Graduate Bulletin Homepage |College of Arts & Sciences |Graduate Program Curricula | Public History Master of Arts Degree Program
Program Leading to the Master of Arts Degree in Public History
Program of Study (36 credits, minimum)
- Academic courses in History (21 credits, minimum) including: His 621 Readings in Local and Regional History or His 630 Readings in Public Policy or a reading course from any of the other M.A. concentrations as advised and a research seminar.
- Professional courses (9 credits) including His 501 Introduction to Public History and two other professional courses.
- Internship (6 credits): His 798A Internship in Public History.
- Satisfactory completion of a major field examination in Local and Regional History or one of the other M.A. fields as advised. A Master's thesis may be substituted for the field exam with approval of the student's advisor.
Last updated on 11/5/2008