# compute HL polynomial in n variables: genhyp(n);comphl1([partition]); #read `N:/My Documents/soft/alcoves/hall-litt-c.txt`: #read `C:/Documents and Settings/lenart/My Documents/soft/alcoves/hall-litt-c.txt`: print(`for Maple 9,10; run genhyp first`); Perm2LengthB:=proc(p) local i,j,l; l:=0; for i from 1 to nops(p)-1 do for j from i+1 to nops(p) do if cmp(p[j],p[i]) then l:=l+1 fi od od; l end; ListCode:=proc(n) if (n=1) then RETURN([[0], [1]]) fi; RETURN(map(proc(code, n) local i; op(code); seq([%, i], i=0..2*n-1) end, ListCode(n-1), n)) end; Code2Bar:=proc(code) local bar, # the result... rd, # a reduced decomposition... i, # variable for loop... j; # variable for sequence... rd:=Code2Rd(code); bar:=[seq(j, j=1..nops(code))]; for i in rd do if (i=0) then bar:=subsop(1=-bar[1], bar) else bar:=subsop(i=bar[i+1], i+1=bar[i], bar) fi od; RETURN(bar) end; Bar2Length:=proc(p) local s,i;s:=Perm2LengthB(p);for i from 1 to nops(p) do if p[i]<0 then s:=s+nops(p)+p[i]+1 fi od;s; end; Code2Rd:=proc(code) local i, j; # variables for sequence... [seq( [seq(-j, j=-i+1..-1), seq(j, j=0..i-1)] , i=1..nops(code))]; RETURN([seq(op(1..code[i], %[i]), i=1..nops(code))]) end; genhyp:=proc(n) local i,b0;global bc,sbc; b0:=ListCode(n);bc:=[seq(Code2Bar(b0[i]),i=1..nops(b0))]; sbc:=[seq(Bar2Length(bc[i]),i=1..nops(bc))]; print(`number of elements`,nops(bc)); end; lchf:=proc(n,nn) local l,i,j,m1,m2,m3,m4; l:=[]; for i from n to 1 by -1 do for j from n+1 to nn do l:=[[i,j],op(l)] od od; m1:=nops(l); for i from n to 1 by -1 do for j from i to 1 by -1 do l:=[[i,j],op(l)] od od; m2:=nops(l); for i from n to 1 by -1 do for j from nn to n+1 by -1 do l:=[[j,i],op(l)] od od; m3:=nops(l); for i from n to 1 by -1 do for j from i-1 to 1 by -1 do l:=[[i,j],op(l)] od od; m4:=nops(l); l,m4-m3,m4; #l,m4-m3,m4-m2,m4-m1,m4; #l,m4; end; #lt listed as [3,2,1] lch:=proc(lt,n) local i,lc,ll,r; lc:=[];ll:=[[0,0]]; for i from nops(lt) to 1 by -1 do r:=lchf(lt[i],n); lc:=[op(lc),op(r[1])]; ll:=[op(ll),[ll[-1][1]+r[2],lt[i]],[ll[-1][1]+r[3],lt[i]]]; # ll:=[op(ll),[ll[-1][1]+r[2],lt[i]],[ll[-1][1]+r[3],lt[i]],[ll[-1][1]+r[4],lt[i]],[ll[-1][1]+r[5],lt[i]]]; # ll:=[op(ll),[ll[-1][1]+r[2],lt[i]]]; od; lc,ll; end; cmp:=proc(i,j) if i*j>0 then if i<j then true else false fi else if i>0 then true else false fi fi end; decllong:=proc(w,p) local l1,l2;l1:=Bar2Length(w);l2:=Bar2Length(tr(w,p)); if l1>l2 then true else false fi end; #### - take care that for ei+ej, entries [i,j] appear as [j,i] decl:=proc(w,p) if p[1]<p[2] then cmp(w[p[2]],w[p[1]]) else if p[1]=p[2] then if w[p[1]]<0 then true else false fi else cmp(-w[p[1]],w[p[2]]) fi fi end; tr:=proc(w,p) local w1;if p[1]<p[2] then tr1(w,p) else if p[1]=p[2] then w1:=w;w1[p[1]]:=-w1[p[1]];w1 else w1:=tr1(w,p);w1[p[1]]:=-w1[p[1]];w1[p[2]]:=-w1[p[2]];w1 fi fi end; rev:=proc(s) local i; [seq(s[nops(s)+1-i],i=1..nops(s))] end; tr1:=proc(p,t) local aux,p1; p1:=p;aux:=p1[t[1]];p1[t[1]]:=p1[t[2]];p1[t[2]]:=aux;p1 end; #ll[1] limit in chain of perms;ll[2] height of column; typical [[0,0],[4,2],[7,1]] for [[1,4],[1,3][2,4],[2,3],[1,4],[1,3],[1,2]] #returns list of tableaux for each folding plus related parameters fold:=proc(lc,w,ll) local i,j,ww,lfld,lw,llw,fld,ready,lt,t,w1,k,kk; #print(lc,w,ll); lfld:=[[]];ww:=w;llw:=[[w]]; i:=1;lw:=[w];fld:=[];ready:=false; while not ready do if i<=nops(lc) then if decl(ww,lc[i]) then ww:=tr(ww,lc[i]); lw:=[op(lw),ww]; fld:=[op(fld),i];lfld:=[op(lfld),fld];llw:=[op(llw),lw]; #if nops(lfld)>20000 then ERROR() fi; fi; i:=i+1; fi; if i>nops(lc) then if fld=[] then ready:=true else i:=fld[-1]+1;fld:=subsop(-1=NULL,fld);lw:=subsop(-1=NULL,lw); ww:=lw[-1]; fi fi; od; #print(lfld); lt:=[]; for i from 1 to nops(lfld) do t:=[];fld:=lfld[i];kk:=0;w1:=w;lw:=llw[i]; for j from 1 to nops(ll)-1 do t:=[op(t),[seq(w1[k],k=1..ll[j+1][2])]]; while (kk+1<=nops(fld)) and (fld[kk+1]<=ll[j+1][1]) do kk:=kk+1 od; if kk<=nops(fld) then w1:=lw[kk+1] fi; od; ################################################ lt:=[op(lt),[t,Bar2Length(lw[-1]),nops(fld),fld]]; #*****lt:=[op(lt),[t,Bar2Length(lw[-1]),nops(fld),fld,lw[1],lw[-1]]]; od; #print(`----`,lt); lt; end; #returns only fld fold1:=proc(lc,w) local i,j,ww,lfld,lw,llw,fld,ready,lt,t,w1,k,kk; #print(lc,w,ll); lfld:=[[]];ww:=w;llw:=[[w]]; i:=1;lw:=[w];fld:=[];ready:=false; while not ready do if i<=nops(lc) then if decl(ww,lc[i]) then ww:=tr(ww,lc[i]); lw:=[op(lw),ww]; fld:=[op(fld),i];lfld:=[op(lfld),fld];llw:=[op(llw),lw]; if nops(lfld)>22000 then ERROR() fi; fi; i:=i+1; fi; if i>nops(lc) then if fld=[] then ready:=true else i:=fld[-1]+1;fld:=subsop(-1=NULL,fld);lw:=subsop(-1=NULL,lw); ww:=lw[-1]; fi fi; od; [seq([lfld[i],Bar2Length(llw[i][-1])],i=1..nops(lfld))]; end; #returns only fld; uses increasing condition on chains fold2:=proc(lc,w) local i,j,ww,lfld,lw,llw,fld,ready,lt,t,w1,k,kk; #print(lc,w,ll); lfld:=[[]];ww:=w;llw:=[[w]]; i:=1;lw:=[w];fld:=[];ready:=false; while not ready do if i<=nops(lc) then if not decl(ww,lc[i]) then ww:=tr(ww,lc[i]); lw:=[op(lw),ww]; fld:=[op(fld),i];lfld:=[op(lfld),fld];llw:=[op(llw),lw]; fi; i:=i+1; fi; if i>nops(lc) then if fld=[] then ready:=true else i:=fld[-1]+1;fld:=subsop(-1=NULL,fld);lw:=subsop(-1=NULL,lw); ww:=lw[-1]; fi fi; od; [seq([lfld[i],Bar2Length(llw[i][-1])],i=1..nops(lfld))]; end; cnjpart:=proc(p0) local p,p1,i; p:=p0;while p[-1]=0 do p:=subsop(-1=NULL,p) od; p1:=[]; while p<>[] do p1:=[op(p1),nops(p)]; while p<>[] and p[-1]=1 do p:=subsop(-1=NULL,p) od; for i from 1 to nops(p) do p[i]:=p[i]-1 od; od; p1; end; red:=proc(e) local e1; e1:=expand(e); while rem(e1,t,t)=0 do e1:=simplify(e1/t) od; while rem(e1,1-t,t)=0 do e1:=simplify(e1/(1-t)) od; e1; end; redt:=proc(e) local e1; e1:=expand(e); while rem(e1,t,t)=0 do e1:=simplify(e1/t) od; e1; end; powt:=proc(e) local e1,e2; e1:=expand(e);e2:=1; while rem(e1,t,t)=0 do e1:=simplify(e1/t);e2:=e2*t od; e2; end; die1:=rand(1..2);with(combinat); compress:=proc(p0) local p,i,j,aux,p1,pa; p:=[seq(abs(p0[i]),i=1..nops(p0))];pa:=p; for i from 1 to nops(p)-1 do for j from i+1 to nops(p) do if p[i]>p[j] then aux:=p[i];p[i]:=p[j];p[j]:=aux fi; od od; p1:=[0$nops(p)]; for i from 1 to nops(p) do j:=1;while pa[i]<>p[j] do j:=j+1 od; p1[i]:=j*sign(p0[i]); od; p1 end; #tests sums for last column only, length k; w is a permutation, of length n, corresponding to the last column; it's randomly generated; tstlast:=proc(k,n) local w,lw,lc,ll,s,i,j,r,lt,ii,p1,p2; r:=lch([k],n);lc:=r[1];ll:=r[2]; for i from 1 to ll[2][1] do lc:=subsop(1=NULL,lc) od;#ll[3][1]:=ll[3][1]-ll[2][1];ll:=subsop(2=NULL,ll); print(lc,ll); s:=0; w:=randperm(n); for i from 1 to n do j:=die1();if j=2 then w[i]:=-w[i] fi od; print(w,nops(lc)); p1:=[seq(w[i],i=1..k)];p2:=compress([seq(w[i],i=k+1..n)]); lw:=Bar2Length(w); lt:=fold1(lc,w); #print(lt); for j from 1 to nops(lt) do s:=s+expand(t^((lw+lt[j][2]-nops(lt[j][1]))/2)*(1-t)^nops(lt[j][1])) od; if s<>t^(Perm2LengthB(p1)+Bar2Length(p2)) then ERROR(`-----`,factor(s),nops(lt)) fi; print(`***`,factor(s),nops(lt)); end; weight:=proc(lc,lev,fld,p,lam) local i,nf,a,w,al,j,n,ps,w1; nf:=nops(fld);w:=lam;n:=nops(lam); for i from nf to 1 by -1 do a:=lc[fld[i]]; if a[1]<a[2] then al:=[seq(0,j=1..a[1]-1),1,seq(0,j=a[1]+1..a[2]-1),-1,seq(0,j=a[2]+1..n)];ps:=w[a[1]]-w[a[2]] else if a[1]>a[2] then al:=[seq(0,j=1..a[2]-1),1,seq(0,j=a[2]+1..a[1]-1),1,seq(0,j=a[1]+1..n)];ps:=w[a[2]]+w[a[1]] else al:=[seq(0,j=1..a[1]-1),2,seq(0,j=a[1]+1..n)];ps:=w[a[1]] fi fi; w:=w+(lev[fld[i]]-ps)*al; od; w1:=[0$n];for i from 1 to n do w1[abs(p[i])]:=sign(p[i])*w[i] od; w1; end; refl:=proc(a,b,a1); if b<0 then if a1=a then -b else if a1=-b then a else a1 fi fi else if a1=a then -b else if a1=b then -a else a1 fi fi fi; end; posdir:=proc(lc,fld,w) local n,i,j,flc,ii,nn,a,b,a1,b1,np,x; nn:=nops(lc);flc:=[[0,0]$nn]; for i from 1 to nn do if lc[i][1]<lc[i][2] then flc[i]:=[lc[i][1],-lc[i][2]] else flc[i]:=[lc[i][2],lc[i][1]] fi od; #fold chain for i from nops(fld) to 1 by -1 do ii:=fld[i];a:=flc[ii][1];b:=flc[ii][2]; flc[ii]:=[0,0]; #better algorithm by computing r_j_1...r_j_i; later do (r_j_1...r_j_s(\rho),\alpha_p^\vee) for j from ii+1 to nn do if flc[j][1]<>0 then a1:=sign(flc[j][1])*refl(a,b,abs(flc[j][1]));b1:=sign(flc[j][2])*refl(a,b,abs(flc[j][2])); if abs(a1)<abs(b1) then flc[j]:=[a1,b1] else flc[j]:=[b1,a1] fi; fi; od; od; np:=0; for i from 1 to nn do a:=flc[i][1]; if a<>0 then b:=flc[i][2]; x:=[sign(a)*w[abs(a)],sign(b)*w[abs(b)]]; if abs(x[1])>abs(x[2]) then x:=[x[2],x[1]] fi; if x[1]>0 then np:=np+1 fi fi; od; np; end; levels:=proc(lc) local i,j,lev; lev:=[1$nops(lc)]; for i from 2 to nops(lc) do j:=i-1; while (j>=1) and (lc[j]<>lc[i]) do j:=j-1 od; if j>=1 then lev[i]:=lev[j]+1 fi; od; lev; end; isdom:=proc(w) local i; i:=1; while (i<=nops(w)-1) and (w[i]>=w[i+1]) do i:=i+1 od; if i=nops(w) and w[-1]>=0 then true else false fi; end; #checks if schwer's formula agrees with ram's formula compschwer:=proc(lam) local lev,lam1,lc,n,i,hl,j,lt,k,nhl,r,lpt,w,nz,hl1,lpt1,nhl1,lc1,lev1,ps,kk,nfl;global bc,sbc; n:=nops(lam);lam1:=cnjpart(lam);nz:=0;i:=n;while lam[i]=0 do i:=i-1;nz:=nz+1 od;nfl:=0; r:=lch(lam1,n);lc:=r[1];lev:=levels(lc); lc1:=[[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[1,1],[1,4],[1,3],[2,1],[3,2],[3,1],[4,2],[4,1],[2,2],[2,1],[1,1],[2,4],[1,4],[3,2],[3,1],[2,1]];lev1:=levels(lc1); hl:=array(1..1100000);nhl:=0;lpt:=table();hl1:=array(1..1100000);nhl1:=0;lpt1:=table(); for i from 1 to nops(bc) do j:=1;while (j<=n-1) and ((lam[j]<>lam[j+1]) or (cmp(bc[i][j],bc[i][j+1]))) do j:=j+1 od; if j=n then while lam[j]=0 and bc[i][j]>0 do j:=j-1 od; if lam[j]<>0 then lt:=fold1(lc,bc[i]); for j from 1 to nops(lt) do nfl:=nfl+1; if nfl mod 10000=0 then print(nfl/1000,i) fi; #if sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-lt[j][3]<0 then ERROR(lc,bc[i],ll,nops(lt),j) fi; w:=weight(lc,lev,lt[j][1],bc[i],lam); if isdom(w) then k:=lpt[op(w)]; #print(w1,pt); if op(0,k)<>`Integer` then nhl:=nhl+1; lpt[op(w)]:=nhl; hl[nhl]:=[t^((sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-nops(lt[j][1]))/2)*(1-t)^nops(lt[j][1]),w] else hl[k][1]:=expand(hl[k][1]+t^((sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-nops(lt[j][1]))/2)*(1-t)^nops(lt[j][1])); fi; fi; od; lt:=fold1(lc1,bc[i]); for j from 1 to nops(lt) do w:=weight(lc1,lev1,lt[j][1],bc[i],lam); if isdom(w) then ps:=sum((lam[kk]+w[kk])*(n-kk+1/2),kk=1..n);k:=lpt1[op(w)]; #print(w1,pt); if op(0,k)<>`Integer` then nhl1:=nhl1+1; lpt1[op(w)]:=nhl1; hl1[nhl1]:=[t^(ps+nz^2-n^2+sbc[i]-nops(lt[j][1])-posdir(lc1,lt[j][1],bc[i]))*(1-t)^nops(lt[j][1]),w] else hl1[k][1]:=expand(hl1[k][1]+t^(ps+nz^2-n^2+sbc[i]-nops(lt[j][1])-posdir(lc1,lt[j][1],bc[i]))*(1-t)^nops(lt[j][1])); fi; fi; od; fi; fi; od; if nhl<>nhl1 then ERROR(`different number of weights`,nhl,nhl1) fi; for i from 1 to nhl do k:=lpt1[op(hl[i][2])];if op(0,k)<>`Integer` then ERROR(`missing weight in Schwer`,hl[i]) fi; if hl[i][1]<>hl1[k][1] then ERROR(`different coefficients`,hl[i],hl1[k]) fi; od; print(`*** Checked ***`); end; #compression in Schwer's formula compschwer1:=proc(lam) local hl1,lc,ll,n,i,hl,j,lt,k,nhl,r,lpt,nfl,hl2,hl3,lev,nz,w,ps;global bc,sbc; n:=nops(lam);nz:=0;i:=n;while lam[i]=0 do i:=i-1;nz:=nz+1 od; lc:=[[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[1,1],[1,4],[1,3],[2,1],[3,2],[3,1],[4,2],[4,1],[2,2],[2,1],[1,1],[2,4],[1,4],[3,2],[3,1],[2,1]]; ll:=[[0,0],[0,1],[6,1],[7,2],[16,2],[19,3],[19,3]]; lev:=levels(lc); hl:=array(1..80000000);nhl:=0;lpt:=table();nfl:=0; for i from 1 to nops(bc) do j:=1;while (j<=n-1) and ((lam[j]<>lam[j+1]) or (cmp(bc[i][j],bc[i][j+1]))) do j:=j+1 od; if j=n then while lam[j]=0 and bc[i][j]>0 do j:=j-1 od; if lam[j]<>0 then lt:=fold(lc,bc[i],ll); nfl:=nfl+nops(lt); for j from 1 to nops(lt) do w:=weight(lc,lev,lt[j][-1],bc[i],lam); if isdom(w) then ps:=sum((lam[kk]+w[kk])*(n-kk+1/2),kk=1..n); k:=lpt[op(lt[j][1])]; if op(0,k)<>`Integer` then nhl:=nhl+1; if nhl mod 2000=0 then print(nhl,i) fi; lpt[op(lt[j][1])]:=nhl; hl[nhl]:=[t^(ps+nz^2-n^2+sbc[i]-nops(lt[j][-1])-posdir(lc,lt[j][-1],bc[i]))*(1-t)^nops(lt[j][-1]),lt[j][1],1] else hl[k][1]:=expand(hl[k][1]+t^(ps+nz^2-n^2+sbc[i]-nops(lt[j][-1])-posdir(lc,lt[j][-1],bc[i]))*(1-t)^nops(lt[j][-1])); hl[k][3]:=hl[k][3]+1; fi; fi; od; fi; fi; od; hl3:=[]; hl1:=[];hl2:=[];k:=0; for i from 1 to nhl do # hl3:=[op(hl3),[factor(hl[i][1]),hl[i][3],hl[i][2]]]; r:=red(hl[i][1]); if r<>1 then k:=k+1; hl2:=[op(hl2),[factor(hl[i][1]),hl[i][3],hl[i][2]]] #****hl[i][1]:=factor(hl[i][1]); #hl1:=[op(hl1),[factor(hl[i][1]),hl[i][3],hl[i][2]]] #hl1:=[op(hl1),[r+t-1,hl[i][3],hl[i][2]]] fi od; print(`compression factor`,nfl/nhl*1.0,`terms`,nhl,`of which`,k,`that is`,k/nhl*100.0,`per cent in nonstandard form`); hl2; end; #USE tab(); #lam as [3,2,1,0,0,0], lam1 is the transpose - only nonzero column lengths comphl1:=proc(lam) local hl1,lam1,lc,ll,n,i,hl,j,lt,k,nhl,r,lpt,nfl,hl2,hl3;global bc,sbc; n:=nops(lam);lam1:=cnjpart(lam); r:=lch(lam1,n);lc:=r[1];ll:=r[2]; hl:=array(1..800000000);nhl:=0;lpt:=table();nfl:=0; for i from 1 to nops(bc) do j:=1;while (j<=n-1) and ((lam[j]<>lam[j+1]) or (cmp(bc[i][j],bc[i][j+1]))) do j:=j+1 od; if j=n then while lam[j]=0 and bc[i][j]>0 do j:=j-1 od; if lam[j]<>0 then lt:=fold(lc,bc[i],ll); nfl:=nfl+nops(lt); for j from 1 to nops(lt) do #if sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-lt[j][3]<0 then ERROR(lc,bc[i],ll,nops(lt),j) fi; k:=lpt[op(lt[j][1])]; #print(w1,pt); if op(0,k)<>`Integer` then nhl:=nhl+1; if nhl mod 2000=0 then print(nhl,i) fi; lpt[op(lt[j][1])]:=nhl; hl[nhl]:=[t^((sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-lt[j][3])/2)*(1-t)^lt[j][3],lt[j][1],1] #*****hl[nhl]:=[t^((sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-lt[j][3])/2)*(1-t)^lt[j][3],lt[j][1],1,[t^((sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-lt[j][3])/2)*(1-t)^lt[j][3],lt[j][-3],lt[j][-2],lt[j][-1]]] else hl[k][1]:=expand(hl[k][1]+t^((sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-lt[j][3])/2)*(1-t)^lt[j][3]);hl[k][3]:=hl[k][3]+1; #*****if hl[k][3]<=13 then hl[k]:=[op(hl[k]),[t^((sbc[i]+lt[j][2]-lt[j][3])/2)*(1-t)^lt[j][3],lt[j][-3],lt[j][-2],lt[j][-1]]] fi fi; od; fi; fi; od; hl3:=[]; hl1:=[];hl2:=[];k:=0; for i from 1 to nhl do ## hl3:=[op(hl3),[factor(hl[i][1]),hl[i][3],hl[i][2]]]; r:=red(hl[i][1]); if r<>1 then k:=k+1; hl2:=[op(hl2),[factor(hl[i][1]),hl[i][3],hl[i][2]]] # if redt(r+t-1)<>1 then hl2:=[op(hl2),[factor(hl[i][1]),hl[i][3],hl[i][2]]] ##****hl[i][1]:=factor(hl[i][1]); ##hl1:=[op(hl1),[factor(hl[i][1]),hl[i][3],hl[i][2]]] ##hl1:=[op(hl1),[r+t-1,hl[i][3],hl[i][2]]] #fi fi od; print(`compression factor`,nfl/nhl*1.0,`terms`,nhl,`of which`,k,`that is`,k/nhl*100.0,`per cent in nonstandard form`); nhl,nfl/nhl*1.0,hl2,seq(hl[i],i=1..nhl); end; rev:=proc(s) local i; [seq(s[nops(s)+1-i],i=1..nops(s))] end; stat:=proc(tt) local s,n,i,j,k; #n:=0; #for i from 1 to nops(tt)-1 do # for j from 1 to nops(tt[i+1]) do # if tt[i][j]<>tt[i+1][j] then n:=n+1 fi # od #od; #s:=(1-t)^n; n:=0;s:=1; for i from 1 to nops(tt) do for j from 1 to nops(tt[i])-1 do for k from j+1 to nops(tt[i]) do if cmp(tt[i][k],tt[i][j]) and ((i=nops(tt)) or (k>nops(tt[i+1])) or cmp(tt[i][j],tt[i+1][k])) then n:=n+1 fi; od od od; s*t^n end; tst:=proc(r) local tab,s,s1,i; for i from 1 to nops(r) do tab:=r[i][3]; if tab[1]=tab[2] and tab[3]=tab[4] and tab[5]=tab[6] then s:=stat(rev(tab));s1:=powt(r[i][1]); if expand(s-s1)<>0 then print(s,factor(r[i][1]),r[i][2],tab) fi fi; od; end;