General Admissions Requirements

Each prospective graduate student must submit a formal application for admission and receive a formal letter of admission before registering for any courses.

Graduate students are expected to hold a bachelor's degree from a college or university of recognized standing. Their preparation must be appropriate to the program they wish to pursue and their academic record should generally be a B or better in course work that the department considers preparatory for graduate study. Meeting this requirement does not ensure that an applicant will be admitted.

The University desires diversity of student backgrounds and points of view. To that end, admissions committees also consider an applicant's accomplishments and personal qualities that are brought to their attention by the applicant or by his or her references. A careful evaluation of accomplishments and promise is at the heart of the process.

Students who wish to enter doctoral or certificate programs in specific fields or master's programs, or who wish to engage in a limited amount of study not directed toward a degree (non-degree study) apply online.  Students from other countries who wish to enter a program or course in any school or college within the University will also apply online.  Questions concerning the online application can be addressed by The Graduate School (UAB121).

Students who hold or who have qualified for a master's degree at the University and who wish to continue in or to re-enter graduate study must reapply.

Programs and Courses

Information concerning specific programs of study may be found by referring to the sections in this bulletin headed: College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business, School of Criminal Justice, School of Education, College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, School of Public Health, School of Social Welfare, and International Programs.

Application Procedures

All prospective graduate students must apply in a timely manner to either (1) a program leading to a degree or (2) to nondegree (in-service training, professional improvement, scholarly development) study. With few exceptions, students applying for full-time study in regular sessions or for extended study in other sessions are expected to apply for admission in a program leading to a degree. Nondegree study is limited to a total of 12 credits applicable to a degree program.

The applicant must submit an application requesting a specific field of study along with the appropriate supporting credentials:

  1. Official transcripts of all previous college work
  2. Three letters of reference from persons who can speak to the applicant's academic potential and ability.
  3. Standardized Test Scores - GREs, GMATs or NTEs may be required. Check The Graduate School website for a list of requirements by program.
  4. Portfolio - Some departments require a portfolio of your work. Check The Graduate School website for requirements.
  5. Statement of applicant's objectives of intended graduate study.
  6. Application fee.

The application and all credentials received in support of an application become the property of the University and cannot be returned.

Once the completed application and all supporting credentials have been received by the appropriate graduate admissions office, they are reviewed by the graduate admissions committee within that academic unit. On recommendation of the committee, The Graduate School will formally offer admission.  Students admitted to graduate study in a specific degree program are assigned a faculty advisor.  Communication of this information is provided in the formal admission letter along with any admission deficiencies or final requirements.

Applications for graduate study must be submitted online.  More information can be found on The Graduate School website (

Applicants for Nondegree Study

Please note that achieving academic success as a non-degree student does not guarantee admission to a degree program.  More information can be found on The Graduate School website (

International Students

The University welcomes students from other countries to engage in graduate study leading to master's and doctoral degrees. This school is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students.

All inquiries for graduate admission should be made through The Graduate School, University at Albany, UAB 121, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12222.  More information can be found on The Graduate School website (

In addition to any application form required by sponsoring agencies, ALL international student applicants must complete and submit an online application. Each application must be supported by the submission of official college/university transcripts of all previous marks or grades, an International Student Financial Affidavit, and required standard test scores, as determined by the University.

Applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit a score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) administered by the Educational Testing Service.  A minimum TOEFL score of 79 on the internet based exam (or its equivalent) is required of all international applicants with the exception of those who have completed two full-time semesters of study at a college or university in a country whose official language is English.  An exception to this requirement may be granted in the event a department, through its chairperson, wishes to certify competence and attest to a student's English proficiency.  In that event, the department should bear the burden of any necessary English language remediation and, in particular, that such a burden should not fall on other academic and/or support units.

Admitted international graduate students who are offered University funding associated with their assignment to instruction support (teaching assistants, etc.) must have a TOEFL score of 100 on the internet based exam or above and also be certified by the chair of their department to be competent to conduct classroom discussion before they can be authorized to teach classes or laboratories where the language of instruction is English. If their TOEFL score is less than 100 (less than 90 on the American Language Institute of Georgetown University exam or the Michigan Test of English language proficiency), they must pass the Test of Spoken English with a score of 50 and also be certified by their department chair to be competent to conduct classroom or laboratory discussion.

The University operates an International Student and Scholar Services Office which provides all newly admitted students pre-arrival information, an orientation program upon their arrival, and continuing counsel on personal matters and University procedures.

The University offers no general scholarship program for the support of international graduate students. Applicants may wish to investigate the availability of financial assistance from various organizations such as the Institute of International Education, the Asian Foundation, the African Graduate Fellowship Program, or the Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities. They may wish to inquire into the prospects of such awards with the Educational Attache of the U.S. Consulate, with the Education Office of their government, or through literature available at the Office of the U.S. Information Service.

Intensive English Language Program

The Intensive English Language Program (IELP) is designed for students who wish to improve their English in order to gain admission to an American college or university, and also for those who need to use fluent English in their professional lives. There are 23 class hours per week. Classes are communicative, integrating all language skills, and are taught at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. Elective classes are offered one day per week and include TOEFL preparation, accent reduction, computer instruction, and idiomatic English, amongst others. Cultural activities expand each student's ability to use English in a variety of situations.

In addition to the full-time intensive program, IELP also offers ESL 001 - Oral Communication for International Students. This class is intended for matriculated undergraduate and graduate international students. Off-campus students may also participate if their spoken English is at least an intermediate level.

The IELP runs year round (concurrent with the University at Albany's fall and spring semesters) and there is an 8-week summer session. For further information, contact the IELP at: Telephone (518) 437-5040, E-Mail, Web

Formal Admission

Prospective graduate students, including students entitled to a waiver of tuition, must submit a formal application online for admission and receive a letter formally admitting them to graduate study before registering for any courses in any session and for either full- or part-time study.

Admission to graduate study does not necessarily imply admission to candidacy for a degree. Students admitted in a program leading to a degree are considered later for admission to degree candidacy. Students admitted to nondegree study are limited to a maximum of 12 credits of study in this category unless an extension is granted.

Graduate students who are enrolled in a graduate degree program are not authorized to enroll through the Office of General Studies for undergraduate courses unless they receive prior approval from the Dean of The Graduate School.