This course integrates classical cell biology concepts with current molecular biology for a unified view of cell function. Transmission genetics, eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA replication, and information flow in transcription translation will be presented. Regulatory and mechanical aspects of cell division, cell architecture and diversity, and intracellular traficking and targetting will be covered, as will signaling cascades and apoptosis.
Bms 500b Molecular Biology and Genetics (3)
This course will provide in depth detail of essential cellular processes by using examples from the current literature. Topics to be covered are: regulation, both transcriptional and translational, DNA replication, recombination, transposition, cell cycle and cancer. In addition, students will be introduced to the genetics of developmental biology. Prerequisite: Bms 500 or equivalent; and Bms 504a or equivalent.
Bms 504A Comprehensive Biochemistry (4)
Chemical characteristics of living matter, amino acids, polypeptides and proteins, supramolecular assembly and membrane structure; enzyme mechanisms and kinetics; bioenergetics and the chemistry of metabolism; electron transport and other transports across membranes; biosynthesis, storage, and expression of genetic information. Additional assignments will be required, including homework assignments. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Bms 504B Comprehensive Biochemistry: Part B (3)
Focus is on cellular organization, organellar biogenesis and cellular trafficking the biochemical basis for representative human diseases resulting from the failure to properly assemble and target critical cellular components. Prerequisite: Bms 505A
Bms 505 Biological Basis of Public Health (3)
Introduction to field of biomedical sciences through discussion of disorders of public health relevance, including infectious and transmissible vectors, genetic disease and chromic disorders. Explanation of laboratory based procedures for detection, monitoring, and treating such diseases. Concepts of laboratory methods including quality control, normal ranges, universal precautions and data interpretation introduced. Prerequisite: One year college science (biology, chemistry or other area), permission of instructor.
Bms 506 Introduction to Immunology (2)
Introduction to basic immunology with emphasis on the comprehensive aspects of humoral (antibody mediated) and cell-mediated immunity. A historical experiment approach will be provided to bring to the student presently accepted/believed concepts. Each two-hour session will be one hour of basic lecture followed by one-hour discussion of the assigned reading. Class will meet once per week to allow sufficient time to complete the reading assignment for each session. Prerequisite: Cell Biology or permission of course director.
Bms 510 Communication in Science (2)
This is an introductory course to promote effective scientific writing and data
presentation skills. Specifically for writing journal articles, presenting posters
and giving oral presentations based on graduate research. The course is restricted
to students engaged in research.
Bms 511 Topics in Biomedical Spectroscopy (2)
Lectures and laboratory assignments on various types of biomedical instrumentation. Prerequisite: Course in basic biochemistry or biophysics.
Bms 514 (Amc 504) Cellular and Molecular Immunology (3)
Intermediate level immunology course covering the cellular and molecular basis of innate and adaptive immunity. Prerequisite: Bms 506 or Permission of instructor.
Bms 549 (Bio 549) Neurotransmitters (3)
Examination of the mechanisms and concepts of chemical transmission, emphasizing the regulatory mechanisms controlling synthesis, release, reuptake, and receptor activation for each of four classes: monoamines, acetylcholine, amino acids, and peptides. Neurotransmitter-related diseases and the involvement of transmitters and transmission in developmental processes such as synaptogenesis and synaptic stabilization. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Bms 550 Neural Plasticity in the Mammalian CNS (2)
A course designed to provide the theoretical and practical framework to investigate neural placticity in the CNS. Topics will include neurotransmitter/ion channel function, preparation of brain slices, and electrophysiological techniques. Prerequisite: Bio 547 or Bio 548, or equivalent.
Bms 551 Introduction to Genetics and Genomics (3)
This distance learning course is designed to introduce to students with no or minimal formal training in molecular genetics to the fields of genetics and genomics with an emphasis on their application in public health. Students will be prepared to use this information in their professions and take higher level courses if desired. Prerequisite: Basic undergraduate biology or permission of instructor.
Bms 552 Medical Entomology (3)
This course examines the arthropod vectors of temperate and tropical paathogenic organisms that affect human health. Course material will include aspects of vector biology that impact transmission most profoundly: transmission cycle, ecology, evolution and life history characteristics. The approach will combine ecology and essential systematics.
A general virology survey covering all aspects of structure, replication, and pathogenesis of viruses important in public health. Prerequisites: Cell Biology and Biochemistry.
Bms 555 Biodefense Sciences (1)
Students will be given a working knowledge of the morphology, pathology, treatment,
and prevention of potential biological threat agents as well as an understanding
of procedures and methods to safely and securely work with these agents in the
laboratory. Overviews and appropriate use of diagnostic methods will be presented.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate biology and chemistry.
Bms 556 Biodefense Laboratory Sciences (1)
This course will provide an introduction to the procedures and methods to safely
and securely work with these agents in the laboratory. Overviews and use of
diagnostic methods will be presented including culture, immunoassay and nucleic
acid amplification. The laboratories are designed to give students an understanding
of the testing flow used for biothreat analysis and emerging infectious disease
as well as some of the specialized techniques and technology that the Wadsworth
Center has used in real-world testing of these types of samples. The students
will take analysis from the beginning stages of specimen/sample arrival through
rapid and confirmatory testing that will be taught throughout the laboratories.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate biology and chemistry.
Bms 557 Biomedical Sciences: Emerging Infectious Diseases (1)
Students will gain fundamental knowledge of emerging infectious pathogens, ranging
from epidemiology, molecular biology, pathogenesis, transmission, and interventions.
The emphasis of the course will be on the impact of these pathogens on public
health, and their interventions and preventions. Prerequisites: Undergraduate
microbiology or permission of instructor.
Bms 560 Introduction to Macromolecular Three-Dimensional Structure Analysis (2)
Overview of the methods of three-dimensional structure determination of biological macromolecules by X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Bms 570A (Phy 570A) Theory & Techniques of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry (3)
Introduction to basic theory and general applications of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry. Topics include: thermodynamics applied to biomolecular; spectroscopy of biomolecular; fluorescence spectroscopy; and determination of structure by diffraction and scattering. Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate course in physical chemistry, in statistical physics and thermodynamics, or consent of instructor.
Bms 575 Structure of Microbial Pathogens (3)
Lecture course covering the structure of bacteria, fungi and viruses, with emphasis on how this information relates to overcoming the different types of pathogens. Prerequisite: Course in basic biology.
Bms 590A,B,C Laboratory Rotations in Biomedical Sciences (0-1)
Introduction to different aspects of biomedical research ongoing in the department; introducing students to various faculty members and a variety of experimental methodologies and research approaches. Prerequisite: Permission of course director.
Bms 601A,B Introduction to Biomedical Science (3,3)
A multidisciplinary introduction to the fundamental principles of the biomedical sciences, focusing on the molecular basis of certain human diseases. The topics vary from year to year, and may include the following: AIDS, alcoholism, atherosclerosis, breast cancer, cystic fibrosis, diabetes mellitus, Down's syndrome, epilepsy, heroin addiction, lead poisoning, Legionnaire's disease, sickle cell disease, systemic lupus, erythematosus, thalassemia, thrombosis, and toxic shock syndrome.
Bms 603 HIV and AIDS Colloquium (2)
Using recent reviews and the current literature, important topics in HIV and AIDS will be covered. Topics will include, but are not limited to, the virus, its replication and its effect on the host in vitro; virus pathogenesis and disease progression; effects of virus infection on the immune system; chemotherapy of viral infections; viral vaccines; opportunistic infections; and methods of detection of HIV. Participating students will be encouraged to suggest topics for discussion. Prerequisite: Graduate virology course.
Bms 604 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (3)
This course introduces the student to the cells of the central and peripheral nervous systems, both neurons and glia. It covers both electrical and chemical aspects in signalling in the nervous system. Some model neurotransmitter systems are examined in detail. Integrative material on learning and memory in simple systems is presented.
Bms 606 Biology of Model Organisms (3)
Course will use current literature to emphasize the importance of model organisms for studying fundamental principles of biology. Topics to be covered will include: genetic suppression, mosaic analysis, microinjection methods; inhibition of dsRNA (RNAi), analysis of transgenic organisms, intracellular localization of macromolecules, eukaryotic cell cycle, lineage analysis. Prerequisites: Bms 500 or equivalent; and Bms 504a or equivalent.
Bms 609 Immunochemistry of Microbial Molecules (1)
Tutorial: current knowledge and strategies and methods for immunochemical analysis of important microbial molecules. Emphasis on procedures applicable in molecular genetics that use calibrated poly- and monoclonal antibody probes to study native and recombinant gene products.
Bms 610 Microbial Pathogenesis (3)
This course will provide students with a background in the mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis. Students will learn basic principles of host- parasite interactions and how human behavior has influenced both the resurgence of old diseases and the emergence of new ones. Paradigms of host-parasite interactions will be illustrated by studying, at the molecular and cellular levels, specific infectious diseases and the agents that cause them.
Bms 612 Neuroanatomy and Nervous System Disorders (3)
Examination of the neural basis of disorders as Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, Alzheimers, etc. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
Bms 614A (Bio 614A) Theory and Practice of Electron Microscopy I: Basic Techniques (2)
Basic theory of electron microscopic image formation, design and operation of transmission electron microscope, and principles of conventional specimen preparation. Specialized techniques (elemental analysis, high-voltage electron microscopy, computer analysis, and 3D reconstruction) will be introduced, as well as biomedical and public health applications of electron microscopy. One 2-hour lecture per week. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Bms 614B (Bio 614B) Laboratory on Basic Techniques of Electron Microscopy (2)
Laboratory course corresponding to topics covered in Bms 614A (Bio 614A). Classes will cover plastic embedding and then sectioning of tissue, negative staining, metal shadowing, critical paint drying, operation of a transmission electron microscope and photographic darkroom procedures. one 4-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Bms 615 Theory and Practice of Macromolecular Crystallography (3)
In depth coverage of the theory and practice of macromolecular crystallography. Students will become familiar with the methods of crystallization, data collection, structure determination, refinement and analysis. Course will consist of lectures and laboratory demonstrations. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Bms 622 Cancer Biology (3)
This course will introduce second year students to the complexity of cancer
as a disease. It will focus on the basic molecular cell biology mechanisms that
underlie the origin and progression of cancer, the epidemiological aspects and
the principles of clinical management of the disease. Prerequisites: Basic undergraduate
biology; Bms 500 and Bms 500B or equivalents; or permission of instructor.
Bms 625 Light Optics in Biomedical Science (3-4)
Lecture and demonstration course covering the optical systems (imaging and spectroscopic) most frequently used in biomedical applications. Prerequisite: Undergraduate physics course or permission of instructor.
Bms 627 (Bio 627) Theory and Practice of Scanning Electron Microscopy (2)
An introduction to the theory and basic techniques for specimen preparation and viewing in the scanning electron microscope. Students learn to fix, dehydrate, critical-point dry, mount and coat standard samples and encouraged, where possible, to work with their own material as well. Discussion and demonstration of more specialized techniques where appropriate. Students learning to use the microscope are encouraged to achieve "independent operator" status as soon as possible. Quarter course. Hours arranged: two one-hour lectures, one formal three-hour laboratory per week.
Bms 632 Molecular and Cellular Biology of Prokaryotes (2)
A graduate level course that will use the current literature to emphasize the importance of bacteria as role models for studying molecular processes. Topics to be covered are: evolution and microbial diversity; cell structure and function; phage; DNA trasfer; physiology and metabolism; development and the cell-cycle; drug resistance. Prerequisites: Bms 500, 504a
Bms 635 Methods in Structural Biology (2)
An introductory graduate level course to discuss how Electron Microscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and X-Ray Crystallography are used to determine the three-dimensional structure of biological objects. A single subject (virus, channel, etc.) from the current literature will be followed through the different methods, illustrating their strengths and weaknesses.
Bms 638 Orgenelle Biogenisis and Intracellular Trafficking (1)
This course will describe the structure, function, and vesicular communication network operating among the organelles found in eukaryotic cells. The role of cell specialization and post-translational protein modifications on organellar targeting and trafficking of essential cellular components will be explored.
This course will examine the dynamic processes involved with cell structure and function. Faculty and students will participate in presenting literature and in depth discussion of 3 to 5 topics relevant to the research interests of the participants. Prerequisite: One semester of graduate cell biology.
Physical, biophysical, and biochemical insights into biological membranes including membrane proteins, channels, membrane potential, model membranes, methods of analysis, organelles and membrane-related diseases. Prerequisite: Graduate-level biochemistry or biophysics course.
Bms 644 Fundamentals of Pharmacology (2)
An introduction to the principles by which drugs and other bioactive substances are absorbed, distributed, metabolized and act on biological systems. Topics include drug-receptor interactions, drug-effector interactions and pharmacokinetics. Prerequisite: Bns 504a or equivalent.
Bms 646A Current Topics in Neuroscience: Neurobiology of Aging (2)
Advanced course in neuroscience covering the age-related changes in the function of the nervous system. Course will cover mechanisms of normal memory, circadian-rhythms, movement and automatic functions and the alterations thereof; premature aging and dementias. Prerequisite: Graduate course in basic neuroscience or consent of instructor.
This course will provide an overview on the fundamentals of electrical signaling in excitable cells. The objective of the course will be to provide students with tools to understand and critically evaluate electrophysiology work. Levels of analysis presented will range from membrane and ion channel biophysics to systems and behavioral electrophysiology. Prerequisite: Bms 604 or equivalent.
Bms 650 Readings in Neuroscience (1-3)
Advanced reading on specific topics of interest, under the director of individual faculty members. Discussions emphasize critical analysis and synthesis. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Bms 652 Neuroimmunology Colloquim (2)
An advanced course designed to examine the multiple bidirectional interactions between the central nervous system and the immune system. Topics will include neurotransmitter and neuropeptide effects on cells of the immune system, cytokine regulation of brain functions, innervation of immune organs and the consequences thereof, brain laterality influences on immune functions, conditioning effects on immune responses, and immunopathologies of the central nervous system. Prerequisites: Graduate level cell biology, and Bms 506or Bms 514.
To introduce the principles of Micro and Nano fabrication for the study of biological systems. Fabrication methods and the principles of interfacing biology to miniature devices will be stressed.
Bms 658 (Eht 658) Modern Scanning Electron Microscopy (3)
An advanced course designed to introduce theoretical and practical aspects of operating state-of-the-art scanning electron microscopes. Topics will include sample preparation, secondary, backscatter and other electron imaging modes, X-ray microanalysis and element mapping and image interpretation. Prerequisites: Bms 500, Eht 590, or permission of instructor.
Bms 660 Readings in Molecular Endocrinology (3)
Tutorial course to present current literature in the biochemistry, physiocology and molecular biology of steriod and polypeptid hormone action. Prerequisites: Bms 500, 504a, 504b and permission of instructor.
Bms 663 Mammalian Molecular Genetics (3)
This course will cover topics related to the structure and function of the of the mammalian genome and the molecular mechanisms involved in development, cell fate determination and cellular differentiation. Students will participate by presenting research papers relevant to a current topic. Prerequisite: Bms 500 and 605A, or equivalent.
Bms 665 Current Literature in Biomedical Sciences (0-1)
A course designed to teach and promote critical reading of the literature. Multiple sections are offered each semester including immunology, infectious disease, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, structural and computational biology, and neuroscience. Additional sections are mounted as student and faculty interest direct. All students must register for this course.
Bms 666 Contemporary Topics in Immunology (0-1)
This is an advanced course that is designed to explore central questions and
concepts in immunology through readings and discussion of the current scientific
literature. Topics of special interest will be selected and reviewed per semester.
Participants will be involved in the selection and presentation of the literature.
Prerequisite: Bms 514 or equivalent, or by permission of instructor.
Bms 670 Responsible Conduct of Scientific Research (1)
This is a required course which will explore specific areas of the conduct of research. Aspects of recognition of scientific fraud, peer interaction, and reporting of misconduct will be covered. Bioethical issues will not be covered. A specific issue concerning scientific conduct will be presented at each class through case study and student- led discussion. S/U graded.
Bms 690 Biomedical Science Research (2-12)
Supervised research in an area of biomedical sciences. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair. S/U graded.
Bms 694 Directed Readings in Biomedical Sciences (2-6)
Projects in selected areas of biomedical sciences at the Master's level, under supervision of a faculty member, with regular progress reports. May be repeated once when topics differ for a total accumulation of 6 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair. S/U graded.
Bms 699 Thesis Research (1-12)
Required of all master's students. Prerequisite: Consent of advisor.
Bms 851 Advanced Techniques in Structural Analysis (1-4)
Tutorial course to provide advanced training in one or two specialized techniques of electron or light microscopy or biophysics. Prerequisites: Bms 614, Bms 570 or equivalent experience and permission of instructor.
Bms 894 Directed Readings in Biomedical Sciences (2-6)
Projects in selected areas of biomedical sciences at the Doctoral level, under supervision of a faculty member, with regular progress reports. May be repeated once when topics differ for a total accumulation of six hours. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair. S/U graded.
Bms 898 Doctoral Project (3-12)
Available for all Ph.D. students engaged in research leading to the dissertation, prior to candidacy.
Bms 899 Dissertation Research (1-12)
Required of all Ph.D. candidates.. Prerequisite: Admission to Candidacy and
Consent of advisor.