Note: students registered for this course need to go to the course login in the Blackboard Learning System (BLS)
Time: Spring Semester 2011 on MWF from 1:40 pm to 2:35 pm
Place: Lecture Center 18, University at Albany Uptown Campus Instructor: Bob Keesee
mid-term exam | 35% | (mid-March) |
final exam | 35% | (May 10th Tuesday @ 10:30 am in LC18) |
two synopses | 10% | see below |
data research | 10% | see below |
participation/attendance | 10% | see below |
EXAMS: The exams will consist of multiple choice questions and a couple of short answer
or brief essay questions. The final exam may cover topics prior to the mid-term in so
far as that material relates to topics discussed after the midterm. Exams are open book, open note and you may use your laptop,
however no consideration will be given if you encounter technical difficulties.
Any cheating during exams such as text messaging, talking, or copying answers or allowing others to copy your answers will result
in a score of zero for the exam and filing of a report with the Undergraduate Dean's Office.
Student athletes must provide documentation from the Athletic Department prior to any exam that may conflict with participation in an athletic event.
Other excuses for missing exams must be validated at the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies (LC-30).
That office will notify me if you have a valid excuse.
It is the student's responsiblity to contact the instructor, as soon as possible, to make arrangements for any justifiably missed exam.
SYNOPSES: TWO brief synopses of recent articles from newspapers (e.g. Times Union,
USA Today) or news weeklies (e.g. TIME, Newsweek), or broadcast
reports (television or radio) dealing with environmental issues are to be submitted. Each synopsis should:
DATA RESEARCH: On occasion, assignments will be made to gather data or consult
data resources. You will be notified of assignments in class and they will be posted under and submitted via the "Assignments" tool to the left.
NO ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THEIR DUE DATES. Technical difficulties or failure to follow instructions are not acceptable excuses for tardy assignments. You are advised not to wait until the last minute to submit assignments.
Identical submissions by two or more students will result in a score of zero for the assignment and filing of a report with the Undergraduate Dean's Office.
PARTICIPATION/ATTENDANCE: Your attendance and participation will be recorded by your use of the clicker.
You must use the clicker that you registered in order to be properly credited.
There will be no deductions for absences prior to the drop/add deadline (Feb 1st). Use of the clicker before that date will contribute to your total number of answered questioned upon which participation will be based.
Students who are caught using two or more clickers in order to record responses for other students who are absent will forfeit all attendance and participation points for the semester and additionally have a one letter grade deduction for the final course grade.
The infraction will also be reported to the Dean’s Office for further disciplinary action.
The clickers used inappropriately will be confiscated and may be claimed after conferring with the instructor.
Periodically, as announced in class, you should check "My Grades" to verify the instructor's record for your participation.
Please contact the instructor promptly if you believe there is an inaccuracy or technical problem with your clicker.
No appeals to this record will be entertained after the specified deadlines.
COURSE GRADES: Total scores are calculated based
on the weighted scores from the elements above. Final letter grades are determined with a curve
(i.e. my subjective decision on the requisite scores for each letter grade). As a rough guide, the grading scale (give or take a couple of percentage points) is A/A- greater than 80%, B grades 65-80%, C grades 50-65%, D grades 40-50%. There will be NO opportunities for "extra" credit.