Information Technology Management Courses
Itm 510 Advanced Excel with Visual Basic for Applications (1)
Excel is the most used software in any organization. This course includes advanced Excel including the use of Excel objects, Macros, Functions, Goal Seek, Solver, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), regression analysis, charts, pivot tables, etc. Problems will focus on business decision support, scenario analysis and statistical techniques. The student will learn how to improve productivity using spreadsheet software and VBA for problem solving in a business environment. S/U graded.
Itm 513 Quantitative Analysis for Business (3)
This course is designed to train students to make business decisions using quantitative techniques. Analytic skills such as problem solving and critical thinking will be taught through the use of probability and logical reasoning. Concepts including simulation and regression will be covered with the aid of software packages. Students will work on projects involving quality control and forecasting. Business skills such as risk management and inventory planning will be emphasized. Prerequisite and Corequisite: ITM 510.
Itm 514 Operations Management (3)
Gaining competitive advantage through quality services and products continues to be a major challenge for many service and manufacturing organizations. In this course, we present a comprehensive view of how a judicious combination of operations strategy, concepts, processes, and techniques enable both service and manufacturing organizations to compete effectively in the global marketplace. The course is organized around the theme of how to effectively manage the process of producing and delivering quality services and products to the customer. The course will emphasize the use of cases and require presentations to enhance both unstructured problem solving and communication skills.
Itm 520 Database Management (1)
This is an introductory course in database modeling, design and implementation for business applications. The role of database systems in the management of information and the procedures for modeling the data resource to support managerial/executive needs are presented. It includes principles of database theory, query languages, and forms of data organization. Students gain hands-on experience through developing one or more database applications using one of the standard database packages.
Itm 522 Managing Information Technology (3)
This required course for all MBA students is, simply stated, about managing IT to realize the full potential of investments in these technologies. The advent of the Personal Computer in the early eighties ushered the Information Age. In today's Internet Age, it is imperative for managers to get a good grasp of the role of IS/IT as a key enabler to achieve business objectives. The course will examine strategic as well as operational issues of IT management. The goal of this course is to cover major topics rather than be encyclopedic, so that a foundation is laid for learning as the field unfolds in the future.
Itm 572 Advanced Programing (1)
The course teaches the basic constructs of the language and covers some aspects of object oriented programming. The course will start with a discussion of data types and flow control and then delve into issues like abstraction and inheritance. This is a programming class so a lot of effort is required outside of the class in programming assignments.
Itm 601 Business Systems Analysis and Design (3)
This course introduces students to the analysis and design of information systems. Topics include the identification and modeling of business requirements and processes, development of information systems that meet those requirements, and techniques associated with the successful completion of systems projects. Enrollment limited to ITM department concentrators or by the consent of instructor. Co-Requisite: Itm 603
Itm 602 Enterprise - Wide Application Development and Management (3)
This course teaches students how to plan and implement an online business. The students learn about financial analysis, marketing analysis, and risk analysis and use these to create a business plan for their online business idea. The students then implement their idea by creating a working prototype using a multi-tier (client/server/data) architecture and server side technology. Students develop and design a database and then connect it to the server creating dynamic web pages. At the middle and end of the semester, the students give a presentation to a review panel which evaluates their efforts. Based on technical demands of the course, it is required for students to have some knowledge of database development and programming. Prerequisite: Itm 604. Co-Requisite: Itm 522, Itm 698, Itm 520 (or equivalent), or permission of instructor
Itm 603 Management of IT Projects (3)
This is a required course in the Information Technology Management concentration of the MBA program. It will cover the financial, organizational and technical issues of managing IT projects. It will focus on methodologies and tools to address unstructured IT challenges. Major topics will include financial management of IT resources and projects including outsourcing, ROI and other measures and benchmarks; specifics of managing IS/IT Projects using various models and approaches (e.g. classical, GERT) and software support (e.g. MS Project, building System Simulation programs); IT projects best practices and failures, including management of data warehousing projects. Co-Requisite: Itm 601
Itm 604 Data Communications, Computer Networking and Computer Security (3)
This class introduces communications and networking concepts, including types of networks, data/signal transmission, basic ideas such as error control and multiplexing, as well as the costs and benefits of different wired and wireless media and communications hardware. It covers network topologies, the OSI/Internet models, associated protocols (TCP/IP), network architectures, and network routing and switching. Information security concepts are introduced, including common risks to information systems and their controls. Specific areas covered include wireless security, application security, password security and access control, cryptography and secure electronic commerce (PKI, digital certification, digital signatures, and other electronic authentication), intrusion detection/prevention, incident response, and computer forensics. Students also perform a risk analysis exercise using a real-world case and learn to develop information security policy. Prerequisite: Itm 522 or permission of instructor. Co-requisite: Itm 602
Itm 605 Advanced Concepts in Information Technology Management I (3)
This is a seminar-type course that deals with contemporary issues in the design and application of information technology, theory, and analytic approaches to complex, unstructured business problems. Topics will vary, but may include decision systems modeling, data security and quality, management decision making, multivariate modeling and optimization. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor required.
Itm 606 Advanced Concepts in Information Technology Management II (3)
This is a seminar-type course that deals in-depth with contemporary issues in operations management. Representative topics include automation and robotics, the use of expert systems in the manufacturing environment, and problems involved in off-shore manufacturing, international distribution, and competition with low labor-cost countries. Prerequisites: Itm 514 and permission of instructor.
Itm 611 Analysis and Design of Information-Decision Systems (3)
This course provides a theoretical and practical introduction to the analysis and design of information systems. It includes techniques for requirements gathering, modeling, and system design. Not open to department ITM concentrators or students who have taken Itm 601. Prerequisite: Itm 522 or consent of the instructor.
Itm 612 Advanced Topics in Information Systems and Technology (3)
Covers topics such as management of information resources, expert systems, information flows to support production operations, advanced material in structured analysis and design, computer networking, and the impact of information quality on organizational effectiveness. Prerequisite: Itm 522.
Itm 624 (Pad 624) Business Dynamics: Simulation Modeling for Decision-Making (3-4)
Explores the use of computer models to understand, diagnose, and experiment with organizational policy and design options. Students will learn about simulation-based analysis, employ a simulation tool, and apply their knowledge to problems of current importance. Prerequisites: Itm 520, Itm 522, or Pad 504 or consent of the instructor.
Itm 640 Information Security Risk Assessment (1-3)
This course provides students with an introduction to the field of information security risk assessment. Initially, the students will be introduced to basic definitions and nomenclature in the area of security assessment. Thereafter they will be taught different approaches for assessment of risk. The course will incorporate cases in risk analysis derived from state and law enforcement agencies. Students will learn how to use a risk analysis matrix for performing both quantitative and qualitative risk analysis. As part of the course the students learn of the different threats that they need to incorporate in their risk analysis matrices.
Itm 641 Security Policies (1-3)
This course provides students with an introduction to information security policies. Students will be introduced to sociological and psychological issues in policy implementation in general and then provided with a focused dialogue on information security specific policies. The class discusses the entire lifecycle of policy creation and enactment and presents students with issue specific policies in different domains of security. The structure of the policy is also discussed to assist the students in design and modification of policies. Several examples from different domains are incorporated in the curriculum to assist students to learn in context of real life situations.
Itm 642 Computer Forensics (1-3)
Computer forensics is a relatively new field focused on solving computer crime that is an amalgamation of forensics investigative techniques, computer security, and law. Computer forensics is the study of cyber attack reporting, detection, and response by logging malicious activity and gathering court-admissible chains-of-evidence using various forensic tools able to trace back the activity of hackers. The course provides students with training in collection and preserving evidence from computers and networks.
Itm 643 Incident Handling (1-3)
The course primarily involves management of computer security incidents, including detailing different types of incidents, identification, preparation, and analysis of incidents; as well as gathering of evidence, recovery and follow-up to computer security incidents.
Itm 644 Introduction to Information and Cyber Security (3)
In this class, vulnerabilities of computer networks and techniques for protecting networks and data are discussed. Basic elements of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, secure e-commerce, involving secure transmission, authentication, digital signatures, digital certificates and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is presented. Issues in privacy and piracy are also discussed where students study and debate controversial topics such as media piracy and government surveillance.
Itm 645 Psychology and Information Security (3)
This course provides students with an appreciation for and understanding of the psychological processes that impact information security. Three broad themes are covered. The first explores the psychology of the attacker, and examines the motivation and techniques of cyber criminals and hackers. The second theme stresses the importance of the user in the success of security systems. Students will be introduced to basic perceptual, cognitive, and motivational processes and biases that compromise security and increase vulnerability to attacks. The third theme examines how humans interact with machines and technology and how this interaction affects security in organizations.
Itm 646 Mathematical Methods for Information Security (3)
This course teaches students to navigate sections of classical mathematics and computer science used to construct mathematical models of information security. This course will help students understand the need for mathematical models in different security paradigms along with the essential definitions, concepts and results for developing the models. The course will also help students figure out the limitations of the mathematical model: its strengths and weaknesses, and, consequently, its application to practical problems. The student will know what specific areas of mathematics and computer science will be necessary for the problems at hand and where further investigation is required.
Itm 647 Security Implementation (3)
This course will teach students how to implement security in networks. Students learn how to harden their information security environment and set up secure infrastructure. The course covers both wired and wireless network security, database security, and general computer security practices.
Itm 680 Project Management (3)
This course will cover project management topics and concepts while focusing on technology based projects. Topics will include: Philosophy & Concepts; Project/Systems Life Cycle; PERT, CPM, Resource Allocation; Organizational Considerations; Risk Management; Communication Management; Contracting; PMBOK; Process areas and Knowledge areas; Project Completion, Turnover and Follow-up. Prerequisite: Student must be in the last year of the MBA program.
Itm 685 Information Security (3)
This course builds a systematic approach for engaging in information security practices in an organization. It builds a thread through a few main elements of managing information security, i.e. knowing security threats, understanding the associated risks, learning security related laws, instituting security policies, handling security breach incidents, and planning for disaster. It also delves into the human factors in information security management which covers a broad range of topics such as, hacker motivations, copyright infringement, intellectual property protection, and personnel use of workplace computing. Prerequisite: Weekend MBA program only.
Itm 691 Field Study in Information Technology Management (3)
Field projects are conducted by students under faculty supervision in a variety of business and not-for-profit organizations. The projects provide students with an opportunity to apply and further develop their skills in information technology management. Must be repeated for 3 credits. Prerequisites: Itm 522 and permission of the department chairperson.
Itm 692 Special Topics in Information Technology (3)
This course covers programming concepts using the Java language and business intelligence using data mining. In the first half of the class students learn the concepts of programming. From this class, students are not expected to become expert programmers, but will gain an understanding of basic programmig concepts that will enable them to think through and solve business problems in a logical and structured fashion. Understanding of programming will also help students in making decisions regarding technology acquisition and development as they mature into management roles. The second part of the class focuses on learning data mining techniques, including: clustering (e.g. k-means, hierarchical), classification (e.g. decision trees), and association rule mining (e.g. market basket analysis). This part of the class will teach students to efficiently filter through large volumes of data to gain intelligence for business decision making. The lectures in the class will be complemented by hands-on workshops and tutorials. Co-Requisite: Itm 601.
Itm 695 Independent Study in Information Systems or Information Technology (1-3)
The student and instructor jointly develop a plan of independent study on an advanced topic in information systems or operations management. The student is usually required to prepare a report or paper. May be repeated for a total of 3 credits. Prerequisites: Itm 522 and permission of instructor and department chairperson.
Itm 698 Research Project in ITM (3)
Supervised research on a topic involving accounting, finance, operations management, human resources management, and/or management information systems. Required of all part-time MBA program students. Not opened for students with credit in Itm 691. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 30 graduate credits. S/U graded.