Graduate Bulletin

Expenses and Financial Aid

Following registration, students are billed through the mail at their permanent addresses. Payment should be made by return mail at least five business days prior to the due date printed on the invoice. Students must have proof of approved aid, waivers, or scholarships in order to defer payment. Without satisfactory evidence to defer, students are expected to pay charges up front and wait for reimbursement when the aid, waiver, or scholarship funds are actually received. Veterans may defer charges pending receipt of their monthly benefit checks.

Students with unpaid financial obligations will have a "hold" placed on their records, and will be unable to receive grades or transcripts, register for future terms, or receive diplomas. In addition, the University assesses a Late Payment Fee of $30.00 each time an invoice is issued and not paid or covered by approved financial aid or waivers by the invoice due date. Invoices are issued on a monthly basis to students with outstanding balances.

Delinquent accounts are transferred to private collection agencies and/or the New York State Attorney General's Office for collection. Delinquent accounts are subject to interest and collection fee charges.

Residency for Tuition Rate Purposes

Students are charged in-state or out-of-state tuition rates based on their residency status. The Student Accounts Office follows SUNY Board of Trustees policies in determining residency for tuition rate purposes. Generally, students are not considered in-state until they have completed 12 months of residency in New York. Please note, however, that the domicile (permanent home) of an unemancipated student is considered to be that of the parent or other legal guardian regardless of the length of the student's residency in New York. Students who wish to appeal their out-of-state designation should contact the Student Accounts Office for an application and copy of the Board of Trustees Guidelines.


Students who officially drop semester-length courses may be entitled to a proportionate adjustment of tuition charges or a proportionate refund of tuition paid according to the schedule below. Adjustments or refunds are based on the official date of drop, not the date of the last class attended. Please note that the University Fee is generally non- refundable.

For adjustment/refund purposes, the first week of classes shall be deemed to have ended when seven calendar days, including the first day of scheduled classes, have elapsed. The first day of classes as scheduled by the campus shall be deemed to be the first day that any classes are offered. Refund schedules are subject to change by official action of the State University of New York. Please refer to the Schedule of Classes for specific semester dates.

Date of Official Drop           Tuition Adjustment/Refund 

   First Week                             100%

   Second Week                             70% 

   Third Week                              50% 

   Fourth Week                             30% 

   Fifth Week                               0% 

Example of refund to a student whose program drops below 12 credits:

  Tuition charge for student taking

    13 graduate credits:                       $2,550.00

  Student drops a 3 credit course

    during the fourth week.  

  Tuition charge as a part-time student

    for the remaining 10 credits:              $2,130.00

  Difference between amount originally

    charged as a full-time student and

    reevaluated charges as a part-time

    student (10 credits at $213.00/credit):      $420.00

  Adjustment/refund percentage as

    provided by schedule during the

    fourth week:                                      30%

  Adjustment/refund:                             $126.00

Graduate students who receive federal financial aid and withdraw from the University may have a portion of their aid refunded back to the individual aid program, thus reducing the original amount of aid awarded. Federal regulations determine the amount to be refunded and the order in which the programs are repaid. Currently, federal regulations require that refunds be made in the following order: Unsubsidized Stafford, Subsidized Stafford, PLUS, PERKINS. If a student either officially or unofficially drops out before the first day of classes, all aid must be returned.

Financial Aid Information

The University at Albany is committed to helping students obtain the resources necessary to assist them in continuing their education, regardless of economic circumstances. Although the primary responsibility for paying educational expenses rests with students, we strongly encourage all to apply for financial assistance. The Office of Financial Aid administers all federal and New York student assistance programs.

Application and Awards Procedure

Students interested in receiving federal student financial aid at the University at Albany begin the application process by submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This form may be obtained from the financial aid office at any college or university. Applicants should indicate in Section "H" of the form that the information be sent to the University at Albany. Our federal code number, which should be included, is 002835. We recommend that you submit the form when you have accurate income information for the previous year, but prior to June 1 if you plan to apply for a student loan and wish to have the proceeds available to you at the beginning of the fall semester. You should have financial aid transcripts from any college or university previously attended sent to the Office of Financial Aid at the University at Albany, regardless of whether or not you received financial aid.

New York State residents should also complete the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application, which is available from colleges and universities.

After all required information is received by the University, a financial aid award will be sent to you with additional instructions about how to complete the application process for the Stafford Loan.

Financial Need

Most federal student financial assistance is awarded on the basis of financial need. Simply stated, financial need is:

Estimated Cost of Attendance

- Expected Contribution

= Financial Need

The estimated total cost of graduate study for a full-time student includes both direct and indirect educational expenses. Direct educational expenses include actual charges for tuition, fees, and room and meal plan charges for students who live on campus. Since students have other expenses beyond institutional charges, reasonable allowances have been included for indirect expenses such as books, travel, personal expenses, and living expenses for off-campus students. Actual institutional charges in any academic year are subject to change based on action by governmental agencies. The expected family contribution (EFC) is computed from the information you, and if applicable, your family provided on the FAFSA. The EFC is shown on your Student Air Report (SAR), the form you receive from the federal processor approximately four weeks after submission of the FAFSA.

Types of Assistance

Stafford Loan -- Students with financial need may borrow up to $8,500 annually on a subsidized basis, which means the government pays the interest on the loan during the in-school period. Students without financial need may borrow under the program on an unsubsidized basis, which means interest must be paid by the borrower during the in-school period as well as during repayment. Students who need additional funds may borrow up to $10,000 more (beyond $8,500) on an unsubsidized basis, depending on their cost of education.

New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) -- This grant program for New York State residents who are full-time graduate students (enrolled for at least twelve credits per term) currently provides awards ranging up to $550 per year.

University at Albany Assistance -- Assistance is available from University graduate departments in the form of assistantships, fellowships, and scholarships without regard to financial need.

Tuition Scholarships and Waivers of Tuition

Graduate students may be eligible for tuition scholarships or tuition waivers (full or in part) providing they meet the criteria described below. An employee request for a waiver of tuition must be filed with the Personnel Office in advance of the semester. Requests from graduate students for tuition scholarships need to be completed, approved by the appropriate Dean, and filed with the Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs before the end of the registration period. No tuition scholarships or waivers can be given to New York State residents who are full-time students until they have formally applied for the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) or have clearly demonstrated their ineligibility for a TAP award. Eligibility for a tuition scholarship or waiver of tuition does not constitute admission to graduate study.

University Employees

All full-time academic and professional employees of the State University of New York and all academic employees of community colleges may be eligible for a tuition waiver, up to the full value of the course. Specific waiver policies vary by campus. Information, forms, and statement of eligibility for this waiver must be obtained from the employing institution. Classified employees must apply for tuition assistance for job-related courses at varying levels of support. (Part- time academic appointees of the University are eligible for a tuition waiver not to exceed 6 credits.)

Employees represented by UUP are eligible to enroll on a space-available basis in one course per semester without the payment of tuition. Employees admitted to study may register for courses under this arrangement only during the last half of the program adjustment period. Full details about this program may be obtained by writing to Richard Farrell, University Registrar.

Fellows and Assistants

Graduate students with high academic achievement are eligible for consideration for full or partial tuition scholarships. However, graduate assistants and fellows who are eligible for the Tuition Assistance Program must apply for the award, which will be applied to their tuition before the University tuition scholarship is applied. Graduate assistants and fellows who are eligible for a Tuition Assistant Program award and who do not apply for the award are not eligible for tuition scholarships.

Graduate assistants and fellows who resign prior to the middle of a session lose their tuition scholarship and become liable for their tuition.

Cooperating Teachers

For each half-session of service to the University, a cooperating teacher is entitled to a choice of a $250 Waiver of Tuition or a $200 cash stipend. The Waiver of Tuition is valid at any state-operated unit of the University. The Waiver of Tuition must be used within the period of 25 months following the session in which cooperating teacher service was rendered.

Waivers of Tuition may be used by a supervising cooperating teacher or any professional staff employee in the school system in which service as a cooperating teacher was rendered provided that all transfer provisions on the certificate are completely filled in and signed by the cooperating teacher and the chief administrative officer of the school system.

Cooperating teachers must have a letter admitting them to graduate study before registering for courses. An application for admission and academic credentials must be submitted at least one month in advance of registration.

Graduate Fellowships and Assistantships

The University annually offers a number of fellowships, assistantships, and residence-hall assistantships to qualified students enrolled in their first and subsequent years of graduate study. Fellowships carry stipends of $5,000 to $14,000. Assistantships carry stipends of $5,500 to $14,000 per academic year. Both assistants and fellows may be eligible for a full or partial tuition scholarship. Before receiving a tuition scholarship, students eligible for a Tuition Assistance Program Award must apply for this award and credit the award to the tuition. The University also has available a number of assistantships in residence halls which provide a waiver of room charges. For details concerning these positions, please contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing.

Graduate students who hold fellowships are required to register for full- time study (12 credits per semester). There is no work obligation assigned to fellows. If a student is in an academic program that requires all students to perform ancillary teaching, research, or practicum duties, the student should register for independent study or practicum credits, and this activity should be clearly differentiated from the fellowship award. Fellows may not be employed in or outside the University while holding a fellowship. Fellows may not hold any kind of assistantship, traineeship, or second fellowship concurrently.

Graduate students who hold assistantships with $6,500 to $6,999 stipends are expected to devote about 15 hours a week to their professional duties and should carry an academic load of 9 or more credits each regular session and complete at least 20 credits of study during the academic year. The award also makes a student eligible to apply for a full or partial tuition scholarship after T.A.P.

Graduate students who hold assistantships with $7,000 to $14,000 stipends are expected to devote approximately one-half of their time to their academic programs and one-half of their time to their assistantship duties. They must complete at least 18 credits of study during the academic year and should register for an academic load of 9 credits of study in any session.. The tuition scholarship associated with these awards is limited to a maximum of 9 credits per semester.

All graduate students enrolled in specified degree programs are expected, in addition to the completion of coursework, to perform ancillary teaching, research, administrative, or professional duties contributing to their academic development, whether or not they receive financial support from this institution. It is expected that these duties will be assigned with the educational objective in mind. Interpretation of this policy shall be made by the Graduate Office. Particular duties assigned to graduate students under this policy are subject to the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Graduate assistants and fellows need to report their stipends as part of their net taxable income except for that portion of the stipend beyond tuition and fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses and similar educational expenses.

Graduate assistants and residence-hall assistants may not be employed in other capacities in or outside the University while holding an assistantship. They may not hold any kind of fellowship, traineeship, or second assistantship concurrently.

Graduate students who hold fellowships or assistantships are expected to perform their duties satisfactorily and to remain in good academic standing during the tenure of their appointments and must be in good academic standing to qualify for a renewal.

Requests for additional information and applications for fellowships or assistantships should be addressed to the chair of the department or to the dean of the school or college concerned.

Requests for additional information and applications for residence-hall assistantships should be addressed to the Director of Residences.

In addition to University fellowships and assistantships, the University has available fellowships, traineeships, and scholarships supported by other agencies. In addition, some of the centers provide research assistantships in connection with their activities. Regulations given above for University fellows and assistants also apply to recipients of fellowships awarded by agencies outside the University.

The Veteran

The University has been approved for Veterans Administration Educational Benefits. An eligible veteran receives a monthly allowance while in attendance at the University. It is paid directly to the student and is intended to cover the usual costs for fees and books, as well as basic living expenses. A veteran may qualify for benefits according to the following schedule:

Classification               Registered Credits

  Full time                         12 or more

  3/4 time                           9-11

  1/2 time                           6-8

  Less than 1/2 time*                1-5

The certification of full-time status of graduate assistants and fellows is based on the academic load requirements specified for graduate assistants and fellows. Having been admitted to a program at the University in advance of registration, a veteran who is eligible for benefits and who wishes to apply for them can make application for benefits at the Registrar's Office, CC B25. Veterans who have never drawn benefits at Albany must have a certified "DD214," a copy of marriage certificate if married, and a copy of dependent childrens' birth certificates if applicable. A veteran who has already made application must complete the appropriate form each session at the Registration Office in order to receive benefits. A veteran wishing to receive benefits for the summer session must do the same. Generally, the Veterans Administration will pay benefits for two academic sessions of study at the nondegree or nonmatriculated level.

*Pays tuition and fees only.

Ancillary Duties

All graduate students enrolled in degree programs are expected, in addition to the completion of coursework, to perform ancillary teaching, research, administrative or professional duties contributing to their academic development, whether or not they receive financial support from this institution. It is expected that these duties will be assigned with the educational objective in mind. Interpretation of this policy shall be made by the Dean of Graduate Studies. Particular duties assigned to graduate students under this policy are subject to the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies.