Financial, Corporate, and General Information


Useful links to help professional and private investors perform fundamental research on actively traded companies and mutual funds and locate important economic data that moves markets. Among other things there are business news, foreign exchange rates, monetary indicators and reviews of current publications.

Nerd World Accounting Links

Nerd World Media is a category tree to help find and categorize Internet resources. You’ll find many accounting and other resources listed and automatically updated here. You can search entries as well as navigate the tree.

Edgar Database of Corporate Information

Run by the Securities and Exchange Commission this site contains the most complete financial information on the Web. Data on all listed companies in the United States are available here. However, before utilizing this site, you need to know the difference between a 10K and 8Q. In addition, you must be careful when printing any data you gather, because some 10K filings fill up more than 300 pages.
Corporate Financials Online

This company posts financial information from publicly traded companies. Information includes recent news, earnings, dividends and shareholder information.

National Corporate Services

A nicely organized and reasonably comprehensive browsing point for financial information on the web. This site contains virtually all financial sources including thousands of companies’ financial data.

Resources for Business & Interest Rate Information

This site provides useful access to a variety of information categories, which are useful for businesspersons. The first category is Markets, which offer links to various financial markets including updates and analysis. The second is Corporate Web Sites that is linked to many big and successful companies’ homepages. Thirdly, Publications, this group provides list of links to valuable business and world information from world class sources.

Quarterly earnings reports
