This course provides opportunities for students from a variety of professional fields to acquire supervised experiences in schools and agencies serving youth from inner city neighborhoods. Students are required to complete a minimum of 100 hours of the following areas: instruction, organization and administration, personnel services and school enrichment programs. They also meet once a week in a fieldwork seminar with their University supervisor. Graduate students will complete a case study of a school or agency that services children and youth from inner city urban neighborhoods. Prerequisites: Admission to Graduate Standing, Edu 527.
E Edu 501 Internship in Urban Education (3)
This course provides opportunities for graduate students in a variety of professional fields to acquire a supervised internship in schools or agencies serving youth from inner city neighborhoods. Students are required to complete 105 hours (35 hours per credit) of organized and focused internship experiences relevant to their academic interests and career goals, in one of the following areas: administration, personnel services or special enrichment programming. The internship is intended to utilize, refine and enhance the skills gained in the fieldwork component offered in EEDU 500. The students and their faculty supervisor meet once a week in an internship seminar (with their faculty supervisor). Prerequisite: Edu 500, Edu 527. S/U graded.
E Edu 690 Community Service Projects (3-6)
Special projects involving community activities and collateral study, to be approved as designated by the Dean, School of Education. Prerequisite: graduate level status.
E Edu 887 Institute in Education (1-9)
A special course, not part of the pattern of regular offerings, designed to
meet non-recurring needs.