The Master of Science in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and Master of Arts in Communication Dual Degree

Admission has been suspended as of September 2020 while the program is being redesigned. 

The Dual Master's Degree Program in Communication (M.A.) and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL – M.S.) serves the interests of students who want to teach English as a second or foreign language, and who want to enrich the foundation they have for teaching a foreign language by studying communication processes as well.  The program also serves the interests of students in the field of interpersonal and intercultural communication who are interested in getting overseas experience, and while there support themselves by teaching English as a Foreign Language, and to international students in U.S. institutions.

The combination of the two programs achieves greater efficiency than pursuing each degree separately, reducing the total credits required from 69 to 57.  These 57 credits are distributed as follows: Common Core Courses (12); Communication Courses (21) and Teaching English as a Foreign Language Courses (24).

Common Core Courses (12 credits)

  • Com 575  Interpersonal Interaction (3)
  • Com 577  Culture and Communication (3)
  • ETAP 636 Pragmatics (3)
  • Plus 3 credits as advised (3)

Communication Courses (21 credits)

  • Com 502 Communication Theory and Practice (3)
  • Com 525 Communication Research Methods (3)
  • Advanced Electives in Interpersonal Interaction/Cultural Practices as advised (9)
  • Capstone Project – Com 698 Internship Practicum or Com 697 A and B Guided Research Project (6)

Teaching English as a Foreign Language Courses (24 credits)

  • Language Core (12)
    • Lin 552/ETAP 550 Approaches to English Grammar
    • ETAP 536 Second Language Learning
    • ETAP 652B Bilingual Development and Translanguaging
    • One linguistics course: Lin 501, Lin 522, Lin 523, Tap 631 or as advised
  • Technology (3)
    • ETAP 634 Using Media in the language Classroom Or
    • ETAP 653 Language, Literacy and Technology
  • Research (3) - ETAP 680/681 or Thesis ETAP 699
  • Methodology (6)
    • ETAP 501 TESOL
    • ETAP 599 Directed Field Experience in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (Clinic classes; two semesters for 3 credits)

Please note: This program requires an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience requirement. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions. If you have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of your intended academic program.