Department of Educational and Counseling
The Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology is a multidisciplinary
department devoted to research, teaching, and service in the use of psychological
principles to promote lifelong growth, learning, and development in multiple
life roles and contexts. Four disciplines are represented in the department:
Counseling Psychology, Educational Psychology, School Psychology, and Special
Education. Currently offered through the division are ten different graduate
degree programs by the four divisions that correspond to the represent disciplines:
- The Division
of Counseling Psychology offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology
(APA-accredited), a Master of Science in Community Counseling, a Master of
Science in Rehabilitation Counseling (CORE-accredited), and a Certificate
of Advanced Study in School Counseling.
- The Division
of School Psychology offers a Doctor of Psychology in School Psychology
(APA-accredited), and a Certificate of Advanced Study in School Psychology.
- The Division
of Special Education offers three programs leading to a Master of Science
in Special Education and two programs leading to a Master of Science in Special
Education and Literacy. Those wishing to pursue doctoral study in special
education should inquire about the special education concentration within
the Ph.D. program in Educational Psychology.