Special Education & Literacy I M.S. Degree Program
This program leads to the graduate degree needed for professional teacher certification in the area of Childhood (1-6) and for initial/professional certification in Literacy Specialist (B-6), and Students with Disabilities (1-6).
Required Courses - 43 Credits
E Rdg 500 Classroom Literacy Instruction (3)
E Rdg 601 Practicum: Instruction to Prevent Literacy Difficulties (3)
E Rdg 610 Literacy in Society (3)
E Rdg 619 Practicum: Writing in the Classroom, 1-6 (3)
E Rdg 620 Practicum: Differentiated Instruction and Coaching, B-6 (6)
E Spe 650 Instructional Environments and Practices for Students with Disabilities (3)
E Spe 651 Developing Reading Comprehension and Content Knowledge for Students
with Disabilities (3)
E Spe 652 Math and Inquiry Instruction for Students with Disabilities (3)
E Spe 653 Managing School and Classroom-wide Student Behavior to Promote Efficient
and Effective Instruction (3)
E Spe 654 Teaching Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities(3)
E Spe 655 Assessment of Students with Disabilities (3)
E Spe 669 Students with Emotional Disorders and Challenging Behaviors: Advanced
Tiers of Support (3)
E Spe 680A Clinical Internship: Teaching Students with Disabilities (3)
E Spe 681 Clinical Internship Seminar: Teaching Students with Disabilities (1)
Additional Program/NYSED Requirements:
Needs of Students with Autism Training