Sample Online Quiz

Contrast can most easily be thought of as...

  1. The amount of difference between two items
  2. The amount of uniqueness a webpage has
  3. The digital divide
  4. How up to date a webpage is
  5. The use of heat to draw focus

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) was established to do the following....

  1. Develop standardized protocols for the World Wide Web
  2. Develop high speed internet
  3. Create the World Wide
  4. Make the World Wide Web publicly available
  5. Monitor the World Wide Web for illegal content

You can identify an (X)HTML tag because they are always...

  1. Surrounded by angle brackets
  2. In quotations
  3. In the body
  4. Started with a forward slash
  5. In the doctype

Everything that you can see in the browser window is contained in theā€¦

  1. Body
  2. Header
  3. Doctype
  4. HTML
  5. Title
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