Information Studies Master of Arts/Master of Science in Information Science Dual Degree (M.A./M.S.I.S.)
Program Leading to the Master of Arts/Master of Science in Information Science Dual Degree (M.A./M.S.I.S.)
The College offers two degree programs combining the M.S. in Information Science and the M.A. in either English or History. By applying six credits in Information Science to the English or History degree program and seven credits from English or History to the Information Science program, a student can reduce the total number of credits needed for both degrees. However, faculty responsible for concentrations in both programs may require additional course work. Students may be admitted to a dual master's degree program at the beginning of their graduate studies, but not later than after completing 20 graduate credits applicable to a dual master's degree program. Work done for an awarded master's or doctoral degree may not be used for this program. Students may leave a dual program before completion of both degrees. If the requirements for one degree have been fulfilled, that degree may be awarded. You must be admitted to graduate study in both the M.A. and M.S.I.S. degree programs for the dual degree program.
Program of Study - English and Information Science - (61 credits)
A. English (32 credits)
- English (12 credits, minimum)
- Textual Practices IA - ENG 500 (4);
- One course numbered 600 or above (4);
- ENG 699 Master's Thesis (4); or ENG 698 Master's Research
Tutorial (4) and Examination
- Supporting courses (20 credits): Selected subjects in English or other academic fields as advised. Up to 8 credits may be taken in other fields (6 credits must be in Information Studies), but this coursework must be approved by the MA Director.
B. Information Science (42 credits minimum)
- Required courses: (21 Credits)
- Core courses: IST 601, 602, and 614 (replaced by 676 for LIS/School media students) (9 credits)
- Technology core: IST 523 and one course from the following (IST 535, 538, 561, 658 or 611 if student is not in IST concentration. 673 is required for LIS/School media students.) (6 credits)
- Research and statistics competency: IST 608 (3 credits)
- Internship: IST 668 (3 credits)
- Concentration courses: (6-12 credits)
- Archives and Records Administration
Required courses: IST 546, 547, 654 or 660, 656 (12 credits) - Library and Information Services
Required courses: IST 603, 605 (6 credits) - Information Management and Policy
Required courses: IST 560, 615, 636 (9 credits) - Information Systems and Technology
Required courses: IST 533, 611, 636 (9 credits)
- Archives and Records Administration
- Supporting courses as advised (9-15 credits)
A maximum of nine credit hours may be taken in other professional and academic fields as advised. Seven credit hours of approved course work in English must be part of the supporting courses sequence.
Program of Study - History and Information Science - (59 credits)
A. History (30 credits minimum)
- History (21 credits minimum):
- Courses as advised, including at least one research seminar in the appropriate major field and one reading seminar;
- With departmental approval a thesis in history for 4-6 credits may be presented in place of or in addition to the seminar;
- Supporting courses (0-9 credits): Courses in the social sciences and other fields as advised (6 credits from Information Science);
- Satisfactory completion of a major field examination in one concentration chosen from Group A or one concentration chosen from Group B:
Group A
Group B
United States History
Local and Regional History
Modern European History
International History
Latin American History
Social and/or Economic History
African History
Public Policy
Asian History
Gender and Society
Culture and Society
Work and Society
Students in the dual degree program who choose to do the M.A. in History with a concentration in Public History must complete a total of six internship credits to satisfy the requirements of the two degrees. These credits may be satisfied in a variety of ways:
- Students may take AHIS798A (Public History Internship) for six credits. If the proposed internship is approved in advance of its completion by the Information Studies Department, this course will satisfy the requirement for IIST668 (Internship).
- Students may split the internship between the two departments, taking AHIS599 (Special Projects in History) and IIST668 for three credits each. With the advance approval of the History Department, IIST668 will satisfy the additional three credit internship requirement for the Concentration in Public History.
- Students may take IIST668 (Internship) for six credits. If the proposed internship is approved in advance by the History Department, it will satisfy the requirement for AHIS798A (Public History Internship).
Because of the additional six-credit internship requirement for students in the Public History concentration, students doing the M.A. Concentration in Public History are required to complete a minimum of 65 credits for both degrees, instead of the 59 credits required for students pursing the regular M.A. in History.
B. Information Science (42 credits minimum)
- Required core courses: IST 601, 602, 603, 605, 614, IST 523 for 6 credits (21 credits);
- Required internship IST 668 or independent study IST 669 (3 credits);
- Required research methods and statistics course: IST 608 (3 credits);
- Supporting courses as advised: (15 credits). A maximum of nine credit hours may be taken in other professional and academic fields as advised. Seven credit hours of approved course work in History must be part of the supporting courses sequence.