Dual Master's Program in Criminal Justice (M.A.) and Social Work - Management Concentration (M.S.W.)
Program of Study (70 graduate credits minimum)
To complete requirements for the MA/MSW with the Management Concentration, students must complete 70 credits through required coursework and electives:
1. Required courses (57 credits minimum):
a.) Social Welfare (42 credits minimum) including: Ssw 600; 610; 611; 620;
621; 630; 650; 651; 714; 715; 726; 752; 753;
b.) Criminal Justice: Students must complete one course in two of the three
following substantive areas:
Nature of Crime: Crj 601, 602; 606; 607;
Law and Social Control: Crj 620, 623, 626, 629;;
Criminal Justice Process and Policy: Crj 641,642, 643, 645, 646, 647, 649,
651, 652
c.) Complete course requirements in support sequence: Crj 504 or Crj 679 or
Crj 681 or equivalent; and Crj 682 PLUS Crj 691 or Ssw 665
2. Electives (11 credits minimum) including at least three credits from each of
the elective groupings in criminal justice to total 70 credits.