# compute HL polynomial in n variables: gensym(n);comphl1([partition]); #read "N:/My Documents/soft/alcoves/hall-litt-a.txt": with(combinat); Perm2Length:=proc(p) local i,j,l; l:=0; for i from 1 to nops(p)-1 do for j from i+1 to nops(p) do if p[j]<p[i] then l:=l+1 fi od od; l end; gensym:=proc(n) local i,b0;global bc,sbc; bc:=permute(n); sbc:=[seq(Perm2Length(bc[i]),i=1..nops(bc))]; print(`number of elements`,nops(bc)); end; lchf:=proc(n,nn) local l,i,j,m1; l:=[]; for i from n to 1 by -1 do for j from n+1 to nn do l:=[[i,j],op(l)] od od; m1:=nops(l); l,m1; end; #lt listed as [3,2,1] lch:=proc(lt,n) local i,lc,ll,r; lc:=[];ll:=[[0,0]]; for i from nops(lt) to 1 by -1 do r:=lchf(lt[i],n); lc:=[op(lc),op(r[1])]; ll:=[op(ll),[ll[-1][1]+r[2],lt[i]]]; od; lc,ll; end; decl:=proc(w,p) if w[p[1]]>w[p[2]] then true else false fi; end; rev:=proc(s) local i; [seq(s[nops(s)+1-i],i=1..nops(s))] end; tr:=proc(p,t) local aux,p1; p1:=p;aux:=p1[t[1]];p1[t[1]]:=p1[t[2]];p1[t[2]]:=aux;p1 end; #ll[1] limit in chain of perms;ll[2] height of column; typical [[0,0],[4,2],[7,1]] for [[1,4],[1,3][2,4],[2,3],[1,4],[1,3],[1,2]] #returns list of tableaux for each folding plus related parameters fold:=proc(lc,w,ll) local i,j,ww,lfld,lw,llw,fld,ready,lt,t,w1,k,kk; #print(lc,w,ll); lfld:=[[]];ww:=w;llw:=[[w]]; i:=1;lw:=[w];fld:=[];ready:=false; while not ready do if i<=nops(lc) then if decl(ww,lc[i]) then ww:=tr(ww,lc[i]); lw:=[op(lw),ww]; fld:=[op(fld),i];lfld:=[op(lfld),fld];llw:=[op(llw),lw]; fi; i:=i+1; fi; if i>nops(lc) then if fld=[] then ready:=true else i:=fld[-1]+1;fld:=subsop(-1=NULL,fld);lw:=subsop(-1=NULL,lw); ww:=lw[-1]; fi fi; od; #print(lfld); lt:=[]; for i from 1 to nops(lfld) do t:=[];fld:=lfld[i];kk:=0;w1:=w;lw:=llw[i]; for j from 1 to nops(ll)-1 do t:=[op(t),[seq(w1[k],k=1..ll[j+1][2])]]; while (kk+1<=nops(fld)) and (fld[kk+1]<=ll[j+1][1]) do kk:=kk+1 od; if kk<=nops(fld) then w1:=lw[kk+1] fi; od; lt:=[op(lt),[t,Perm2Length(lw[-1]),nops(fld)]]; od; #print(`----`,lt); lt; end; #USE tab(); #lam as [2,1,1,0]; comphl1:=proc(lam) local lam1,lc,ll,n,i,hl,j,lt,k,nhl,r,lpt;global bc,sbc; n:=nops(lam);lam1:=cnjpart(lam); r:=lch(lam1,n);lc:=r[1];ll:=r[2]; #print(lc,ll); hl:=array(1..80000);nhl:=0;lpt:=table(); for i from 1 to nops(bc) do j:=1;while (j<=n-1) and ((lam[j]<>lam[j+1]) or (bc[i][j]<bc[i][j+1])) do j:=j+1 od; if j=n then lt:=fold(lc,bc[i],ll); for j from 1 to nops(lt) do k:=lpt[op(lt[j][1])]; #print(w1,pt); if op(0,k)<>`Integer` then nhl:=nhl+1; if nhl mod 200=0 then print(nhl,i) fi; lpt[op(lt[j][1])]:=nhl; hl[nhl]:=[t^((sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-lt[j][3])/2)*(1-t)^lt[j][3],lt[j][1]] else hl[k][1]:=expand(hl[k][1]+t^((sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-lt[j][3])/2)*(1-t)^lt[j][3]) fi; od; fi; od; for i from 1 to nhl do hl[i][1]:=factor(hl[i][1]) od; [seq(hl[i],i=1..nhl)]; end; red:=proc(e) local e1; e1:=expand(e); while rem(e1,t,t)=0 do e1:=simplify(e1/t) od; while rem(e1,1-t,t)=0 do e1:=simplify(e1/(1-t)) od; e1; end; red1:=proc(e) local e1; e1:=expand(e); while rem(e1,t,t)=0 do e1:=simplify(e1/t) od; while rem(e1,1-t,t)=0 do e1:=simplify(e1/(1-t)) od; if member(e1,{2-t,t^2-t+1,t^2-2*t+2,2,3-2*t,t+1,t-t^2+1}) then e1:=1 fi; e1; end; #group by tableaux with equivalence classes of rows; only record stuff if t-polynomial if very bad (reduce some 2-term stuff too) comphlred:=proc(lam) local lam1,f,nl,ct,lc,ll,n,i,j,lt,k,r,lpt,dif,inv,iv,rt,nfl;global bc,sbc,hl,nhl; n:=nops(lam);lam1:=cnjpart(lam); r:=lch(lam1,n);lc:=r[1];ll:=r[2]; #print(lc,ll); hl:=array(1..800000);nhl:=0;nfl:=0;lpt:=table(); for i from 1 to nops(bc) do j:=1;while (j<=n-1) and ((lam[j]<>lam[j+1]) or (bc[i][j]<bc[i][j+1])) do j:=j+1 od; if j=n then lt:=fold(lc,bc[i],ll); nfl:=nfl+nops(lt); for j from 1 to nops(lt) do rt:=conjtab(lt[j][1]); ct:=ordtab(rt); dif:=differ(lt[j][1]); # inv:=dinv(rt); k:=lpt[op(ct)]; #print(w1,pt); if op(0,k)<>`Integer` then nhl:=nhl+1; if nhl mod 2000=0 then print(nhl,i) fi; lpt[op(ct)]:=nhl; hl[nhl]:=[t^((sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-lt[j][3])/2)*(1-t)^lt[j][3],ct,dif] else hl[k][1]:=expand(hl[k][1]+t^((sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-lt[j][3])/2)*(1-t)^lt[j][3]); hl[k][3]:=min(dif,hl[k][3]); #hl[k][4]:=min(inv,hl[k][4]); fi; od; fi; od; nl:=[]; for i from 1 to nhl do # if expand(hl[i][1]-t^hl[i][4]*(1-t)^hl[i][3])<>0 then nl:=[op(nl),[factor(hl[i][1]),hl[i][4],hl[i][3],hl[i][2]]] fi inv:=dinv(hl[i][2]);if expand(hl[i][1]-t^inv*(1-t)^hl[i][3])<>0 then nl:=[op(nl),[factor(hl[i][1]),inv,hl[i][3],hl[i][2]]] fi od; print(`terms`,nhl,`compression factor`,nfl/nhl*1.0,`errors`,nl); end; #conjugate a tableau in Japanese form conjtab:=proc(t0) local t,i,t1,r; t1:=[];t:=t0; while t<>[] do r:=[]; for i from nops(t) to 1 by -1 do r:=[t[i][1],op(r)];if nops(t[i])=1 then t:=subsop(i=NULL,t) else t[i]:=subsop(1=NULL,t[i]) fi; od; # if pl=nops(r) then t1[-1]:={op(t1[-1]),r} else t1:=[op(t1),{r}];pl:=nops(r) fi; t1:=[op(t1),r] od; t1; end; cnjpart:=proc(p0) local p,p1,i; p:=p0;while p[-1]=0 do p:=subsop(-1=NULL,p) od; p1:=[]; while p<>[] do p1:=[op(p1),nops(p)]; while p<>[] and p[-1]=1 do p:=subsop(-1=NULL,p) od; for i from 1 to nops(p) do p[i]:=p[i]-1 od; od; p1; end; switch2:=proc(mat) local i,j,c,m1,rev; c:=links2(mat[1],mat[2]);m1:=mat;rev:=false; for j from 1 to c do if mat[1,j]>mat[2,j] then m1[1][j]:=mat[2,j];m1[2][j]:=mat[1,j];rev:=true fi; od; m1,rev; end; switchall:=proc(mat0) local mat,i,j,rev,r; i:=nops(mat0)-1;rev:=true;mat:=mat0; while rev and i>=1 do rev:=false; for j from 1 to i do r:=switch2([mat[j],mat[j+1]]); if r[2] then rev:=true;mat[j]:=r[1][1];mat[j+1]:=r[1][2] fi od; i:=i-1; od; mat; end; links2:=proc(r1,r2) local i,t; t:=true;i:=1; while i<nops(r1) and t do if crossint([r1[i],r2[i]],[r1[i+1],r2[i+1]]) then i:=i+1 else t:=false fi od; i; end; crossint:=proc(a0,b0) local a,b; a:=[min(a0[1],a0[2]),max(a0[1],a0[2])]; b:=[min(b0[1],b0[2]),max(b0[1],b0[2])]; if a[2]>=b[2] and b[2]>=a[1] and a[1]>=b[1] then true else false fi; end; ordtab:=proc(t) local pl,i,j,t1,mat; t1:=[];pl:=0;mat:=[]; for i from 1 to nops(t) do if nops(t[i])=pl then mat:=[op(mat),t[i]] else if nops(mat)=1 then t1:=[op(t1),op(mat)] else if nops(mat)>1 then t1:=[op(t1),op(switchall(mat))] fi fi; mat:=[t[i]];pl:=nops(t[i]); fi; od; if nops(mat)=1 then t1:=[op(t1),op(mat)] else if nops(mat)>1 then t1:=[op(t1),op(switchall(mat))] fi fi; t1; end; #number of inversions for tableaux by rows, NE justified dinv:=proc(t) local i,i0,k,n; n:=0; for i from 2 to nops(t) do for k from 0 to nops(t[i])-1 do for i0 from 1 to i-1 do if t[i0][nops(t[i0])-k]>t[i][nops(t[i])-k] then if (k=nops(t[i])-1) or (t[i][nops(t[i])-k-1]>t[i0][nops(t[i0])-k]) then n:=n+1 fi fi od od od; n; end; #number of descents in rows for tableaux by columns, NE justified differ:=proc(tt) local n,i,j; n:=0; for i from 1 to nops(tt)-1 do for j from 1 to nops(tt[i]) do if tt[i][j]<>tt[i+1][j] then n:=n+1 fi od od; n; end; nxt:=proc(p,pos) local i,j; i:=pos[1];j:=pos[2]; if i<p[j] then i:=i+1 else if j<nops(p) then j:=j+1;i:=1 else i:=0;j:=0 fi fi; [i,j]; end; prev:=proc(p,pos) local i,j; i:=pos[1];j:=pos[2]; if i>1 then i:=i-1 else if j>1 then j:=j-1;i:=p[j] else i:=0;j:=0 fi fi; [i,j]; end; stat:=proc(tt) local s,n,i,j,k; n:=0; for i from 1 to nops(tt)-1 do for j from 1 to nops(tt[i+1]) do if tt[i][j]<>tt[i+1][j] then n:=n+1 fi od od; s:=(1-t)^n; n:=0; for i from 1 to nops(tt) do for j from 1 to nops(tt[i])-1 do for k from j+1 to nops(tt[i]) do if (tt[i][j]>tt[i][k]) and ((i=nops(tt)) or (k>nops(tt[i+1])) or (tt[i][j]<tt[i+1][k])) then n:=n+1 fi; od od od; s*t^n end; tn:=proc(n) local i,s; s:=1; for i from 1 to n-1 do s:=s+t^i od; s; end; fn:=proc(n) local i,s; s:=1; for i from 1 to n do s:=s*tn(i) od; s; end; tab2mon:=proc(t) local m,i,j; m:=1; for i from 1 to nops(t) do for j from 1 to nops(t[i]) do m:=m*cat(x,t[i][j]); od; od; end; stat:=proc(tt) local s,n,i,j,k; n:=0; for i from 1 to nops(tt)-1 do for j from 1 to nops(tt[i+1]) do if tt[i][j]<>tt[i+1][j] then n:=n+1 fi od od; s:=(1-t)^n; n:=0; for i from 1 to nops(tt) do for j from 1 to nops(tt[i])-1 do for k from j+1 to nops(tt[i]) do if (tt[i][j]>tt[i][k]) and ((i=nops(tt)) or (k>nops(tt[i+1])) or (tt[i][j]<tt[i+1][k])) then n:=n+1 fi; od od od; s*t^n end; genhhl:=proc(p,n) local lt,la,i,j,adm,ct,cp,cp1,pp,hhl,nhhl,lpt,k,s,den,p1,rep,poss,la1,err;global nhl,hl; cp:=[1,1];p1:=cnjpart(p);den:=1;rep:=0; for i from 1 to nops(p) do if i=1 or p[i]=p[i-1] then rep:=rep+1 else den:=den*fn(rep);rep:=1 fi; od; den:=den*fn(rep); lt:=[];la:=[{seq(i,i=1..n)}];ct:=[seq([0$p1[j]],j=1..nops(p1))]; while cp<>[0,0] do ct[cp[2]][cp[1]]:=la[-1][1];la[-1]:=subsop(1=NULL,la[-1]); cp1:=nxt(p1,cp);poss:=true;la1:=[]; while cp1<>[0,0] and poss do adm:={seq(ct[cp1[2]][i],i=1..cp1[1]-1)}; if cp1[2]>1 then pp:=ct[cp1[2]-1][cp1[1]];adm:=adm union {seq(ct[cp1[2]-1][i],i=1..cp1[1]-1)} else pp:=1 fi; adm:={seq(i,i=pp..n)} minus adm; if nops(adm)>0 then ct[cp1[2]][cp1[1]]:=adm[1];adm:=subsop(1=NULL,adm);la1:=[op(la1),adm]; cp1:=nxt(p1,cp1); else poss:=false; fi; od; if poss then la:=[op(la),op(la1)]; lt:=[op(lt),ct]; cp:=[p1[-1],nops(p1)]; else cp:=prev(p1,cp);la:=subsop(-1=NULL,la); fi; while cp<>[0,0] and la[-1]={} do la:=subsop(-1=NULL,la);cp:=prev(p1,cp) od; od; hhl:=array(1..800000);nhhl:=0;lpt:=table(); for i from 1 to nops(lt) do ct:=ordtab(conjtab(rev(lt[i]))); k:=lpt[op(ct)];s:=stat(lt[i]); if op(0,k)<>`Integer` then nhhl:=nhhl+1; if nhhl mod 2000=0 then print(nhhl) fi; lpt[op(ct)]:=nhhl; hhl[nhhl]:=[s,ct] else hhl[k][1]:=expand(hhl[k][1]+s) fi; od; err:=[]; if nhl=nhhl then for i from 1 to nhl do k:=lpt[op(hl[i][2])]; if op(0,k)<>`Integer` then ERROR(`--- element not found`,hl[i][2]) else if expand(hhl[k][1]-hl[i][1]*den)<>0 then err:=[op(err),[factor(hl[i][1]),factor(hhl[k][1]),hl[i][2]]] fi fi od else ERROR(`different number of terms`); fi; print(`***`,err); end; #example of running: gensym(5);comphlred([3,2,2,0,0]);genhhl([3,2,2],5); - need to get [] in both cases as "error terms" print(`for Maple 9,10; run gensym first`);