Courses in Classical Archaeology
Cla 501 Greek Sculpture (3)
Detailed study of selected sculptural monuments from the Archaic,
Classical, and Hellenistic eras and research into their historical,
intellectual, and religious context.
Cla 503 Greek Painting (3)
A survey of ancient Greek painting from the beginnings about 1000 B.C.
through the Hellenistic age; primarily painted vases, but also including
the limited evidence that exists for wall-painting and other forms.
Prerequisite: Cla 208L.
Cla 505 Greek Architecture (3)
A critical study of selected Greek buildings and architectural ensembles.
Research on architectural principals and techniques, the development of
architectural style, and the role of monumental architecture in Greek
Cla 506 Roman Architecture and Town Planning (3)
The development of Roman public and private architecture, with emphasis
on its urban setting and function, and the evolution of Roman towns in
Italy and the Empire, from the early Republic to the time of the emperor
Constantine. A major research paper is required.
Cla 507 The Egyptian Empire (3)
Concentration on the Middle and New Kingdoms (ca. 2133-1085), when Egypt
rules the east; includes the arts, literature, architecture, political
and military activity which created the beginnings of western
civilization in the Mediterranean. Research paper required. Prerequisite:
Cla 207L or consent of the instructor.
Cla 512 Roman Sculpture (3)
The development of Roman sculpture from the early Republic to the time of
the emperor Constantine; examples of monumental, narrative, and portrait
sculpture from Rome and the provinces.
Cla 525 The Ancient City of Rome (3)
A study of the development of the city from its origins until the Age of
Constantine, with emphasis on its architecture, sculpture, and painting.
Cla 552 Topography of Athens (3)
A survey of the topography and the architectural monuments of Athens from
the earliest times to the close of antiquity. Archaeological evidence
will be supplemented by literary and epigraphical material pertinent to
these monuments and to the history of the city.
Cla 602 Seminar in Selected Topics (4)
Readings and research in selected topics or authors. May be repeated.
Prerequisite: One 500-level Greek course.
Cla 605 Bronze Age Greece: Seminar (4)
Selected topics. May be repeated with different content.
Cla 606 Art and Archaeology of Classical Greece: Seminar (4)
Selected topics. May be repeated with different content.
Cla 607 Roman Art and Archaeology: Seminar (4)
Selected topics. May be repeated with different content.
Cla 608 Archaeology of the Roman Provinces: Seminar (4)
Selected topics. May be repeated with different content.
Cla 644 (Ant 637) Cyprus in Prehistory (4)
Survey of the cultural, social and, with reference to the Late Bronze Age, political
development of prehistoric Cyprus (10,000 – 1,000 BCE). Emphasis will
be placed on the archaeological remains from this period.
Cla 645 (Ant 638) Cyprus in the Iron Age (4)
Survey of the cultural and socio-economic development of Cyprus from ca. 1,000
to 300 BCE with equal emphasis on archaeological and textual data.
Cla 646 Archaic and Old Kingdom Egypt: Seminar (4)
A study of the archaeological, artistic, and literary sources of
Dynasties 1-6.
Cla 685 Archaeological Field Work (2-4)
Provides academic credit for participation at the professional level in
archaeological field work. Prerequisite: Consent of the department chair.
Cla 694 Directed Research in Classical Archaeology (2-6)
Supervised reading in classical archaeology designed to meet the
particular needs of students in the M.A. program. Prerequisite: Consent
of the department chair.
Cla 699 Master's Thesis in Classical Archaeology (4)
Note: See also Cll 694 and 697.