EOP Reunion Weekend Updates

The registration return date period has been expanded to Monday, April 30th through Wednesday, May 2nd.

Ads for the Reunion Weekend Journal are due, Friday, April 27th.

All EOP Alumns are invited to attend the Presidential Luncheon, Saturday, May 5th from noon to 2 p.m. in the Campus Center Patroon Room. The luncheon is being sponsored in full by the Office of the President of the University at Albany. The University President, Karen R. Hitchcock, will be presiding over the luncheon and will be providing us with a University Update Report.

All Alumns are invited to show up at 4 p.m. for a group photo that will be taken by the fountain area just outside the Campus Center.

Babysitting services are available for Alumns attending the Banquet. Services will be available from 6 p.m. – 1 a.m. in the Campus Center, Room 375. Please bring a video, toy,

University at Albany

and blanket/sleeping bag for your child(ren).