The Master of Science in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL): Certification Option
This program leads to New York State K-12 certification in TESOL. Applicants must have a minimum of 12 credits in a language other than English and an introductory course in linguistics (3 credits).
Program of Study (48 Credits)
Required Core Courses (39 credits)
E Psy 522 Adolescent Development (3)
E Spe 560 Introduction to Human Exceptionality (3)
E Tap 501 TESOL Methodology (3)
E Tap 536 Second Language Learning (3)
E Tap 550/A Eng 552/A Lin 552 Approaches to English Grammar (3)
E Tap 598 Directed Field Experience in Education (3)
E Tap 635 Methods for Teaching Limited English Proficiency Children (3)
E Tap 652B Perspectives in Bilingual Education (3)
E Tap 690T TESOL: Guided Field Experience and Seminar (12)
Choose one of the following for 3 credits:
E Tap 680 Research Seminar: Critical Introduction to Educational Research Paradigms (3)
E Tap 681 Research Seminar: Research in Practice (3)
Elective Courses (9 credits)
Choose one technology course for 3 credits:
Choose one linguistics course for 3 credits:
Choose one language and culture course for 3 credits:
Additional Program/NYSED Requirements:
School Violence Prevention and Intervention (SAVE) Training
Child Abuse Identification and Reporting Training