The following courses provide direct support to doctoral, certificate,
and master's programs in education and to programs in the arts
and sciences colleges and to programs in other professional schools
of the University.
Courses in the Sociology of Education
E Soc 631 (E Aps 604, A Soc 604) Macrosociology of Education and Educational Leadership
The leadership of schools and school systems from the perspective
of sociology. The relationships between education and other societal
subsystems are treated in historical and comparative perspective.
Particular attention is given to the nexus between schools, the economy,
the polity, and systems of social stratification.
E Soc 632 (E Aps 605, A Soc 603) Microsociology of Education
and Educational Leadership (3)
Concepts and theories from sociology and social psychology selected for their
relevance to organizational behavior. Stresses the relations between research
findings and application to organizational problems. Topics include individual
differences, attitude formation and change, perception, motivation, influence
processes, and group formation as they affect both individuals and educational
E Soc 697 Independent Study in Society and Education (2-6)
E Soc 782 Ethnicity and Education (3)
Analysis of integration of American minority groups. Special attention
is given to the concepts of race, religion, and nationality. Emphasis
is on how ethnicity affects and is affected by education and schooling.
Prerequisite(s): Soc 631 or consent of department.
E Soc 890 Research and Independent Study in Sociology and Education
Designed to meet the needs of students in the advanced program.
Prerequisite: consent of department.
E Soc 895 (E Est 895) Internship (4-8)