The University at Albany, State University of New York, was the first state-chartered institution of higher education in New York. As Northeastern New York's premier academic institution and one of four university centers in the SUNY system, Albany offers graduate and undergraduate education in a broad range of academic fields at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree levels.
Albany has a broad mission of undergraduate and graduate education, research and public service.
Our students receive a top-quality education from renowned faculty members at an affordable price. Our School of Criminal Justice is rated as the top graduate school of criminal justice in the country, according to a prestigious survey based on the published works of faculty in top 10 journals in the field. Our Department of Public Administration and Policy is ranked 10th in the nation in a U.S. News & World Report survey of graduate programs. And our Management Information Systems (MIS) program in the School of Business was ranked as one of the top 10 in the country by Computerworld, the widely-read journal for information systems professionals.
An active research program stems from the awareness of a responsibility to contribute to the expansion of knowledge and understanding. The University actively assists and encourages its members to engage in scholarly and creative research and to make the results widely available.
The University also understands its special role as an intellectual resource. Scholars are encouraged to share their skills and competence, and the University regularly invites the community to use its talents, resources, and facilities.
The University enrolls students in nine degree-granting schools and colleges. The College of Arts and Sciences, as well as the Schools of Business, Education, Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, Criminal Justice, Information Science and Policy, and Social Welfare, offer graduate and undergraduate programs. The School of Public Health and the School of Nanosciences and Nanoengineering offers graduate programs only.
The Office for Research and the Office of Graduate Studies are responsible for advanced-degree programs and research activities.
The University at Albany is the center of higher education in northeastern New York, enrolling approximately 17,000 students, including 5,000 graduate students. Nationally and internationally renowned scholars are among some 700 full-time faculty members who are committed to maintaining the high academic standards which have characterized the University at Albany since its founding in 1844.
The uptown campus was designed by Edward Durell Stone. The setting is highlighted by a podium of 13 academic buildings on a common platform, all connected by a continuous roof and a lower-level corridor. Although most classrooms and laboratories are on this campus, the Schools of Criminal Justice, Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, Social Welfare, and Information Science and Policy are located on the downtown campus. The School of Public Health is located in several buildings. The downtown campus includes residential, instructional, clinical, and research facilities. Bus shuttle service is provided between the campuses.
In addition to the classrooms and laboratories, the University Library and the Performing Arts Center with its theatres, recital halls, rehearsal rooms, and instructional areas are also on the academic podium.
Many graduate students opt to live in Alumni Quad downtown, or in Freedom Quad, an apartment-style complex near the uptown campus.
The University at Albany is the on-line University -- a place where students and faculty communicate via electronic mail. Eleven computer user rooms around campus assure that every student has access to a computer and the resources of the campus computer network. Students and faculty can tap the power of multimedia learning in the impressively equipped Interactive Media Center in the main Library. Our libraries contain 1.8 million volumes with many specialized collections and an on-line catalogue.
The University began in 1844, but continues to build for the future. Our Center for Environmental Sciences and Technology Management (CESTM) Building houses the School of Nanosciences and Nanoengineering where we are leading the quest for better computer chips. Albany's world-renowned Atmospheric Sciences Research Center and a National Weather Service office are also located at CESTM.
Our Campus Center houses a new Barnes & Noble book shore, banking machines, a video game room, and food court area, and is a popular gathering place for students.
Albany's sports facilities are among the finest in the Northeast. For outdoor sports there are tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts, an all-weather track, and fields for football, soccer, softball, baseball, lacrosse, and rugby. The Recreation and Convocation Center (RACC) has an indoor track, racquetball and squash courts, and a fitness room with Nautilus machines, stationary bikes, and weight-training equipment. Concerts and other community and University events are also held in the RACC, which seats 4,800.
The University is within minutes of the State Capitol, Legislature, courts and state agencies. The city of Albany is highlighted by the Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza, which includes the New York State Museum and Library, as well as performing arts and convention facilities, and a 17,000-seat major performance and sports venue, the Knickerbocker Arena.
The Capital Region, including the cities of Albany, Schenectady, Troy and Saratoga, has a population of more than 750,000. Within a short distance are the Berkshires, the Catskills and the Adirondack Mountains. The University at Albany is close to major cities such as Boston, New York and Montreal. I-90 and the Northway meet within a mile of the uptown campus, and the airport, AMTRAK and bus terminals are only minutes away.
The University enjoys unusual accreditation privileges. It is chartered by the Board of Regents of New York State. All of its degrees and programs are registered and its professional programs fully approved by the Board of Regents through the New York State Education Department. It is a member of the Council of Graduate Schools in the United States. It is fully accredited by: The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 215-662-5605), American Psychological Association, Council on Rehabilitation Education, Computing Sciences Accreditation Board, The Council on Social Work Education, The American Chemical Society, The American Library Association, The American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, The National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, and The Council on Education for Public Health.
Its graduates are recognized by the American Association of University Women.
The University maintains library facilities on both campuses. The University Libraries provide an innovative learning environment that takes full advantage of emerging information technologies. Through a combination of computer-based user interfaces, electronic archives, and links to local and global computer networks, the University Libraries offer a broad range of powerful search and retrieval tools. New formats and new services are constantly being developed, evaluated, and offered to students, faculty, and staff. Library personnel are available to instruct and assist you in the use of these tools and services.
ADVANCE, the University Libraries' on-line catalog, is designed to provide you with quick access to information about the university's collections. It offers a number of different search modes, and contains information on the nearly 2 million items in the University and Dewey Graduate Library collections, including books, journals, government documents, microforms, and other media. Additional databases, such as the Expanded Academic Index (an index to articles published in hundreds of journals), are also available through ADVANCE. New functions are continually being added to this system. Some current functions including: access to other libraries' catalogs, ability to place a hold or recall on an item that is currently charged out to another user, access to your patron record information about charged items, overdue fines, etc.
Electronic resources, including directories, indexes to periodical literature, statistical databases, government reports and other reference materials are available in various formats to supplement the rich print collections. Librarians assist users to identify and use these sources, which cover disciplines in the arts, humanities, social sciences and sciences.
The Dewey Graduate Library of Public Affairs and Policy, on the downtown campus, serves the Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy. The Dewey Graduate Library facilitates and assists cross disciplinary, doctoral-level research. It provides both materials and access to information in a variety of formats and locations. Cooperative agreements on the local, regional, and national levels facilitate this flow of materials and information.
Collection Development bibliographers in both libraries assist faculty and students in the selection and use of library materials. Other available services include tours, films, orientation sessions, and instruction in the techniques of bibliographic research. In addition, there are special facilities to aid the visually handicapped. The library on the uptown campus provides individual student carrels and study rooms for faculty and doctoral research.
The Interactive Media Center (IMC), located in ULB-41 of the University Library, contains an impressive array of commercially produced software and media. Instructional media titles in optical and electronic format are available to be used on over 20 workstations (both DOS and Macintosh). Each workstation is equipped with a microcomputer, a videodisk player, and a videotape and CD-ROM playback unit.
The University Libraries also have archival collections on particular subjects. Membership in the Center for Research Libraries provides access to the center's three-million-volume collection. The University is also a member of the Association of Research Libraries and The Research Libraries Group.
All students may enter the buildings and use a number of library services and resources without registering. However, many of our services, such as borrowing books, checking out reserve materials, and using most IMC resources, require that you be a registered user of the Libraries. This is an easy process; simply bring your valid student ID card and stop at the Circulation Desk in either library. The staff will process your library registration.
The University Library on the uptown campus, except for holidays, is open during regular sessions Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 11:00 p.m. Further information is available by calling 518-442-3602.
The Dewey Graduate Library, except for holidays, is open during regular sessions Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Sunday noon to 8:00 p.m. Further information is available by calling 518-442-3693.
If you have any questions about library resources or services, you can contact the University Library Reference Desk at 442-3558 or the Dewey Library Reference Desk at 442-3691. You may also use the e-mail reference service; send your questions to
Information Technology Services
Information Technology Services: ITS provides technology systems and support for the University community. ITS is composed of 6 units which report to the Chief Information Officer: Client Support Services, Extended Learning, Research IT, Systems Management and Operations, Telecommunications and University Applications Development.
ITS provides an extensive array of information technology tools and support. Visit the ITS website at for an overview of products and services available for students, faculty and staff. This site contains extensive information about email and LAN services, ITS accounts, technology-equipped facilities, training opportunities, ITS policies and additional technology services available to the University community. Alerts and notices of service interruptions, as well as items of special interest are provided on the web. There is also more information about the individual units that make up the ITS organization and the services they provide.
To learn more about our student, faculty and staff self-service web site MyUAlbany go to This is the 'portal' through which students and faculty access information in the student records database. Students use MyUAlbany to enroll in courses, add or drop classes, view their academic record and update personal information. Faculty can use MyUAlbany to generate class rosters, enter grades and view advisee information. All Staff can update their demographic information, and professional staff can submit leave information to Time Records online.
The HelpDesk located in LC-27 is available to assist with specific questions about technology. The Help Desk can be contacted by phone at 442-3700. Faculty and staff can direct email questions to; students can send email to Student HelpDesk at
The University Health Center, located on the uptown campus, provides medical services for the University community during regular academic semesters. Students who have a (required) health form on file are eligible for continuing care at the University Health Center. We also provide emergency care and referral for faculty, staff and visitors.
Our telephone number is 442-5454. Call for an appointment or, when necessary, visit our urgent care unit. We also offer a Self-Help Cold Clinic stocked with over-the-counter medications from our pharmacy.
Address: University Health Center, Health and Counseling Services Building, University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY 12222.
Students may enroll in the optional Student Health Insurance plan by checking the appropriate box on the Payment Invoice. Inquiries regarding the plan may be made at the insurance office located in the Health and Counseling Services building. Office hours are 8:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number is 442-5467.
Address: Student Health Insurance Office, Health and Counseling Services Building, University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY 12222.
University Counseling Center services are provided to help students reach their educational goals.
Some of the factors that interfere with educational accomplishments and influence persons to seek psychological services are feelings of depression and anxiety, concerns about academic performance, family and social relationships, and issues of sexuality, harassment, and discrimination. The Center offers confidential psychological assessment, referral, and/or short-term psychotherapy to students enrolled at the University at Albany.
Students seeking personal assistance typically come to the Center, complete a self-assessment (20 minutes) and receive an appointment time. Appointments can usually be scheduled within one to three days.
Consultation regarding student-related issues is available to all members of the University community. Call for assistance.
Educational programs and workshops are offered by the Center to students, faculty, and staff. Descriptions of our programs will be provided upon request.
Counseling Center clinical staff are psychologists. Graduate students from the Clinical and Counseling Psychology programs also provide services under the direction of clinical staff.
Private Entrance: North side of the Health and Counseling Services Building to the 2nd floor.
Reception Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday (academic year); 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday (summer).
The Center maintains confidential records which are separate from official University educational records.
Address: University Counseling Center, Health and Counseling Services Building, University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY 12222.
Phone: 442-5800.
Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program
The Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program provides student volunteers trained to help other students by offering support, information, and referral services. Developed in 1970 in the spirit of students helping students, the agency's members are trained in communication, problem-solving, and prevention skills and are supervised by a professional director and four graduate student program coordinators. Individuals seeking services may call the Middle Earth Hotline (442-5777) or come in person to Room 204 of the Health and Counseling Services Building. Services are confidential and, when using the hotline, callers may remain anonymous. Middle Earth is open during the academic year when classes are in session. Open noon - midnight, Monday - Thursday and 24 hours on Friday - Saturday, there is no need to schedule an appointment for service.
Middle Earth also provides training to graduate and undergraduate students at the University who are interested in agency administration/supervision or hotline/outreach education work. Graduate Assistantships are available, and undergraduate students have the option of receiving course credit for their work within the agency. Middle Earth provides excellent opportunities for individuals who are planning to enter any of the helping professions. Further information concerning training opportunities at Middle Earth is available by calling our business line at 442-5890.
Services to Persons with Disabilities
The University is particularly suited to the academically qualified person who has a physical or a learning disability. The main campus is modern and has been designed to be accessible to persons with disabilities.
Disabled Student Services coordinates services for persons with disabilities, including pre-admission counseling, individual orientation for new students, personal and career counseling, coordination of assistants (e.g., readers, note-takers, and attendants), and a host of other services. The staff works with faculty and staff in other departments to ensure the maximum utilization of instructional and nonacademic programs by students with disabilities. For further information write to Disabled Student Services, Campus Center, Room 137, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12222, or call 518-442-5491 (voice) or 518-442-5499 (TDD).
Parking Information and Policies
Campus maps and campus parking rules and regulations are available from the Office of Parking Management and from the University Police Desk Officer.
The campus parking program has been established to provide safe, well-maintained, and convenient parking to members of the University community, visitors, and guests. The University at Albany has developed parking regulations which are designed to provide the best possible service to our community. These regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, every day, including holidays.
All members of the University community who operate and park a vehicle on University property must display a valid University decal. Vehicles may be registered either by mail or in person at the Office of Parking Management, Public Safety Building. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Friday.
Questions regarding University parking should be directed to the Office of Parking Management, 442-3121.
The University at Albany, SUNY, is an academic community dedicated to the ideals of justice. A university is above all a place where intellectual life is central and where faculty, staff, and students strive together for excellence in the pursuit of knowledge. It is a particular kind of community with a special purpose. Moreover, this academic community, if it is to support our broader ideals, must also be just.
There is no definitive theory of justice. The differences in these theories are to be respected. However, among all democratic theories of justice the principles of equality and liberty are basic. These principles are no less central to a free university.
Equality is a necessary part of any university that claims to be a democratic institution. Distinctions based on irrelevant differences are ruled out. Ascriptive characteristics such as race, religion, gender, class, disability, ethnic background, or sexual preference determine neither the value of individuals nor the legitimacy of their views. Only the merit of the individual as a participant in the academic life of the community is worthy of consideration. Bigotry in any form is antithetical to the University's ideals on intellectual, political, and moral grounds and must be challenged and rejected.
Liberty is an equally precious academic principle because the free expression of ideas is the central part of university life. To sustain the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and understanding, the University must allow the free expression of ideas, no matter how outrageous. Protecting speech in all its forms, however, does not mean condoning all ideas or actions. The University sets high standards for itself and denounces the violation of these standards in unequivocal terms. Harassment and other behavior that intrudes upon the rights of others is unacceptable and subject to action under the guidelines of the institution.
There is no guarantee that the principles of justice, once stated, are realized. The University must constantly remind itself of its mission and ethos. A just community is always on guard against injustice, always asserting its dedication to justice. The assertion of justice takes place in every part of the community: in the classroom, the lecture hall, the library, the residence and dining halls, wherever members of the University come together. It is the responsibility of all faculty, staff, and students to keep the ideals of justice uppermost in the minds of the members of the University so that they may be achieved.
Student Consumer Information
Federal regulations require the University to provide all prospective
and enrolled students with information on subjects with which you should
be familiar. This information can be found at The
subjects include student financial aid (description of aid programs available,
eligibility criteria, how to apply, the method of award and distribution,
satisfactory progress standards, loan terms and deferrals); tuition and
other costs; refund and withdrawal policies; information about academic
programs, personnel and facilities; facilities and services available to
disabled students; retention and graduation rates; and athletic program
participation rates and financial support data. Also available is the University�s
Annual Security Report which includes statistics for the previous three
years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus
buildings or property owned or controlled by the University, and on public
property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus.
The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security,
such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the
reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. Information
regarding parent and student rights under the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA) with respect to access to and the release of
student education records is also available. Inquiries or paper copies
should be directed to RTK, Institutional Research, UAB321, 1400 Washington
Avenue, Albany, NY 12222.