if indf then flc[j][2]:=-flc[j][1] else flc[j][2]:=flc[j][1] fi; od; od; flc; end; tstlrfold:=proc(nu,fld,key,lc) local n,i,j,flc,nn,indf,a1,a2,aa,mup,mp,lrch,tstneg,kr,found;global b,r; tstneg:=proc(kr,a) local aa;global r; aa:=reflect(op(kr),a); if member(aa,r) then false else true fi end; n:=nops(b);nn:=nops(lc); kr:=[seq(b[key[nops(key)+1-i]],i=1..nops(key))]; flc:=admfold(lc,fld); i:=1;lrch:=true; while lrch and (i<=n) do aa:=0;a1:=0;a2:=0;found:=false; for j from 1 to nn do if (flc[j][1]=b[i]) or (flc[j][1]=-b[i]) then found:=true; if flc[j][2]=-b[i] then indf:=false else indf:=true fi; if flc[j][1]=b[i] then a1:=aa;if flc[j][2]=b[i] then aa:=aa+1 fi; else a1:=aa-1;aa:=a1 fi; if a1>a2 then a2:=a1 fi; fi; od; if found then if indf then a1:=a1+1 else if tstneg(kr,b[i]) then a1:=a1-1 fi fi fi; mup:=a1;if a1>a2 then mp:=a1 else mp:=a2 fi; if iprod(nu,2*b[i]/iprod(b[i],b[i]))+mup<mp then lrch:=false else i:=i+1 fi; od; lrch; end; #inserts a number into a sequence preserving order. insfold:=proc(l,a) local i,ll; ll:=[]; i:=1;while (i<=nops(l)) and (l[i]<a) do ll:=[op(ll),l[i]];i:=i+1 od; ll:=[op(ll),a]; while i<=nops(l) do ll:=[op(ll),l[i]];i:=i+1 od; ll; end; fp:=proc(q,lc,fld) local i,j,flc,ii,nn,indf,a1,a2,aa,pos,posmax,inf,mp,fld1,found; global b,r; nn:=nops(lc);inf:=999999;fld1:=fld; pos:=[]; flc:=admfold(lc,fld); i:=q; aa:=0;a1:=0;a2:=0;found:=false; for j from 1 to nn do if (flc[j][1]=b[i]) or (flc[j][1]=-b[i]) then found:=true; if flc[j][2]=-b[i] then indf:=false else indf:=true fi; if flc[j][1]=b[i] then a1:=aa;if flc[j][2]=b[i] then aa:=aa+1 fi; else a1:=aa-1;aa:=a1 fi; if a1>a2 then a2:=a1;posmax:=nops(pos)+1 fi; pos:=[op(pos),j]; fi; od; if found and indf then a1:=a1+1 fi; if a1>a2 then posmax:=inf;mp:=a1 else mp:=a2 fi; if mp>0 then if posmax<inf then i:=1;while fld1[i]<>pos[posmax] do i:=i+1 od; fld1:=subsop(i=NULL,fld1); insfold(fld1,pos[posmax-1]); else insfold(fld1,pos[-1]) fi; else 0 fi; end; #tstneg:=proc(kr,a) local aa;global r; #aa:=reflect(op(kr),a); #if member(aa,r) then false else true fi #end; #needs weight in vector form; returns both folding and weight ep:=proc(q,lc,fld,we) local i,j,flc,ii,nn,indf,a1,a2,aa,pos,posmax,mp,fld1; global b; nn:=nops(lc);fld1:=fld; pos:=[]; #kr:=[seq(b[key[nops(key)+1-i]],i=1..nops(key))]; flc:=admfold(lc,fld); i:=q; aa:=0;a1:=0;a2:=0; # found:=false; for j from 1 to nn do if (flc[j][1]=b[i]) or (flc[j][1]=-b[i]) then # found:=true; # if flc[j][2]=-b[i] then indf:=false else indf:=true fi; if flc[j][1]=b[i] then a1:=aa;if flc[j][2]=b[i] then aa:=aa+1 fi; else a1:=aa-1;aa:=a1 fi; if a1>=a2 then a2:=a1;posmax:=nops(pos)+1 fi; pos:=[op(pos),j]; fi; od; a1:=iprod(we,2*b[q]/iprod(b[q],b[q])); # if found then if indf then a1:=a1+1 else if tstneg(kr,b[i]) then a1:=a1-1 fi fi fi; #print(pos,posmax,a1,a2); if a1>=a2 then 0,0 else i:=1;while fld1[i]<>pos[posmax] do i:=i+1 od; fld1:=subsop(i=NULL,fld1); if posmax=nops(pos) then fld1,we+b[q] else insfold(fld1,pos[posmax+1]),we+b[q] fi; fi; end; #needs weight of fld2 in vector form; returns both pair of foldings and weight of new fld1,fld2; if empty result, then return 0,0 fp2:=proc(q,lc1,fld1,lc2,fld2,w1,w2) local i,j,flc,ii,nn,a1,a2,aa,lrch,pos1,posmax1,inf, mp1,mup1,mup2,pos2,posmax2,mp2,fld11,fld21;global b,r; nn:=nops(lc1);inf:=999999;fld11:=fld1; pos1:=[]; flc:=admfold(lc1,fld1); i:=q; aa:=0;a1:=0;a2:=0; #found:=false; for j from 1 to nn do if (flc[j][1]=b[i]) or (flc[j][1]=-b[i]) then # found:=true; # if flc[j][2]=-b[i] then indf:=false else indf:=true fi; if flc[j][1]=b[i] then a1:=aa;if flc[j][2]=b[i] then aa:=aa+1 fi; else a1:=aa-1;aa:=a1 fi; if a1>a2 then a2:=a1;posmax1:=nops(pos1)+1 fi; pos1:=[op(pos1),j]; fi; od; # if found and indf then a1:=a1+1 fi; mup1:=iprod(w1,2*b[q]/iprod(b[q],b[q])); if mup1>a2 then posmax1:=inf;mp1:=mup1 else mp1:=a2 fi; nn:=nops(lc2);fld21:=fld2; pos2:=[]; flc:=admfold(lc2,fld2); i:=q; aa:=0;a1:=0;a2:=0; #found:=false; for j from 1 to nn do if (flc[j][1]=b[i]) or (flc[j][1]=-b[i]) then # found:=true; # if flc[j][2]=-b[i] then indf:=false else indf:=true fi; if flc[j][1]=b[i] then a1:=aa;if flc[j][2]=b[i] then aa:=aa+1 fi; else a1:=aa-1;aa:=a1 fi; if a1>a2 then a2:=a1;posmax2:=nops(pos2)+1 fi; pos2:=[op(pos2),j]; fi; od; # if found then if indf then a1:=a1+1 else ...; mup2:=iprod(w2,2*b[q]/iprod(b[q],b[q])); if mup2>a2 then posmax2:=inf;mp2:=mup2 else mp2:=a2 fi; if mp1+mup2-mp2>0 then if mp1>0 then if posmax1<inf then i:=1;while fld11[i]<>pos1[posmax1] do i:=i+1 od; fld11:=subsop(i=NULL,fld11); [insfold(fld11,pos1[posmax1-1]),fld21],w1-b[q],w2; else [insfold(fld11,pos1[-1]),fld21],w1-b[q],w2 fi; else 0,0,0 fi; else if mp2>0 then if posmax2<inf then i:=1;while fld21[i]<>pos2[posmax2] do i:=i+1 od; fld21:=subsop(i=NULL,fld21); [fld11,insfold(fld21,pos2[posmax2-1])],w1,w2-b[q]; else [fld11,insfold(fld21,pos2[-1])],w1,w2-b[q] fi; else 0,0,0 fi; fi; end; repf:=proc(lc1,fld1,sf) local i,r; r:=fld1;i:=1; while (i<=nops(sf)) and (r<>0) do r:=fp(sf[i],lc1,r);i:=i+1; od; r; end; #needs weight of fld1,fld2 in vector form; returns foldings and weights of new fld1,fld2; if empty result, then return 0,0,0 ep2:=proc(q,lc1,fld1,lc2,fld2,w1,w2) local i,j,flc,ii,nn,a1,a2,aa,lrch,pos1,posmax1,inf, mp1,mup1,mup2,pos2,posmax2,mp2,fld11,fld21;global b,r; nn:=nops(lc1);inf:=999999;fld11:=fld1; pos1:=[]; flc:=admfold(lc1,fld1); i:=q; aa:=0;a1:=0;a2:=0; #found:=false; for j from 1 to nn do if (flc[j][1]=b[i]) or (flc[j][1]=-b[i]) then # found:=true; # if flc[j][2]=-b[i] then indf:=false else indf:=true fi; if flc[j][1]=b[i] then a1:=aa;if flc[j][2]=b[i] then aa:=aa+1 fi; else a1:=aa-1;aa:=a1 fi; if a1>=a2 then a2:=a1;posmax1:=nops(pos1)+1 fi; pos1:=[op(pos1),j]; fi; od; # if found and indf then a1:=a1+1 fi; mup1:=iprod(w1,2*b[q]/iprod(b[q],b[q])); if mup1>a2 then posmax1:=inf;mp1:=mup1 else mp1:=a2 fi; nn:=nops(lc2);fld21:=fld2; pos2:=[]; flc:=admfold(lc2,fld2); i:=q; aa:=0;a1:=0;a2:=0; #found:=false; for j from 1 to nn do if (flc[j][1]=b[i]) or (flc[j][1]=-b[i]) then # found:=true; # if flc[j][2]=-b[i] then indf:=false else indf:=true fi; if flc[j][1]=b[i] then a1:=aa;if flc[j][2]=b[i] then aa:=aa+1 fi; else a1:=aa-1;aa:=a1 fi; if a1>=a2 then a2:=a1;posmax2:=nops(pos2)+1 fi; pos2:=[op(pos2),j]; fi; od; # if found then if indf then a1:=a1+1 else ...; mup2:=iprod(w2,2*b[q]/iprod(b[q],b[q])); if mup2>a2 then posmax2:=inf;mp2:=mup2 else mp2:=a2 fi; if mp1+mup2-mp2>=0 then if mup1=mp1 then 0,0,0 else #print(fld11,pos1,posmax1); i:=1;while fld11[i]<>pos1[posmax1] do i:=i+1 od; fld11:=subsop(i=NULL,fld11); if posmax1=nops(pos1) then [fld11,fld21],w1+b[q],w2 else [insfold(fld11,pos1[posmax1+1]),fld21],w1+b[q],w2 fi; fi; else if mup2=mp2 then 0,0,0 else i:=1;while fld21[i]<>pos2[posmax2] do i:=i+1 od; fld21:=subsop(i=NULL,fld21); if posmax2=nops(pos2) then [fld11,fld21],w1,w2+b[q] else [fld11,insfold(fld21,pos2[posmax2+1])],w1,w2+b[q] fi; fi; fi; end; repe:=proc(lc1,fld1,sf,we) local i,r,res; r:=fld1;i:=1;w:=we;res:=r,w; while (i<=nops(sf)) and (res[1]<>0) do res:=ep(sf[i],lc1,res[1],res[2]);if res[1]<>0 then r:=res[1] fi;i:=i+1; od; r; end; #fld={f1,f2}, apply root ops on pair until get to the bottom of crystal gotobot:=proc(lc1,lc2,lev1,lev2,fld,lam1,lam2) local ww,mup2,mup1,i,q,n, ready,r,rr,s;global b,w; s:=[];q:=1;ready:=false;n:=nops(b); ww:=weight(lc1,lev1,fld[1],lam1); mup1:=sum('ww[i]*w[i]','i'=1..n); ww:=weight(lc2,lev2,fld[2],lam2); mup2:=sum('ww[i]*w[i]','i'=1..n); r:=fld,mup1,mup2; while not ready do rr:=fp2(q,lc1,r[1][1],lc2,r[1][2],r[2],r[3]); if rr[1]<>0 then s:=[op(s),q];r:=rr;q:=1; else q:=q+1; if q=n+1 then ready:=true fi; fi; od; s,r[1]; end; gotobot1:=proc(lc,fld) local i,q,n, ready,r,rr,s;global b; s:=[];q:=1;r:=fld;ready:=false;n:=nops(b); while not ready do rr:=fp(q,lc,r); if rr<>0 then s:=[op(s),q];r:=rr;q:=1; else q:=q+1; if q=n+1 then ready:=true fi; fi; od; s; end; #fld={f1,f2}, apply root ops on pair until get to the bottom of crystal gototop:=proc(lc1,lc2,lev1,lev2,fld,lam1,lam2) local ww,mup2,mup1,i,q,n, ready,r,rr,s;global b,w; s:=[];q:=1;ready:=false;n:=nops(b); ww:=weight(lc1,lev1,fld[1],lam1); mup1:=sum('ww[i]*w[i]','i'=1..n); ww:=weight(lc2,lev2,fld[2],lam2); mup2:=sum('ww[i]*w[i]','i'=1..n); r:=fld,mup1,mup2; while not ready do rr:=ep2(q,lc1,r[1][1],lc2,r[1][2],r[2],r[3]); if rr[1]<>0 then s:=[op(s),q];r:=rr;q:=1; else q:=q+1; if q=n+1 then ready:=true fi; fi; od; s,r[1]; end; gototop1:=proc(lc,fld,we) local i,q,n, ready,r,rr,s,w;global b; s:=[];q:=1;r:=fld;ready:=false;n:=nops(b);w:=we; while not ready do rr:=ep(q,lc,r,w); if rr[1]<>0 then s:=[op(s),q];r:=rr[1];w:=rr[2];q:=1; else q:=q+1; if q=n+1 then ready:=true fi; fi; od; s; end; #computes key as a reduced word compkey:=proc(lc,fld) local i,j,p;global rs,r,dec; p:=[]; for i from 1 to nops(fld) do j:=1;while r[j]<>lc[fld[i]] do j:=j+1 od; p:=reduce([op(p),op(dec[j])],rs); od; p; end; #involution on simple roots given by w0 w0s:=proc(k) local r,i,le;global b,rs; le:=longest_elt(rs); le:=[seq(b[le[i]],i=1..nops(le))]; r:=-reflect(op(le),b[k]); i:=1;while b[i]<>r do i:=i+1 od; i; end; #action of a simple reflection on a folding sp:=proc(q,lc,fld,we) local i,f1,w,we1;global b; w:=iprod(we,2*b[q]/iprod(b[q],b[q]));f1:=fld;we1:=we; if w<0 then for i from 1 to -w do f1:=ep(q,lc,f1,we1);we1:=f1[2];f1:=f1[1] od else if w>0 then for i from 1 to w do f1:=fp(q,lc,f1) od fi fi; f1; end; #action of a permutation on a folding actw:=proc(r,lc,fld,we) local i,f1,we1;global b; f1:=fld;we1:=we; for i from nops(r) to 1 by -1 do f1:=sp(r[i],lc,f1,we1);we1:=reflect(b[r[i]],we1) od; f1; end; #action of a simple reflection on a pair of foldings sp2:=proc(q,lc1,fld1,lc2,fld2,w1,w2) local i,f1,f2,res,we2,we1,w;global b; w:=iprod(w1+w2,2*b[q]/iprod(b[q],b[q])); f1:=fld1;f2:=fld2;we1:=w1;we2:=w2; if w<0 then for i from 1 to -w do res:=ep2(q,lc1,f1,lc2,f2,we1,we2); we1:=res[2];we2:=res[3];f1:=res[1][1];f2:=res[1][2] od else if w>0 then for i from 1 to w do res:=fp2(q,lc1,f1,lc2,f2,we1,we2);we1:=res[2];we2:=res[3]; f1:=res[1][1];f2:=res[1][2] od fi fi; f1,f2,we1,we2; end; #for the moment returns just weights #action of a permutation on a pair of foldings; actw2:=proc(r,lc1,fld1,lc2,fld2,w1,w2) local i,f1,f2,we1,we2,res,tr;global b; f1:=fld1;f2:=fld2;we1:=w1;we2:=w2; for i from nops(r) to 1 by -1 do res:=sp2(r[i],lc1,f1,lc2,f2,we1,we2); we1:=res[3];we2:=res[4]; f1:=res[1];f2:=res[2]; od; [f1,f2]; end; #action of involution S on a folding invol:=proc(lc,fld) local lr,i; lr:=gotobot1(lc,fld); lr:=[seq(w0s(lr[nops(lr)+1-i]),i=1..nops(lr))]; repf(lc,[],lr) end; commutator:=proc(lc1,lc2,lev2,fld2,p2,lam2) local i,lr1,sfld1,fld1,sf2,fld11,sf1,fld21,p1,a,t,lr2;global rs; sfld1:=gotobot(lc1,lc2,lev2,[[],fld2],lam2)[2][1]; lr1:=gotobot1(lc1,sfld1); lr1:=[seq(w0s(lr1[nops(lr1)+1-i]),i=1..nops(lr1))]; #test if fld1, fld2 obtained by inverse sequences of root operators #lr2:=[seq(lr1[nops(lr1)+1-i],i=1..nops(lr1))]; #fld21:=repf(lc2,[],lr2); #if fld21=fld2 then print(`**** Checked ****`,fld2,lr1) else ERROR(`NOT INVERSE`,fld1,fld2) fi; fld1:=repf(lc1,[],lr1); [[],fld1]; end;