Students develop their abilities to do independent research and to communicate the results of this research to the world. The program is designed to train the student to be capable of pursuing a career in physics teaching or research, or in other areas which require extensive knowledge of physics or of physics techniques. The program requires at least three years of full-time effort.
Requirements for Admission
In addition to the general University requirements, a strong undergraduate background is needed. Most students admitted to the Ph.D. program have an undergraduate degree in physics or a closely related field. Applicants from other areas may be considered, but may need to take some undergraduate physics courses to make up for deficiencies.
Program of Study and Research
A minimum of 60 credits with an average grade of B or higher is required.
1. Core Courses: Eight core courses (24 credits), Phy 507, 517, 527, 537, 547, 557, 577 or 587 with a grade of B or better. Up to 24 credits may be transferred from another institution as approved by the physics graduate studies committee.
2. Physics Electives: (12-33 credits) At least four letter-graded graduate courses with a grade of B or higher, in physics, or in other fields as approved by the physics graduate studies committee. Students whose native language is other than English may take ETAP 500, academic writing, as an elective. Up to 30 credits total of core and elective credit may be transferred from another institution as approved by the physics graduate studies committee.
3. Physics Research: (3-24 credits) Research as approved by the advisor. Phy 695 for students who have not advanced to candidacy, and Phy 810 for doctoral candidates who have not met the credit requirement. A minimum of 1 credit of Phy 899, doctoral dissertation is required.
4. Transfer or Advanced Standing Credit: Up to 30 credits of core and elective courses may be transferred from another institution as approved on an individual basis by the physics Graduate Studies Committee (GSC). Students with substantial transfer credit or advanced standing are encouraged to begin research in their first year.
Departmental Examinations
A student must pass:
- All three parts of the written comprehensive field examination in physics at the doctoral level by the end of the second year. The comprehensive exam is a set of three three-hour exams on classical, statistical-thermal, and quantum physics. A "doctoral level pass" or "master's level pass" may be awarded separately for each of the three parts. Ideally, as student will pass all three exams at the doctoral level at the end of the first year. In exceptional circumstances, a student may petition the physics faculty for one more attempt to pass at the doctoral level after the second year. This is expected to by rarely granted.
- In exceptional circumstances, a student may petition the physics faculty for one more attempt to pass at the doctoral level.
- An oral qualifying examination that includes a presentation on a topic approved by their research advisor, demonstrating knowledge of the literature of the field, by the end of the fifth semester. Extensions may be requested in writing from the physics graduate studies committee in extenuating circumstances. This exam may be completed before the comprehensive exam, as advised.
- A final oral examination, which is a defense of the dissertation.
Research Skill Requirement
Each student must demonstrate proficiency in an appropriate research skill. Examples of research skills are a thorough knowledge of a foreign language, a computer programming language, or electronics. This may be demonstrated with Phy 577.
Full Time Study in Residence
Each student in a doctoral program must engage in full-time study at the University in at least one session after admission to the advanced program. This requirement is designed to insure for each doctoral student a sustained period of intensive intellectual growth. For this purpose a student will satisfactorily complete full-time study (12 credits, or 9 for a research assistant). In extraordinary circumstances, exceptions may be requested of the graduate studies committee.
Admission to Candidacy
Students must be admitted to candidacy at least one semester before receiving a Ph.D. An application to candidacy is accepted when a student has:
- a satisfactory record in course and research work;
- completed University residence requirements;
- completed the research skill requirement;
- passed the comprehensive exam sections and the oral qualifying examination.
A student's dissertation is expected to represent a significant and original contribution to physics. The dissertation research must be publicly presented, and approved by the student's research committee, the department and the university.