Geography Master of Arts Degree Program
The unifying idea of modern geography is the study of spatial patterns in the cultural and physical features of the earth's surface. Faculty strengths in the department include: urban, social, cultural and economic geography; climate and environmental systems; geographic information systems, remote sensing, cartography, computer applications and spatial analysis. Faculty have regional interests in Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, and East Asia.
Program of Study
The Department offers two options within the M.A. in Geography: a thesis track for students who intend to pursue further academic study, and a non-thesis track for those interested in obtaining a terminal degree in pursuit of career goals.
Thesis Track (30 credits, minimum)
- At least 24 units with Gog prefix (or cross-listed courses), including: Gog 500 Introduction to Graduate Study in Geography: Geographic Thought (3); and Gog 502 Statistical Methods (3); and Gog 596 Geographic Information Systems, or an approved equivalent. No more than 9 credits may be taken in Gog 694, 695, and 697 combined.
- A master's thesis (Gog 699, 6 credits).
- 3 courses in an area of specialization from: Human Geography, Physical Geography, or Geographical Information Systems, as advised.
- Supporting courses in cognate fields (up to 6 credits).
- Satisfactory completion of oral and written comprehensive examinations.
Non-Thesis Track (36 Credits)
- At least 24 units with Gog prefix (or cross-listed courses), including: Gog 500 Introduction to Graduate Study in Geography: Geographic Thought (3); and Gog 502 Statistical Methods (3); and Gog 596 Geographic Information Systems, or an approved equivalent. No more than 9 credits may be taken in Gog 694, 695, and 697 combined.
- 3 courses in an area of specialization from: Human Geography, Physical Geography, or Geographical Information Systems, as advised.
- Supporting courses in cognate fields (up to 6 credits).
- Satisfactory completion of a written comprehensive examination.