Special Education M.S. Degree Program (Inclusion and Special Education)
Applicants must have initial NYS Teacher Certification in Childhood Education and Teaching Students with Disabilities at the Childhood Level. Upon completion of this program, students will receive professional certification in the areas of their initial certificates. This program does not require any practicum or internship experiences and can be completed on a part-time basis.
Teaching is a profession. Master’s students have professional responsibilities to their students, their peers, their classmates and instructors, and to society at large. Students in the master’s program will be working with children and other professionals in educational contexts, including, schools, community centers, and other sites of learning. Their professional responsibilities include following through on commitments made to children and schools, being appropriately prepared and on time for all interactions/lessons, maintaining confidentiality and respect, and interacting with all stakeholders/participants in a professional manner. Professional interactions include everything from dressing appropriately for the situation to maintaining appropriate language both in talking with and talking about others. Failure to meet professional responsibilities can result in a student’s academic dismissal from the program.
MS in Special Education - 30 Credits
E Spe 651 (3)
E Psy 531 (3)
E Spe 652 (3)
E Psy 680 (3)
Choose 2 courses in Literacy as advised (6)
- E Ltl 504 (3)
- E Ltl 615 (3)
- E Ltl 625 (3)
- E Ltl 638 (3)
Choose 3 courses in Special Education as advised (9)
- E Spe 650 (3)
- E Spe 653 (3)
- E Spe 654 (3)
- E Spe 669 (3)
- E Spe 673 (3)
- E Spe 761 (3)
- E Spe xxx (3) as advised
Choose 1 course in Educational Psychology as advised (3)
- E Psy 502 (3)
- E Psy 540 (3)
- E Psy 610 (3)
- E Psy xxx (3) as advised
Additional Program/NYSED Requirements:
- DASA Training
Please note: This program is licensure qualifying. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions. If you have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of your intended academic program.
As an approved teacher preparation program with the New York State Education Department, there may be additional certification requirements applicable. These requirements may include, but are not limited to additional workshops. Certification procedures and requirements are outlined on the School of Education’s Teacher Certification website (https://www.albany.edu/education/teacher_certification.php).