Courses in Latin
Cll 500A,B Intensive Introduction to Latin (3,3)
Accelerated introduction to the classical Latin language and literature.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor (Cll 500A is prerequisite to Cll
Cll 511 Latin Survey I: Occasional Poetry (3)
Selected readings in Catullus, Horace's Odes, the elegiac poets, Vergil's
pastoral poetry, and Martial. Reading and discussion of significant
secondary writings.
Cll 512 Latin Survey II: Prose Authors (3)
Selected readings in the orations of Cicero and the historical writings
of Livy, Tacitus, and Suetonius. Reading and discussion of significant
secondary writings.
Cll 513 Latin Survey III: Narrative Poetry (3)
Selected readings in Lucretius, Vergil's Aeneid, Ovid's Metamorphoses,
and Lucan. Reading and discussion of significant secondary writings.
Cll 514 Latin Survey IV: Drama and Satire (3)
Selected readings in the plays of Plautus, Terence, and Seneca; selected
readings in the satires of Horace and Juvenal. Reading and discussion of
significant secondary writings.
Cll 598 Topics in Classical Studies (1-4)
Studies selected on the basis of faculty and student interest. The course
may be taken more than once with a different content.
Cll 601 Seminar in Roman Comedy (4)
Reading and critical analysis of selected plays of Plautus and Terence.
Research on pertinent topics. Prerequisites: At least two courses in
Latin on the 400 level.
Cll 605 Seminar in Selected Topics (4)
Reading and research in selected topics or authors. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: At least two courses in Latin on the 400 level.
Cll 694 Directed Readings in Latin (2-6)
Supervised reading in classics designed to meet the particular needs of
students in the M.A. program. Prerequisite: Consent of the department
Cll 699 Master's Thesis in Latin (4)