Equality, Empowerment, Excellence
University at Albany
33rd Anniversary Celebration
Reunion Program

May 4, 5, and 6, 2001

Dear EOP Alumnus(a):

I wish to express my appreciation to all of you for your continued support and encouragement of the Educational Opportunities Program. This year, we are celebrating our 33 years of existence here at the University at Albany by coordinating an EOP Alumni Reunion Weekend (May 4, 5 and 6). It would be wonderful if you can attend.

EOP is a valuable resource in realizing the potential of individuals who traditionally would be denied opportunities. Your matriculation here at the University at Albany enabled professional and personal advancement. We are so proud of you. Again, congratulations on completion of your degree.

This reunion�s theme of "Honoring Excellence Through Perseverance" demonstrates our enthusiasm for your returning to your Alma Mater for this major event. We strongly believe it�s appropriate to not only recognize your professional and personal achievements but to share and celebrate them with other EOP alumni(ae) and the university community. The total cost of the May 4 � 6 weekend is $125.

The total cost includes the following:  Food cost (for reception, two breakfasts, Saturday�s luncheon and the Saturday evening banquet), contribution to our EOP Emergency Fund, contribution to the Vernon Buck Memorial Scholarship, Program Booklet, EOP Alumni Directory, an EOP Alumni Highlights/Profile Booklet, a video of this reunion�s activities, and a group photograph.

Attached are other important features of our Alumni Reunion. We plan to have a program booklet with advertisements. Please consider having your company provide us with one or you can take one out for yourself. The three-day agenda is also on the attachments. All checks must be paid to the "University at Albany Foundation" with the attached registration form. Note the deadlines for the reunion activities in the Program Booklet. The banquet attendance will be on a first-come first-serve basis after April 4. Alums who register for the banquet before April 4 will be guaranteed seating for the banquet.

To help us with showing a video of EOP alums during the banquet, please mail a photograph of you during your college matriculation and a brief statement about what this EOP program has meant to you and others. We need your contribution.

During the Saturday morning event, there will be a number of workshops sponsored by alums. If you are interested in facilitating a workshop, please register by completing the enclosed form. Also enclosed is a list of possible motels in the area which have reasonable rates. All are across the street from the university and are within walking distance. If you are interested, please call them for reservations and mention that you will be here for the EOP reunion and are eligible for these discounted rates. Please notify them before April 19.

If you wish to obtain a vendor�s table to sell your merchandise during specific times on Saturday, there will be a $100 charge. Please let us know prior to the program (before May 1) so we can make arrangements appropriately.

Indeed over the past thirty-three years�and especially during the past decade or two�so many people have helped to contribute to the excellence of the Educational Opportunities Program. On behalf of all of us here in the EOP office, I would like to thank all graduates of EOP and the other EOP students who spent some time here at the university�for your hard work and devotion to learning. You are worthy of our praise and admiration.


Carson Carr, Jr.
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

EOP Reunion Committee:
Lorraine GayPatrick Romain
Sandra BrownMaritza Martinez
Charles Rogers    Carson Carr, Jr.
Maritza Vega

University at Albany