Inf 508 (Bio 518, Gog 518) Ecological Modeling (3)
This course introduces various theoretical and mathematical approaches to modeling
ecological and environmental data through computer-based exercises in the application
of existing models and the development of new models. Modeling topics cover
animal population models, vegetation models, and large scale landscape models,
as well as model applications in decision making. This course is geared towards
demystifying models and providing students with the confidence and skills to
apply this very useful tool to research projects. Prerequisites: Statistics
and either General Ecology, Environmental Analysis, Environmental Studies or
equivalent or permission of instructor.
Inf 523 (Isp 523, Pad 523) Fundamentals of Information Technology (1-4)
Inf 701 Proseminar in Information Science (4)
The dual nature of information management - using information technology and holdings to manage an organization's tactical and strategic future and managing its information resources. Information resources to support operations, decision making, and strategic planning within private, public, and not-for-profit organizations. Applied field project at an information intensive organization. Prerequisite: Consent of Ph.D. program director or instructor.
Inf 702 Proseminar in Information Theory (4)
Fundamental topics from the core disciplines of information science, including library science, management information systems, and computer science are presented to provide the information science student with the background to appreciate these disciplines and to pursue graduate study in these disciplines. Prerequisite: Consent of Ph.D. program director or instructor.
Inf 703 Proseminar in Information Organization (4)
Examination of the organization of information from the perspectives of data base systems conceptualization, structure and design; classificatory and data ordering principles that facilitate information retrieval; informetrics, including knowledge production and representation patterns, cognitive, semantic and citation/consultation factors. Prerequisite: Consent of Ph.D. program director or instructor.
Inf 704 Proseminar in Information Policy (4)
Development and implementation of public policies affecting the flow of information. Focus on policy issues that involve value conflicts among proprietary rights, privacy rights and information access rights. Examination of conflicts from political, economic and sociological points of view. Prerequisite: Consent of Ph.D. program director or instructor.
Inf 710 Research Design in Information Science (4)
Inf 711 Research Seminar I (1)
This course is offered every fall for all first-semester students. The course meets once a week to hear presentations by faculty about their current research. In addition, research skills are developed, such as evaluation of information science literature, how to write a literature review, how to plan and use bibliographic software, and how to do a poster session at a conference.
Inf 712 Research Seminar II (1)
This course is offered every spring for all second-semester students. This course meets three times during the semester to plan and coordinate the INF Research Conference while also developing posters to present at the Research Conference. Students develop their research agenda by completing their INF Program Plan. Prerequisite: Inf 711
Inf 713 Research Seminar III (1)
This course is offered every fall for all third-semester students. This course meets weekly to hear presentations by faculty about their current research. Students develop research relationships with faculty to continue their own research. Prerequisites: Inf 711 and 712
Inf 714 Research Seminar IV (1)
This course is offered every spring for all fourth-semester students. This course meets three times during the semester to guide students’ independent research. Students present their research with a faculty member at the INF Research Conference. Prerequisites: Inf 710, 711, 712 and 713
Inf 720 Managing Information and Technology in Organizations (2)
This course will introduce information systems research paradigms grounded in
organization theory and provide a framework for applying theoretical concepts
and empirical tools to the management of information and technology in organizations.
Inf 721 Information and Society (2)
Relationships between information and communication technologies and social
action; how social and organizational factors influence processes and systems,
and how the use of ICTs influence our (changing) understanding and experience
of dealing with information.
Inf 722 Information Organization (2)
Text analysis for information extraction, organization of information for knowledge
sharing, and visualization of information to support users’ diverse cognitive
Inf 723 Information and Computing (2)
Development of theories and concepts that underlie the operation of information
processing and retrieval systems; consequences derived from these theories that
should be considered in designing such systems; theoretical foundations of information
and computation; technologies and application areas.
Inf 724 Information Policy (2)
National and international information policy development trends, processes,
and conflicts; policy, law, and culture; information economics, industries,
and trade; policies of information commodities (e.g. intellectual property,
Inf 740 Information Security Risk Assessment (1)
This course provides students with an introduction to the field of information
security risk assessment. Initially, the students will be introduced to basic
definitions and nomenclature in the area of security assessment. Thereafter
they will be taught different approaches for assessment of risk. The course
will incorporate cases in risk analysis derived from state and law enforcement
agencies. Students will learn how to use a risk analysis matrix for performing
both quantitative and qualitative risk analysis. As part of the course the students
learn of the different threats that they need to incorporate in their risk analysis
Inf 741 Security Policies (1)
This course provides students with an introduction to information security policies.
Students will be introduced to sociological and psychological issues in policy
implementation in general and then provided with a focused dialogue on information
security specific policies. The class discusses the entire lifecycle of policy
creation and enactment and presents students with issue specific policies in
different domains of security. The structure of the policy is also discussed
to assist the students in design and modification of policies. Several examples
from different domains are incorporated in the curriculum to assist students
to learn in context of real life situations.
Inf 766 Special Topics in Information Science (1-3)
Inf 894 Directed Readings in Information Science (1-4)
Inf 897 Independent Study and Research in Information Science (1-4)
Inf 899 Doctoral Dissertation (1-12)Load graded. Appropriate for doctoral students engaged in research and writing
of the dissertation. Prerequisite: Admission to doctoral candidacy.