Graduate Bulletin Homepage |Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy |Graduate Program Curricula | Certificate Program in Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Certificate Program in Nonprofit Management and Leadership
This Certificate of Graduate Study requires 5 courses:
Core Courses:
- Choose one of the following: Pad 613 Issues in Not-For-Profit Management or Ssw 790 Human Service Organizations within a Changing Environment
- Choose one of the following: Pad 614 Managerial Leadership in the Public Service , Pad 506 Introduction to Public Management, Ssw 791 Managing Systems in Human Service Organizations, Ssw 792 Community Building, or Isp 614 Administration of Information Agencies.
- Choose any three courses from the following areas:
Managing Organizations Pad 610, Pad 633, Pad 636, Ssw 627, Ssw 628, Pad 524 Information Management Isp 523, Pad 623, Isp 546 Financial Management Pad 640, Acc 647, Fin 700, Pub 514 Public Policy Electives Pub 612, Pad 675R, Pad 622, Pad 662, Pub 501, Ssw 600 General Electives Pad 511, Ssw 705, Ssw 665, Ssw 795, Pad 521, Pad 626, Pad 634, Pad 620
Last updated on 3/16/2009