The Master of Science in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL): Certification Option
This program leads to New York State K-12 certification in TESOL. Applicants must have a minimum of 12 credits in a language other than English and an introductory course in linguistics (3 credits). A minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA is required a well as GRE test scores for admission.
Program of Study (48 Credits)
Required Core Courses (39 credits)
E Psy 522 Adolescent Development (3)
E Spe 560 Introduction to Human Exceptionality (3)
E Tap 501 TESOL Methodology (3)
E Tap 536 Second Language Learning (3)
E Tap 550/A Eng 552/A Lin 552 Approaches to English Grammar (3)
E Tap 598 Directed Field Experience in Education (3)
E Tap 635 Methods for Teaching Limited English Proficiency Children (3)
E Tap 652B Perspectives in Bilingual Education (3)
E Tap 690T TESOL: Guided Field Experience and Seminar (12)
Choose one of the following for 3 credits:
E Tap 680 Research Seminar: Critical Introduction to Educational Research Paradigms (3)
E Tap 681 Research Seminar: Research in Practice (3)
Choose one technology course for 3 credits:
Choose one linguistics course for 3 credits:
Choose one language and culture course for 3 credits:
Additional Program/NYSED Requirements:
School Violence Prevention and Intervention (SAVE) Training
Child Abuse Identification and Reporting Training
DASA Training
As an approved teacher preparation program with the New York State Education Department, there may be additional certification requirements applicable. These requirements may include, but are not limited to additional workshops. Certification procedures and requirements are outlined on the School of Education’s Teacher Certification website (