Special Education Courses
Spe 560 Introduction to Human Exceptionality (3)
Characteristics of individuals across the lifespan (from birth to adult) whose cognitive, physical, or emotional development differs from typical individuals. Special education history and laws are discussed, as is the process leading to the development of individualized education plans and special education services. Selected strategies for students with special needs are also presented. (Not open to those students who previously completed E Psy 460). Students who have received credit for ESPE460 cannot receive credit for this course.
Spe 562 Characteristics of & Methods for Teaching Exceptional Secondary Students in Inclusive Settings (3)
Characteristics of students with disabilities and gifted students. Examines legislative mandates and the process of developing and implementing differentiated and special education services for students at the adolescence level. Use of research-based approaches and methods, including co-teaching and collaboration for integrating students with disabilities is emphasized. Prerequisite: Admission to MSSE or Special Education Advanced Certificate Program or Permission of Instructor.
Spe 563 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders (3)
This course will cover the nature and etiology of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Characteristics of children with ASD in the areas of cognition, language, socialization, behavioral, sensory, and academic skills will be discussed. Instructional strategies and research on current evidence-based strategies and their implementation in the school setting will be examined. Finally, this course will assist teachers and other school personnel to assess students’ strengths and areas of need in order to develop appropriate educational programming. Students who have received credit for ESPE463 cannot receive credit for this course.
Spe 571 Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities (3)
Course is for classroom teachers who are interested in learning about assistive technology and how technology can provide access to curriculum, facilitate communication, and help students overcome physical and sensory barriers. The course will discuss assistive technology legislation and its implications for school districts, strategies for integrating assistive technology into the classroom and into an individual student's IEP, and demonstrate how technology can facilitate the education of students with disabilities in both self-contained and inclusive settings.
Spe 580 Practicum: Teaching Students with Diverse Learning Needs (3)
Supervised practicum observing, assessing, and teaching students with diverse learning needs. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Admission to Master's or Advanced Certificate program in special education.
Spe 650 Instructional Environments and Practices for Students with Disabilities (3)
This course examines techniques for effective instruction for all students, with particular attention to students with disabilities. Course will explore research-based and promising instructional techniques and practices applicable to instruction of Common Core and NYS Learning Standards, as well as approaches to collaboration. Prerequisites: Admission to one of the Master's degree programs in special education or Permission of Instructor.
Spe 651 Developing Reading Comprehension and Content Knowledge for Students with Disabilities (3)
Presentation of theory, assessment techniques, planning and teaching procedures to prepare students with disabilities to meet the Common Core and NYS Learning Standards in literacy, social studies, and other content areas. Emphasis on use of evidence-based practices for developing reading comprehension and content knowledge. Prerequisites: Admission to one of the Master's degree program in special education or Permission of Instructor.
Spe 652 Math and Inquiry Instruction for Students with Disabilities (3)
Presentation of theoretical positions, assessment techniques, planning procedures, and teaching methods relevant to preparing students with disabilities to meet the Common Core and New York State Math, Science, and Technology Learning Standards. Emphasis on use of evidence-based practices. Prerequisites: Admission to one of the Master's degree programs in special education or Permission of Instructor.
Spe 653 Managing School and Classroom-wide Student Behavior to Promote Efficient and Effective Instruction (3)
Presentation of theory, assessment techniques, and planning and teaching procedures for managing school and classroom-wide student behavior. Emphasis on use of evidence-based practices, especially Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Satisfactory completion of course includes New York Violence Prevention (SAVE) Training. Prerequisites: Admission to Master's or Advanced Certificate program in special education or Permission of Instructor.
Spe 654 Teaching Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities (3)
Presentation of theory, assessment techniques, planning procedures, and evidence based practices for preparing students of all ages with severe and multiple disabilities to meet the Common Core and NYS Learning Standards. Satisfactory completion of course includes New York Autism Training. Prerequisites: Admission to one of the Master's degree programs in special education or Permission of Instructor.
Spe 655 Assessment of Students with Disabilities (3)
This course provides a foundation for understanding the assessment process for students with special needs, and how to use assessment information for planning instruction and guiding instructional decisions. Course will emphasize evidenced based and best practices in the area of assessment. Prerequisite: Admission to Master's or Advanced Certificate program in special education or Permission of Instructor.
Spe 656 Teaching Written Expression to Students with Disabilities (3)
This course examines theoretical positions, assessment techniques, and planning and teaching procedures relevant to preparing students with disabilities to meet the Common Core and NYS Learning Standards in written expression across the content areas. Emphasis is placed on research-based and promising instructional techniques and practices for students who have not learned through traditional writing approaches. Prerequisites: Admission to one of the Master's degree programs in special education or Permission of Instructor.
Spe 657 Practicum: Effective Teaching and Curricula for Diverse Learners (3)
This course develops reflective practitioners and principled educators and is designed to provide a background in, as well as practical opportunities with, general methods and materials appropriate for working with students with diverse learning needs in inclusive elementary settings. Emphasis will be placed on approaches to learning and teaching, and specific teaching and learning strategies. Includes 50 hours of practicum experiences in elementary schools. Prerequisites: Admission to one of the Master's degree programs in special education or Permission of Instructor.
Spe 658 Curriculum and Instruction for Adolescents with Disabilities: Collaboration, Strategies, and Co-Teaching (3)
This course is designed to prepare educators to develop curricula and to select specific instructional strategies and methods appropriate for teaching adolescent students with disabilities (SWD). The course will include discussion on the current best practices on co-teaching adolescents in the regular classroom as well as supporting them with other models of service delivery, i.e. consultant teaching or resource support. Course readings and activities will assist teachers develop ideal practices for co-teaching and collaboration to serve students with disabilities. Prerequisite: Admission to Advanced Certificate program in special education or Permission of Instructor.
Spe 669 Educating Students with Emotional Disorders and Challenging Behaviors: Advanced Tiers of Support (3)
This course focuses on evidence-based practices in working with students with Emotional-behavioral disorders. Theory, assessment techniques, and planning and teaching procedures for Tier II and III interventions for managing challenging behaviors are presented. Prerequisites: Admission to one of the Master's degree programs in special education or Permission of Instructor.
Spe 673 Interagency Collaboration for Working with Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (3)
Presentation of theoretical positions, assessment techniques, planning procedures, and strategies appropriate for developing interagency collaboration to effectively serve students with emotional and behavioral disorders.
Spe 680A Clinical Internship: Teaching Students with Disabilities (3-6)
Full-time supervised clinical field experience with students with disabilities. Accompanying seminar integrates special topics and relates to field experiences. Prerequisites: Admission to one of the Master's degree programs in special education and satisfactory completion of Spe 580.
Spe 680B Clinical Internship: Teaching Students with Disabilities (3-6)
Full-time supervised clinical field experience with students with disabilities. Accompanying seminar integrates special topics and relates to field experiences. Prerequisites: Admission to one of the Master's degree programs in special education and satisfactory completion of Spe 680A.
Spe 681 Clinical Internship Seminar: Teaching Students with Disabilities (1-2)
This seminar focuses upon reflective practice in internship experiences by considering the specialized skills and knowledge needed by beginning teachers in critical areas such as: management and discipline, assessment and evaluation, planning and organization, consultation and collaboration, and parental involvement. Professional portfolio is required as culminating activity. Prerequisites: Admission to the Master's Degree Program in Special Education. Must be taken concurrently with Spe 680A or Spe 680B.
Spe 682 Clinical Internship: Teaching Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders (3)
Full-time supervised internship with students with emotional and behavior disorders. Accompanying seminar integrates special topics and relates to field experiences. Prerequisites: Admission to one of the Master's degree programs in special education and satisfactory completion of Spe 580.
Spe 683 Research in Special Education Capstone Project (3)
This course is the capstone project for the Special Education Inclusion program. Students gain substantive knowledge on an issue in special education, practice being analytical consumers of research, and demonstrate the ability to communicate concisely. Each student will produce a high-quality literature review on a current issue in special education as a final product. This capstone course typically is completed during the final semester of the degree program.
Spe 697 Independent Study in Special Education (2-6)
Student will complete a special project under faculty supervision. A proposal will be developed between the student and faculty member that specifies the topic of the independent study, the requirements and expectations, including all assignments, reading, texts, and other required activities, as well as criteria for how it will be graded. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.
Spe 887 Institute in Education (1-9)
A special course, not part of the pattern of regular offerings, designed to meet non-recurring needs.