Social Welfare Courses
Ssw 501 Special Topics in Social Welfare (1-3)
Readings and discussions on topics of current interest in specific fields of research and study. May be repeated if the topic is different. Prerequisites: Open to undergraduate or graduate students. Permission of department required.
Ssw 504 (Crj 504) Applied Statistics I (3)
Basic introduction to statistical methods and tests. Specific course topics include measurement, probability, distribution, tables and graphs, estimation and hypothesis testing, and linear models. Emphasis is placed on interpreting and presenting statistical outputs, including reports generated by computer programs. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Ssw 600 Social Welfare Policy and Services (3)
Introduction to the analysis of social policies and programs. Based upon frameworks of policy dimension, values, and knowledge, selected social policies are examined within an historical and contemporary context. The principles of social and economic justice are used in analyzing social policies and programs. Attention given to the differential impact of these policies and services on at-risk and oppressed populations.
Ssw 610 Human Behavior and Social Environment I (3)
Foundation knowledge of human behavior and the social environment as a basis for direct practice with individuals and families and for the management of social service programs. Theoretical and empirical knowledge about the range of normal bio-psycho-social development and the nature and impact of oppression and discrimination as individuals and families transact with their changing environments throughout the life course.
Ssw 611 Human Behavior and Social Environment II (3)
Continuation of Ssw 610. Focus on psychosocial dysfunction. Emphasis on multiple determinants of human behavior including biological, psychological, social and environmental factors. Prerequisite: Ssw 610.
Ssw 620 Micro Practice in Social Work I (3)
Introduces the values, models, methods and processes of social work practice with individuals, families, groups, and at-risk and oppressed populations. History, structure, and values of the profession, the agency context of practice and the importance of basing practice decisions on interventions with documented effectiveness. Emphasizes a generalist and systems perspective, beginning interviewing and relationship skills, problem assessment, goal setting and contracting; special attention to attributes of the client system such as race, gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic class. Prerequisite: To be taken concurrently with Ssw 650 and concurrently or following Ssw 610 and 630.
Ssw 621 Micro Practice in Social Work II (3)
Continuation of Ssw 620. The dynamic nature of the helping process, the helping relationship, and assessment skills. Emphasis on the linkage between theoretical models, assessment, intervention and outcome in work with individuals, families, and groups. Skills in beginning, middle and ending phases of social work treatment, treatment evaluation, advocacy, and case management. Issues of ethics, human diversity, oppression, and self-awareness throughout the course. Prerequisites: Ssw 620, 630 and 650; must be taken concurrently with Ssw 651 and concurrently or following Ssw 611 and 631.
Ssw 627 Supervision and Consultation (3)
The philosophy, principles, and methods involved in the supervisory processes; supervision and consultation as administrative arrangements for program implementation; educational and administrative components of supervisory and consultant processes; the supervisor-worker relationship; differences in the supervisory process of professional and paraprofessional personnel; differentiation between supervision and consultation processes and relationships.
Staff development as an organizational function in relation to agency goals; planning development programs through job and task analysis and skill measurement; educational methods applied to staff development; development, implementation, and evaluation of training programs.
Ssw 630 Macro Practice in Social Work I (3)
Introduces social work practice at the group, organizational, community and societal levels with emphasis on at-risk and oppressed populations. Historical, theoretical and service delivery issues that form the context for social work practice in these areas. Themes include the history of macro-practice in social work; organization, group and community theory; non-clinical roles in social work; and the organizational and community contexts for the provision of social services.
Ssw 631 Macro Practice in Social Work II (3)
Continuation of Ssw 630. Practice models and skills used in social work at the group, organization, community and societal levels, particularly with at-risk and oppressed populations. Material at the organizational and community levels; group processes; organizational and community leadership; and written and oral communication. Prerequisite: Ssw 630.
Ssw 644 Introduction to Health Policy (3)
An overview of the evolution and role of health policies and institutions in the United States with particular emphasis on the political, economic, organizational, demographic and professional factors that have influenced them. Special attention will be given to the elderly, mentally ill and developmentally disabled. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Ssw 645 Health Needs: Health Care Systems and Social Work (3)
Life cycle characteristics of health, illness, and disability affecting individual, family, and community: in-depth study of selected prototypical health needs and illness. Emphasis on provider/consumer participation in health care, advocacy, and teamwork. Introduction to our health care system service delivery and dilemmas. Critical influence of government and financing on practice.
Ssw 650 Field Instruction I (3)
Introduces social work practice and provides the initial experience of practice in a social work setting. Students are placed in a social service agency where, under a qualified instructor, they are assigned experiences which enable them to apply, integrate, and extend the theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom and to develop social work skills and appropriate attitudes, particularly in relation to at-risk and oppressed groups. Assignment to a specific agency is made according to each student's educational needs. Students are in the field two days per week. Prerequisites: Ssw 610 and 630 must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course. Ssw 620 must be taken concurrently with the course.
Ssw 651 Field Instruction II (4)
Continuation of Ssw 650. Students are in the field two days per week. Ssw 611 and 631 must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course. Ssw 621 must be taken concurrently. Prerequisites: Ssw 610, 630 and Ssw 650.
Ssw 657 Health Policy Analysis (3)
Analytic approaches for understanding the dynamics of current health care systems focusing on cost-benefit, resource allocation, technological forecasting, simulation and financing. Prerequisite: Ssw 644.
Ssw 660 Introductory Research Methodology (3)
Introduction to research methods in social work including content on defining social work research problems, developing and testing hypotheses, the logic of causal inference, sampling, measurement (including reliability and validity), basic skills in data analysis and research utilization, the ethics of research, and research issues concerning human diversity. Emphasizes methods and content relevant to social work practice and the problems of social welfare.
Ssw 661 Evaluation of Clinical Practice (3)
Application of research methods in testing and evaluating the effectiveness of interpersonal helping methods. The practitioner as researcher; development of skills in using research methods and materials as aids in the process of direct clinical practice. Prerequisite: Ssw 660.
Ssw 665 Research Methods in Program Evaluation for Social Welfare Management (3)
Methodological approaches and research techniques in program evaluation for social welfare management: relationship of evaluation to program planning and development, program objectives, formulating evaluation questions and selecting variables, techniques and research designs in evaluation, program monitoring, and utilization of evaluation results. Prerequisite: Ssw 660.
Ssw 670 Community Mental Health (3)
Elective course in community mental health. Devoted to the identification and analysis of the programs, policies, theories, principles, issues, and professional roles associated with a community mental health approach. After an overview of how our present programs and philosophy evolved, examination in detail of the various structural aspects of community mental health. Development and utilization of an analytic framework to assess a community mental health philosophy. Makes considerable use of public health concepts and principles. Examination of social work roles and role problems associated with a community mental health approach.
Ssw 679 Statistics & Data Analysis I (4)
First of two semester sequence designed to lay a foundation of fundamental knowledge about statistics for later use in research. Intended for students pursuing advanced graduate-level education. Topics include measurement, tables and graphs, probability, statistical inference and regression. Students are introduced to statistical computing programs. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Ssw 680 Socialization of Women: Implications for Social Work (3)
Socialization of women, sex role attitudes and values, and patterns of sex discrimination in social institutions and in the social work field are examined. Implications for direct practice and management are addressed in relation to specific problems and issues relevant to women.
Ssw 687 Statistics & Data Analysis II (4)
Second of a two semester sequence, designed to lay a foundation knowledge about statistics for later use in research. Topics include analysis of variance, regression and structural equation models. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and Ssw 679.
Ssw 690 Independent Study in Social Welfare (2-6)
Specialized study designed to meet needs of social work students when no comparable organized course is offered in that area. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and administrative approval.
Ssw 703 Special Areas of Human Behavior (3)
Readings and discussions of special topics of current interest in specific fields of research and study related to human behavior. May be repeated if the topic is different. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 611 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 705 Special Areas of Social Welfare (3)
Readings and discussions on topics of current interest in specific fields of research and study. May be repeated if the topic is different. Prerequisites: Ssw 651 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 708 Community Organization (3)
The community as the client and context of practice, models and methods of practice, and types of purposive change treated descriptively and analytically. Emphasizes the proliferation of self-help organizations and their relationship to more traditional services.
Ssw 709 Introduction to Family and Marriage Therapy (3)
Emphasizes a systems perspective in understanding dysfunctional family functioning and basic theoretical concepts and assessment and treatment skills common to effective family treatment. Skills include convening and engaging families in treatment, gathering relevant assessment data, and use of assessment information to develop, implement, and evaluate appropriate intervention strategies. Includes an overview of the current major family therapy approaches. Opportunity to work with a family concurrently recommended. Prerequisite: Ssw 621 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 710 Social Work Practice with Children (3)
Specifics of understanding and working with children who have emotional and adjustment problems. Theories of communication and treatment applied to practice situations; opportunity for guided peer supervision. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 621, 631, and 651 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 711 Variant Family Forms (3)
Contemporary American family forms that vary on basis of roles, structure and composition, such as blended and single-parent families, gay and lesbian families, post-divorce and dual-worker families. Includes information, values, and implications for social work practice and policy. Prerequisite: Ssw 611.
Advanced human behavior course which addresses different types of family violence in terms of the extent of the problem, contributing factors, and consequences for the individual, family, community and society. Implications for interventions will be addressed, including prevention and programs and services for violent individuals, couples and families. Prerequisites: Ssw 611.
Ssw 714 Financial Management of Social Welfare Organizations (3)
The application of financial management techniques in social welfare organizations. Designed for the entry level manager, it addresses issues such as: cost accounting, budgeting, the pricing of services, and system level issues which impact day-to-day financial management. Prerequisites: Ssw 651, Ssw 665 and Ssw 716.
Ssw 715 Planning in the Social Welfare Sector (3)
Introduction to the theory and practice of strategic planning for social welfare at the organizational and community levels. Knowledge and skills in each phase of the planning process and issues that confront social welfare planners. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, Ssw 631 and Ssw 651.
Ssw 716 Developing Human Resources in Social Welfare (3)
Recruitment, selection, development and utilization of employees in social welfare organizations. Overview of the processes, practices, and systems involved in employing people in private and public unionized and nonunionized organizations. Emphasizes a management decision-making perspective and development of diagnostic tools and frameworks. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, Ssw 631 and Ssw 651.
Ssw 717 Combating Oppression in Social Work Practice (3)
An examination of the role played by ageism, classism, handicapism, heterosexism, racism, and sexism in influencing personal behavior, professional practice, and social policy. Didactic and experiential modules provide students with an opportunity to explore their personal feelings and to develop strategies to combat discrimination within the practice setting. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, Ssw 631, and Ssw 651.
Ssw 718 Management Information Systems in Social Welfare Organizations (3)
Maintenance and use of information in management of social welfare organizations. Issues involved in the design, implementation and utilization of management information systems; includes the concerns of policy makers, managers, practitioners and consumers. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, Ssw 631 and Ssw 651.
Ssw 719 Comparative Approaches in Direct Treatment (3)
Current approaches and methods of direct practice with individuals, families, and small groups. With the use of an integrative framework, a comparative evaluation is made of selected helping approaches, such as from the psychoanalytic, behavioral, gestalt, or interactional orientations. Attention to their theoretical assumptions, rationales, goals, operational principles and technical procedures, criteria for use, their potentials and limitations, and their comparative effectiveness. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 621, 631 and 651 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 720 Supervision of Clinical Practice (3)
Examination of processes involved in helping clinical practitioners to understand the many facets of their role toward becoming increasingly more effective in diagnosis and treatment. Emphasizes differential approaches to free the supervisor to learn and transfer knowledge from one situation to another. Theories of education and of human development are considered in relation to client and worker needs. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 621, 631 and 651 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 721 Ego Psychology: Theory in Practice (3)
Writings of major theorists used to trace development of ego psychology from its base in psychoanalytic developmental psychology. Examination of process of developing hypotheses concerning ego function for their effects on the development of social work and for treatment and prevention implications. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 621, 631 and 651 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 722 Social Work Intervention with Grief & Loss (3)
Social work practice with clients experiencing grief and loss from terminal illness, bereavement through death, and non-death events such as divorce or changes in physical or mental health status. Role of individual difference (age, gender, race, ethnicity, spirituality) and societal/cultural beliefs. Shill development in all phases of the helping process; examination of students' personal attitudes and experiences; ethical, legal and policy-related issues influencing the decision-making process. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, 631, 651.
Ssw 723 Social Work Practice Seminar (3)
Integrative seminar for direct practice students using case material from current practice situations. Development of a generic concept of social treatment, building on all prior generic and direct practice content with contributions from more sophisticated social work theory. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 621, 631 and 651 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 724 Social Work Practice with Groups in Direct Practice Settings (3)
The application of social work principles, small group theory, and group dynamics literature to the work with treatment and counseling groups in direct practice settings. Basic group concepts and dynamics, as well as different models of practice and the differential role of the worker are examined within the context of treatment and counseling situations. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 621, 631, 651 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 725 Social Work Practice with Involuntary Clients (3)
Issues and interventions in social work practice with involuntary and mandated clients in selected settings. Ethical, legal and moral issues with special reference to institutional settings; intervention models and stages; contracting; uses and misuses of authority, power and influence; effects of race and class on involuntary status. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, Ssw 631, and Ssw 651.
Ssw 726 Advanced Management for Social Welfare (3)
Framework for understanding the internal structure and dynamics of social welfare agencies and requirements of executive and mid-level managers. Includes the practical significance of authority, structure, technology, and decision making in agencies under public and private auspices; the role of the manager in facilitating effective service delivery. Prerequisite: concurrent or following Ssw 752.
Ssw 727 Advanced Family and Marriage Therapy (3)
Seminar designed to deepen and expand knowledge and practice skills in initiating and sustaining social work practice with families and couples. Selected theoretical and treatment approaches (vary with instructor) are studied in-depth. Attention is given to integrating approaches for social work practice with diverse family forms across a variety of settings. The empirical base of family treatment and current issues and trends in the field are examined. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 709, 621, 631, 651 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 728 Group Experience Laboratory (3)
Designed to facilitate the immediate experience and examination of group process. As the group contract is set and the experience develops, group dynamics emerge. The group has opportunities to examine the development of its own group process. Group concepts and theory from earlier group courses provide a framework for group study. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 621,631, 651, or consent of instructor.
Ssw 729 Social Work Practice with Women (3)
Knowledge and practice skills required for working with adult women in various life circumstances, using traditional and feminist models. Emphasis on incorporating feminist perspectives into practice approaches and on the societal and agency context for providing services to women. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, 631, 651.
Ssw 730 Special Areas of Administration of Social Welfare (3)
Readings and discussion of topics of current importance in research and study in the administration of social welfare. Exploration of current issues and problems. May be repeated if the topic is different. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 621, 631, and Ssw 651 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 731 Special Areas of Clinical Practice of Social Welfare (3)
Readings and discussion of topics of current importance in specific fields of research and study in the clinical practice of social welfare. May be repeated if the topic is different. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 621, 631, and Ssw 651 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 732 Special Areas of Social Policy and Social Welfare (3)
Readings and discussion of topics of current importance in specific fields of research and study of social policy and social welfare. May be repeated if the topic is different. Prerequisites: Ssw 600 or consent of instructor.
A variety of dysfunctional behaviors occurring primarily among the adult population are explored using a comparative theoretical framework. Attention to the implications of the various theories for social work intervention. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 611 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 734 The Latter Half of Life (3)
The psychosocial processes throughout the latter half of life including normative processes and psychopathology. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 611 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 735 Disorders of Children and Adolescents in a Family Context (3)
Examination of selective disorders of children and adolescents using a comparative theoretical approach with particular emphasis on psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral formulations within the context of family structure and development. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 611 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 736 Human Behavior from an Ego Psychology Perspective (3)
Opportunities for deepening understanding of the etiology and communications of human behavior. Specific content is selected to provide the theoretical behavioral knowledge foundation for the rationale and design of intervention methods. The origins of personality functioning and the etiology of three specific adult disorders will be studied through examination of critical developmental phases. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 611, 621, 631 and 651.
Ssw 737 Families in Mid and Late Life (3)
The family in middle and late life, including ethnic, racial, and cross- cultural diversity, developmental aspects of family relationships, intergenerational assistance, marital relationships, divorce, widowhood, death and bereavement of other family members, grandparenthood, sibling relationships, use of the formal support system by informal care providers, intergenerational equity, abuse and neglect. Prerequisite: Ssw 611.
Ssw 740 Social Gerontology: Policies, Programs, and Services (3)
Overview of the field of social gerontology with particular emphasis on the needs and problems of the elderly and the social work practice and programs designed to meet those needs. Prerequisite: Ssw 600.
Ssw 741 Practice with Mature and Aging Adults (3)
Practice approaches to problems of adult transitional crises: divorce, remarriage, "empty nest," occupational change and retirement, gender- specific transitions, and intergenerational family stresses. Examines the mid-thirties, or the mid-life decade (35-45), through the middle years to age 65 and into very old age. Prerequisite(s): Ssw 621, 631 and 651 or consent of instructor.
Ssw 742 Cognitive Methods in Social Work Practice (3)
Development of a cognitive approach to practice that will be suitable for the types of problems, settings, and contexts of most social work practice. Within this cognitive framework emphasis will be upon expanding competence in differential assessment as well as expanding the knowledge base for related differential intervention methods. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, 631, 651.
Ssw 745 Social Work Intervention in Alcohol Abuse (3)
Treatment of alcohol abuse and alcoholism for social workers in direct practice. Etiology and diagnosis; individual defense structures; family dynamics understanding of continuum of care; treatment planning, implementation and evaluation from various theoretical perspectives and modalities; special emphasis on treatment of diverse special populations. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, Ssw 631, and Ssw 651.
Ssw 746 Cultural Diversity in Social Work Practice (3)
Social work practice with clients of diverse cultural backgrounds. Includes similarities and differences in practice among clients from selected cultures and sensitivity to the experiences of discrimination, alienation, oppression, and exclusion. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, Ssw 631, Ssw 651.
Ssw 747 Task-Centered Practice (3)
The task centered model of social work practice integrates problem- solving, cognitive-behavioral and selected family treatment approaches. Students apply the model to individual or family cases and discuss the application in small seminars. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, Ssw 631, Ssw 651 and consent of instructor.
Ssw 748 Social Work Practice in Mental Health Settings (3)
Social work assessment, treatment, planning and evaluation of clients with major mental illnesses in inpatient and outpatient mental health contexts. Includes clinical intervention, case management, the influence of socio-demographic and cultural factors, legal and ethical issues, and the impact of the service system on treatment. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, Ssw 631, Ssw 651.
Ssw 749 Social Work Practice in Health Care Settings (3)
Social work practice skills relevant to health care settings including assessment of the impact of illness, disability, treatment and hospitalization on patients and families; interdisciplinary collaboration and teamwork; various intervention models, discharge planning, dealing with death, family conflicts, resource development; the effects of class, race, culture, disability, and ethnicity on practice. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, Ssw 631, Ssw 651.
Ssw 752 Field Instruction III (4)
Continuation of the field experience. Students are placed in a different agency in the second year so that they can experience practice in another setting. Field instruction in the third and fourth semesters in direct practice provides the opportunity for the student to develop greater depth of understanding of problems of social functioning and to continue to develop skill in treatment, as well as to develop understanding of how the structure of a particular agency and the relationship between community agencies affect the delivery of service. In the third and fourth semesters the management concentration provides the opportunity for the student to develop greater depth of understanding of the organization of social services in terms of problem definition and awareness of the organizational basis required for effective social work practice. There is continuing development of skill in the application of various social work technologies to achieve program objectives. Field placements in both concentrations are selected for their students according to their educational needs and, to the extent possible, their special field of interest. Students are in placement two days per week throughout the third and fourth semesters. Prerequisites: Ssw 611, 621, 631, 650 and 651.
Ssw 753 Field Instruction IV (4)
See above. Prerequisites: Ssw 650,651, and 752. Must be taken immediately following 752.
Ssw 754 Field Instruction V (3)
Supplemental field experience for students in their advanced concentration. May be taken in same agency ad Ssw 752 or another agency. Requires two days per week or equivalent in approved field agency. May not be repeated and may not be used to fulfill requirements for other field courses. Prerequisite or co-requisite: Ssw 752 and permission of instructor.
Ssw 760 Independent Research in Social Welfare (3-6)
An independent study arrangement in which the individual student selects, formulates, designs, and completes a social welfare project. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and administrative approval.
Ssw 770 Assessment and Treatment of Problems of Adolescence (3)
Assessment and treatment of problems characteristic of adolescent populations. Includes review of contextual factors that affect problems of the adolescent, various treatment modalities (such as, family and group), and intervention if differing contexts (e.g. out of home placement, school settings). Emphasis on understanding, and developing skill in the application of treatment models. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, 631, 651.
Ssw 771 Social Work Intervention in Family Violence (3)
Knowledge, attitudes, and practice skills necessary to work in the family violence arena. Emphasis on approaches to delivering services to perpetrators and victims of violence in intimate adult relationships, physical child abuse, child sexual abuse, and elder abuse. Includes social policy implications of family violence interventions. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, 631, 651.
Ssw 772 Social Work in the Schools (3)
Social work interventions for practice in and with schools. Explanatory theories relation to at-risk students and their families; selection and implementation of social work interventions; work with students who differ by gender, race, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and physical or mental ability; skills for inter-professional collaboration with educators; involving parents in the educational process; systematic evaluation of practice. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, 631, 651.
Ssw 773 Sexual Identity and Social Work Practice (3)
Affirmative models of social work practice with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered individuals, groups and families, including gay affirmative, feminist, and other practice modes. Homosexuality examined from a cross-cultural, sociological, political and historical perspective, with special emphasis on homophobia/heterosexism and the role of oppression on both sexual and gender identity, life-cycle development, and psychopathology. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, 631, 651.
Ssw 774 Social Work Practice with involuntary Clients (3)
Issues and interventions in social work practice with involuntary and mandated clients. Ethical, philosophical and legal principles; uses and misuses of power; authority and influence; and implications of oppressed group status. Selected models and strategies for intervention with involuntary clients and settings where involuntariness is a prominent issue. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, 631, 651.
The structure and content of child welfare services in the United States. The roles played by federal, state, and local levels of government, the juvenile court, and social agencies that administer child welfare programs. Roles of social workers in providing services to children and their families, current issues in child welfare. Prerequisite: Ssw 600.
Ssw 781 (HHpm 660) Poverty, Behavioral Health and Health Policy (3)
Poverty, Behavioral Health, and Health Policy is designed to provide students with an understanding of how social factors contribute to racial/ethnic, socioeconomic and gender disparities in health, mental health, and care across the life course in a variety of related agency settings. We will examine how dynamic relationships such as interpersonal forms of discrimination and social ties may contribute to disparities in health and mental health. We will also examine the ways in which neighborhood and community context, as well as inequalities in socioeconomic status materially shape health and access to social services. Individual characteristics such as acculturation and client preferences may also contribute to disparities and will be explored. Prerequisites: Ssw 600, 621, 631 and 651.
Ssw 782 International Social Welfare Policy (3)
A global perspective comparing domestic and foreign social welfare systems that address social problems. Uses a human rights framework to examine psychosocial interventions at the micro, meso and macro levels with an emphasis on oppressed populations. Includes multicultural paradigms, cross-cultural communication and alternative, indigenous solutions to social problems. Prerequisite: Ssw 600.
The impact of federal and state policies and programs on rural families and their communities, especially social and economic impact. Includes the growing diversity of rural America and models for political, economic and social change that lend themselves to effective policy formulation, selection, and modification. Prerequisite: Ssw 600.
Ssw 784 Woman and Social Policy (3)
Examines current policies and programs in relation to their effects on women in U.S. society. Includes a historical and political context; underlying assumptions and values; formulation, development, implementation, and effectiveness; and alternative social policy approaches for addressing women's concerns. Emphasis on developing systematic frameworks for analysis that incorporate a "gender lens" and highlight issues of economic and social justice. Prerequisite: Ssw 600.
Ssw 785 Mental health Policy (3)
Examines the development and implementation of mental health and related policies on the national and state levels, with comparison to other countries. Historical perspective with special attention to the role of social work in formulation policy and implications for practice with disadvantaged populations. Prerequisite: Ssw 600.
Ssw 786 Policy and Practice of International Development (3)
This course offers students an introduction to the field of international development and humanitarianism from an interdisciplinary perspective, drawing from social work, public policy, economics, and public health. The course emphasizes a thorough understanding of the chief policy and program drivers of international development projects including the role of the state, bilateral aid, international financial institutions, multilateral actors such as the United Nations, UN conventions, corporations, civil society, and NGOs. Special emphasis is placed on critically analyzing and evaluating U.S. development policy and practice in the developing world. The course addresses many of the key concerns of development including global poverty, labor, health, child welfare, food security, disasters, and migration/refugees. Using a critical lens, students analyze the major macro-level factors influencing international development such as imperialism, post-colonialism, and neoliberal globalization. In addition, students examine the efficacy and impacts of policies and practices and the degree to which they embrace strengths, empowerment, participation, and cultural diversity. The course employs capabilities and human rights approaches to investigate the policy and practice of development and focuses on salient social and economic justice issues through the lens of race, class and gender. Prerequisites: Ssw 600, 621, 631 and 651.
Ssw 790 Human Service Organizations in a Changing Environment (3)
This course is an introduction to the general field of organizational behavior with emphasis on the human service organization. The focus of the course is on the application of organizational and management theory, research, and practice to improving the delivery of social services, with special emphasis on services for oppressed and vulnerable client populations. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, 631, 651.
Ssw 791 Managing Systems in Human Service Organizations (3)
This course addresses the practice and application of nonprofit agency management theories and techniques in social welfare and related organizations. It addresses financial management practice and principles, human resources and supervision, and management information issues for social work administrators. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, 631, 651.
Ssw 792 Community Building (3)
This course introduces community definitions and theories; examines the characteristics and functions of communities; identifies community-based services and resources; examines the role of community systems in change and development; and focuses on community building as an effective social work intervention model. Action and experiential learning are emphasized. The social worker is viewed as a professional facilitator and advocate assisting in developing community leadership, participation, enhancement, and empowerment. Prerequisites: Ssw 621, 631, 651.
Ssw 793 Leadership in Human Service Organizations (3)
This course is an introduction to the theories and models of leadership that are used in human service environments. The primary objective of the course is to explore leadership as a subject central to human services administration. Special emphasis will be placed on the leadership for the delivery of social services.
Ssw 794 Community Economic Development (3)
This course is an introduction to community economic development as a macro strategy for helping communities and their residents meet their needs and achieve their goals. The course will focus on goal(s) of community economic development, which include both the development of the community and development in the community. Emphasis will be placed on poor, disadvantaged, oppressed and isolated communities.
Ssw 795 Development (Marketing, Fundraising, and Grant Writing) (3)
This course covers financial development for non-profit agencies. The course focuses on the: 1) diversification of organizational funding; 2) identification of funding sources; 3) identification of strategies and resources necessary for successful development; and 4) legal and regulatory requirements.
Ssw 796 Action Research (3)
This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of action research with special attention given to the ways it has been developed in urban and rural communities and workplaces. The course focuses on theory drawn from case studies in North America, South America, Europe and the Third World. The collaborative production of knowledge in real-life community and social service settings will be emphasized.
Ssw 823 Social Welfare Practice Theory (Proseminar) (3)
The theories underlying social work practice at the policy, program, and direct service levels. Emphasizes the empirical foundations of selected practice approaches, past and potential contributions from other professions and disciplines, and current practice issues. Prerequisites: Admission to doctoral study and consent of instructor.
Ssw 826 Social Welfare Policy Proseminar (3)
Intensive examination of a select area of social welfare policy. The evolution of the problem and its current status. Consideration of the impact of social trends on problem and alternative solutions, programmatic approaches to date, and analysis of relevant legislation and regulations. Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral study or consent of instructor.
Ssw 854 Doctoral Internship (3)
The provision of field experiences for students who wish to advance their knowledge through application. Such field experiences are supervised by faculty of the doctoral program and involve activities related to teaching, practice, and research. Prerequisites: Admission to doctoral study and consent of instructor.
Ssw 862 Social Welfare Research (Proseminar) (3)
Current developments and issues in social work research. Topics include developmental research, program evaluation, process studies, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and research dissemination and utilization. The proseminar builds on courses in research methods and statistics taken outside of the school and attempts to help the student apply the content of these courses to social work and social welfare contexts. Prerequisites: Admission to doctoral study or consent of instructor.
Ssw 863 Applications of Advanced Methods in Social Welfare Research (Proseminar) (3)
The course is aimed at helping students acquire advanced knowledge of social welfare research methods, especially those relevant to their own dissertation interests. Topics will include advanced levels of design, sampling, measurement, and data collection and analysis. Student hands-on activities (e.g., developing designs, constructing instruments, and conducting mini-projects) will be emphasized. Prerequisite: Ssw 862.
Ssw 870 Special Areas of Doctoral Study in Social Welfare (3)
Prerequisite: Doctoral standing or consent of instructor.
Ssw 888 General Readings in Social Welfare and Social Work (3-9)
A course of independent readings and individual work by the student in preparation for the qualifying examinations, including the essay, for the doctorate in Social Welfare. Prerequisite: Open only to doctoral students in the School of Social Welfare with consent of their advisor.
Ssw 899 Doctoral Dissertation (1)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of comprehensive examinations.