Information Science Courses
Ist 502 History of Recorded Information (3)
An introduction to the history of how human beings have created, maintained and preserved information for personal, official, and cultural purposes. Topics include the development of writing, recordkeeping, and libraries; the emergence of printing and the history of the book; the evolution of recordkeeping by organizations, government, and individuals; and the impact of different technologies on the development of print and digital culture. Students who have received credit for CIST402 cannot receive credit for this course.
Ist 506 Database Systems and Data Analysis (3)
Formerly Ist 658. Covers database concepts, technologies, and applications. The course will have an emphasis on database management systems (DBMS) as a foundational technology in the context of library and information professions. Concepts covered include DBMS design, implementation, and life cycle, including user interface and programming issues. The course will also involve hands-on implementation of DBMS as a vehicle for data analysis tasks, including issues of data collection, cleaning, and processing. Only one of Ist 658 or Ist 506 may be taken for credit.
Ist 529 Text Analysis (3)
Text Analysis provides an overview of two major approaches to computerized text analysis: rule-based and machine-learning. The first part of the course considers sentiment analysis and information extraction from a rule-based perspective. The second part of the course focuses on annotation-based performance evaluation for both approaches and commonly used metrics including accuracy, precision, and recall. The third part of the course considers text classification and topic modeling from a machine-learning perspective. Along the way, the substantive uses of text analysis in business and research are examined along with the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Course work includes readings, quizzes, hands-on assignments, and a course project in which students analyze a corpus of texts they select using either a rule-based or machine-learning approach and evaluate the performance and usefulness of their analysis. Prerequisite: Recommended - Prior coding or scripting experience in any coding language, or prior study of English language grammar and syntax is recommended.
Ist 530 Topics in Information Security (1-6)
This course covers varying and current topics in the field of information security. Focus of the course may vary from one offering to the next to reflect the rapidly emerging nature of this topic.
Ist 532 Information Analysis Techniques and Technologies (3)
This course introduces several information techniques and technologies available to assist in information analysis. Each of the four or five modules will review an information technique or technology commonly used in information analysis and include exercises using provided data sets. Legal and ethical issues related to information gathering and monitoring will also be included. Prerequisites: Ehc 556.
Ist 533 Information Storage and Retrieval (3)
An introduction to current practices in information retrieval. Topics covered include key concepts in information storage and retrieval, the document and query structure, matching mechanisms and formal retrieval models, output presentation, and the evaluation of system effectiveness. Includes an investigation of the inner workings of retrieval systems and search engines. Students who have received credit for CIST433 cannot receive credit for this course.
Ist 535 Web Database Programming (3)
This course covers the application of database technology to the service of Websites. Students learn practical programming skills in a hands-on project based course, and acquire the ability to develop a database backed, dynamic and feature-rich Web site.
Ist 538 Fundamentals of XML (3)
Extensible Markup Language (XML) provides a standard to support automated processing across platforms and applications. Students will learn practical applications of XML, and will apply the standard to sample texts and objects.
Ist 546 Fundamentals of Records Management (3)
Basic concepts and practices of records management in governmental, institutional, and corporate agencies, including those areas of communication, administration and computer technology that relate to the efficient and effective flow of information from its generation to its final dIstosition. Will include records inventory, active and inactive records control, manual and automated systems, vital records protection, the records center, micrographics technology and applications, and legal and ethical aspects of record management.
Ist 547 Electronic Record Management (3)
Topics include problems of defining records and documents in a digital environment, analysis and understanding of the requirements for creating and keeping records digitally, developing information systems that create useable and accessible digital records, and preservation of and access to digital materials. The emphasis is on electronic records created by institutions and organizations. Prerequisite: Ist 656 or 546.
Ist 557 Introduction to Legal Research (3)
Examination and analysis of the basic and specialized information sources that provide a structure for legal research. Topics include court reports, digests, annotations, constitutions, Shepard's citations, looseleaf reporters, legal encyclopedias and periodicals. Assignments in WESTLAW and LEXIS-NEXIS online databases will provide hands-on familiarity with computer-assisted legal research (CALR).
Ist 560 Information and Public Policy (3)
Analysis and evaluation of public policies affecting the production, dissemination, and access to information generated by or for the federal government. Topics and issues include concepts of intellectual freedom, the public's right to be informed, freedom of information and privacy legislation, policies on dissemination of information in non-print formats, national security classification, privatizing of government information, issues of equity, and related policy matters.
Ist 561 Web Design and Development (3)
This course introduces principles of Web design and development through readings, exercises, discussions, hands-on lab activities, lectures, projects, and presentations. Topics covered include: Web design basics, HTML/XHTML, Web technologies, CSS, Web graphics, dynamic HTML/XHTML, usability, evaluation of Websites and Web-based online resources, and accessibility. Students should not take Ist 561 if they have taken Ist 361, Inf 201 or Inf 362.
Ist 565 Human Information Behavior (3)
An overview of human information behavior in different contexts. Introduces the theories, methods and models relating to information behavior. Examines human information behavior, including information needs, information seeking and use in different situations, environments and populations.
Ist 566 Special Problems in Information Science & Policy (3)
Special course on a current problem, issue, or development in information and library science.
Ist 571 Literature for Children (3)
Provides an introductory survey of literature for children (ages 0-12) with an emphasis on current authors and illustrators from diverse backgrounds. Exploration of appropriate strategies to enhance children's appreciation for diverse backgrounds and experiences including economic, family and cultural backgrounds to create a cohesive community. Application of strategies for using and adapting assessment strategies to inform programming and instruction. Explores a variety of techniques to ensure that librarians meet the needs of all children through their collections, programs and instruction. Specific attention is given to adaptive and assistive technologies as well as differentiation of materials, programming and instruction for all children, including children from homes where English is not the primary language.
Ist 578 Literature for Young Adults (3)
Provides an introductory survey of literature for young adults (ages 12-18), with an emphasis on current authors. Includes a discussion of the characteristics, needs, and reading interests of young adults using the diversity that exists in the classroom and community which may include young adults of different genders and sexual orientations, different cultures and backgrounds and young adults from homes where English is not the primary language. Provides a critical study of the literature, an overview of basic selection tools, practice in book talking and usage of research and evidence-based strategies to promote, through reading, young adults' understanding and respect for diversity and inclusion.
Ist 601 The Information Environment (3)
The Information Environment provides an introduction to the multidisciplinary field of information science and a range of information science professions.Through a series of guest speakers, real and virtual field trips, and a variety of contemporary and seminal readings, the course covers topics essential to understanding information science. Topics include the history of information science, the evolution of information concepts and information professions, theories and models of information behavior of individuals and diverse groups, information economics, information technologies and their effect on society, an overview of information organization and knowledge management, informetrics, information and digital literacy, and information policy issues including copyright, censorship, privacy, ethics, and access.
Ist 602 Information and Knowledge Organization (3)
An introduction to fundamental concepts and theoretical principles of knowledge-organization models and techniques used to facilitate access to information resources. The emphasis in this course is on interdisciplinary ideas and concepts. General consideration of reference/information services, the kinds of knowledge, the kinds of formats in which knowledge is recorded, and the ways in which it is pursued and retrieved.
Ist 603 Information Processing (3)
An introduction to the principles and practices of bibliographic control, including cataloging and classification. A variety of methods, systems, and tools are used to illustrate the application of underlying principles in practical situation. Prerequisite: Ist 602.
Ist 605 Information Sources and Services (3)
General consideration of reference/information services, the kinds of knowledge, the kinds of formats in which knowledge is recorded, and the ways in which it is pursued and retrieved by different users.
Ist 606 Collection Development and Management (3)
This course is a survey of theoretical and practical aspects of the selection, acquisition, evaluation, and management of resources to meet the information needs of clientele in libraries and other information institutions. The course covers a variety of related topics to collection development and management, including analysis of information needs, criteria for selection, publishing trends, electronic access, resource sharing, outsourcing, collection evaluation and preservation, and research trends in the field.
Ist 608 Research Methods (3)
Basic research methods and statistics for students entering the information science professions. Covers descriptive and inferential statistics through correlation and regression; basic research process methods, quantitative and qualitative, and the creation of grant or research proposals. Prerequisites: Recommended - Previous IST coursework.
Ist 610 Visual Resources Management (3)
Addresses the knowledge and competencies required by the visual resources profession. This course is concerned with the management of visual resources, such as images, photographs, moving images, cultural objects and the like. Provides the necessary background to work in art libraries, museums, special collections, and institutions where information professionals are responsible to oversee and manage image/visual resources collections.
Ist 611 Information Systems (3)
This course provides a detailed survey of information systems. It will present conceptual, theoretical, historical, social, economic, and ethical issues surrounding the development, deployment and management of dominant information systems technologies. Topics covered include: information systems architectures, database management systems, transaction processing, eCommerce, telecommunications, software and hardware standards, Web-based systems, data warehousing, data mining, agent-based systems, and social impacts of information systems.
Ist 614 Administration of Information Agencies (3)
Principles and theory of administration. Consideration of planning, organization, budgeting, personnel, standards, inter-institutional cooperation. Recommended: Ist 601.
Ist 617 Academic Libraries and Higher Education (3)
A consideration of the academic library in the context of the changing environment of higher education, including the historical development of institutions of higher education and their libraries in the U.S. Students will analyze the academic library, its functions, and its relationships within the various institutions of which they are a part and study current challenges confronting academic libraries. Prerequisite: Ist 601.
Ist 618 Public Libraries (3)
This course focuses on current issues, practices and trends in public library organizations, planning, and service delivery. Topics include levels of governance in public libraries; the role of state charters, systems, and trustees; public, technical and administrative services; and professional development, including career paths, continuing education, and compensation. Prerequisite: Ist 601.
Ist 623 Special Topics (1)
Short one-credit courses examining various aspects of library and information science. Topics will change from semester to semester.
Ist 636 Systems Analysis in the Information Environment (3)
Theory and methods of systems analysis as applied to information systems and services.
Ist 649 Information Literacy Instruction: Theory and Techniques (3)
This course is an introduction to information literacy instruction in a variety of types of libraries and other information-related organizations. The history of library instruction, theoretical issues in the field, instructional program development, and teaching techniques will all be included. Students will develop and present an instructional session designed for a specific library or other user group.
Ist 653 Digital Libraries (3)
Provides an overview of both the theoretical and practical aspects of digital libraries. Topics covered include types and formats of digital content, collection development and selection, digitization and underlying technologies, metadata, organization, access, preservation, project management, and evaluation and use of digital libraries.
Ist 654 Preservation Management in Archives and Libraries (3)
An introductory survey of preservation management in libraries and archives, covering such topics as the historical evolution of the preservation dilemma, programs for academic and public libraries, collections maintenance and environmental controls, commercial binding and rebinding, selection for preservation and microfilming, security, archival preservation, paper conservation, disaster planning and recovery, and preservation of non-print materials (including electronic media).
Ist 655 Rare Books (3)
An introduction to understanding the book as a physical object and to the formation, use, and care of rare book collections. Topics include the mechanics of book production in the hand press and machine press eras, descriptive bibliography and cataloging, the antiquarian book trade, and resources and tools for managing rare book collections.
Ist 656 Archives and Manuscripts (3)
Administration of archival and manuscript collections, principles of arrangement, description, acquisition and appraisal; reference services, survey of current practices at national, state, and local levels; basic concepts of records management, preservation and conservation of archival materials; problems of archival research and personal privacy.
Ist 660 Archival Representation (3)
Introduction to the history, theory, and practice of the representation of archival materials. Examines arrangement principles, descriptive standards, current research, and implementation of description programs for archival access. Students study different types of surrogates, including finding aids, MARC, EAD, and archival metadata and complete a description project at a local repository. Prerequisite: Ist 656 or Ist 546.
Ist 666 Current Problems in Information Studies (3)
Special course on a current problem, issue, or development in library or information science and policy.
Ist 667 Intelligence Preparation and Production (3)
This course focuses on the preparation and production of intelligence products. Topics covered include: 1) understanding the intelligence customer and the role of the analyst, 2) scoping a tasking, 3) identification of information needed, 4) identification of collection requirements, 5) evidentiary standards, and 6) style and format requirements. The major course project is the production of an intelligence product on a tasking of the student's choosing. Prerequisite: Ehc 556 and one of the following: Ist 608 or Emh 640.
Ist 668 Internship (3-6)
Two 40 day sessions, for a total of 80 days or at least 400 hours. Opportunity for curriculum development, program development, research design, teaching, skill development and problem solving through observation and instructional practice, documented by formative assessments, in an information environment designed to meet the learning and information needs of all students, under the supervision of a faculty member and a certified tenured school library media specialist or other information professional. Prerequisites: 18 credits completed toward the ISSL MS program and 100 hours of field experience and permission of department.
Ist 669 Independent Study in Library and Information Science and Policy (1-3)
Supervised reading, research, or field project in some specialized area of information science and policy to meet the needs of advanced students. Written approval of the independent study proposal by a supervising faculty member and by the Information Studies Chair is required before registration. Prerequisite: 12 credits completed toward the Information Science Master of Science degree and consent of advisor.
Ist 670 Teaching Fundamentals for School Libraries (3)
Introduces students to the professional roles and responsibilities of today's 21st century certified school librarian. Emphasizes the interdisciplinary teaching role of school librarians and highlights strategies for working collaboratively within the school environment and the importance of documenting evidence of practice. Utilizes research-based strategies to introduce students to information literacy curriculum and educational assessment literacy. Introduces students to school-based and community based resources to enhance information literacy instruction for diverse student populations. Identifies school librarian responsibilities and requirements in working with students with disabilities and other special learning needs.
Ist 672 The Curriculum and Supportive Resources (3)
This course, grounded in evidence-based theory and practice, introduces students to information literacy curriculum by teaching preservice and/or in-service educators how to design, assess and evaluate information literacy curriculum and resources for elementary, middle and high school students. Applies knowledge of how to select and modify curricula, assessments, information resources, and adaptive and assistive technologies to meet the individualized needs of students with disabilities and other special learning needs. Principles of instructional design (including universal design), cognitive learning styles, and research-based strategies for educational assessment and evaluation are scaffolded into a series of performance-based assignments that culminate in an information literacy learning segment, customized to address the diverse learning needs of PreK-12 students and aligned to local, state and national standards. The learning segment is co-planned with the graduate student's mentor and implemented in the student's field placement. The lesson is systematically assessed through a series of formative assessments designed by the student to document the effect of the lesson(s) on the academic performance of PreK-12 students as well as the instructional effectiveness of the graduate student. Graduate students learn how to integrate research-based instructional strategies that are responsive to the characteristics and learning needs of all students. Includes 50 school library field experience hours. Prerequisite: permission of department.
Ist 673 School Libraries: Theory, Practice and Assessment (3)
This is the capstone course for the school library program. The course is applicable for school librarians and educators who wish to learn how to document evidence of their practice and obtain fluency in information literacy and assessment literacy. Students complete a practicum which is a performance based assessment, consisting of 5-8 lessons, collaboratively developed with the student's mentor, based on current research in library and information science and cognitive science, aligned to local, state and national standards, customized to meet the learning needs of a specific student body, implemented within the PreK-12 learning environment, and assessed through a series of formative assessment instruments designed by the graduate student. Graduate students demonstrate that they have consulted and collaborated with specialists in the PreK-12 environment to identify appropriate resources, technology (including assistive technology) and instruction to meet the individualized needs of students with disabilities and other special learning needs. The design of the curriculum unit must demonstrate knowledge of the PreK-12 students' cultural backgrounds, individual needs, talents and personal interests. The lessons exhibit knowledge of individual students' cognitive style, prior learning, and apply knowledge of criteria and procedures for evaluating, selecting, creating and adjusting instructional materials to meet the learning needs of all students. Formative assessment information is gathered, interpreted and used to shape current and subsequent instruction to determine whether the PreK-12 students have mastered the specified learning objectives. Assessment information is also used to help graduate students modify their instruction to help all PreK-12 students master the learning objectives. A final report documents of evidence of the graduate student's practice: summarizes the results and provides a self-reflective assessment describing pedagogical and instructional strategies to improve his/her practice. Includes 50 school library field experience hours. Prerequisites: Ist 670 and Ist 672; permission of department is required.
Ist 676 Administration of School Library Media Centers (3)
Problems, practices, and research in the organization, administration and management of school library media centers. The course examines problems, practices and research in the organization, administration and management of school media centers including practices related to local and national standards; services, facilities, policies, and planning including designing and maintaining facilities for persons with disabilities and special needs; budgeting, personnel and organizational factors; public relations, safety and advocacy. The course incorporates knowledge of federal and state laws, policies, and regulations ( e.g., Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [IDEA], Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) and ethical considerations (e.g., confidentiality rights and responsibilities of stakeholders) related to the education of students with disabilities.
Ist 677 Creating Innovators: The Maker Movement (3)
Designed for PreK-12 educators, school library media specialists, teacher librarians, classroom teachers, STEM educators, tech integrationists, educational technology teachers, public, special and academic librarians. Explores evidence-based strategies that support building models, prototypes, inventions and innovations to encourage creative problem solving and team collaboration across a range of subject matters, abilities and ages. Applications of learning theory and assessment strategies to create interdisciplinary inquiry-based maker experiences to meet the needs of users from a variety of backgrounds including English Language Learners, exceptional children and adult learners, while promoting a safe and supportive environment for exploration and learning.
Ist 678 Internship - Information Science (3-6)
Opportunity for skill development and problem solving through observation and practice in an information environment under the supervision of a faculty member and a cooperating librarian or other information professional. Meetings, reports, and 150 hours of experience required. Prerequisites: 18 credits completed toward the Information Science Master of Science degree and consent of advisor.
Ist 680 Seminar (3)
In-depth research of a specific problem or issue in information science and policy. Class reports, discussions, and submission of a major paper are required. Prerequisite(s): Ist 608 or equivalent and consent of instructor. Limited to students who have completed a minimum of 15 credits of graduate study in library and information science.
Ist 682 Elementary Internship (3)
One 70-day session in an elementary school library. Opportunity for curriculum development, program development, research design, teaching, skill development and problem solving through observation and instructional practice, documented by formative assessments, in an information environment designed to meet the learning and information needs of all preK-6 students, under the supervision of a faculty member and a certified tenured school library media specialist or other information professional. Prerequisites: 18 credits completed towards the ISSL MS program and 100 hours of field experience; permission of the department required.
Ist 683 Secondary Internship (3)
One 70-day session completed in a secondary school library. Opportunity for curriculum development, program development, research design, teaching, skill development and problem solving through observation and instructional practice, documented by formative assessments, in an information environment designed to meet the learning and information needs of all secondary students, under the supervision of a faculty member and a certified tenured school library media specialist or other information professional. Prerequisites: 18 credits completed towards the ISSL MS program and 100 hours of field experience; permission of the department required.
Ist 699 Master's Thesis in Information Science and Policy (2-6)
Prerequisite: CIST608 or equivalent and consent of department.
Post-Master's Certificate Program Courses
Ist 701 Proseminar in Information Science and Policy (3)
Trends, issues, and problems in information science and policy; problem formulation; development of research projects.
Ist 702 Directed Readings in Information Science and Policy (3)
Supervised reading on selected topics in information science and policy appropriate to the planned specialization of advanced students. (May be taken twice.)
Ist 768 Advanced Internship in Information Science and Policy (3-6)
Planned experiences which emphasize the student's professional objective. Includes a critical and analytical paper on some aspect of the program of the library or information center in which the internship takes place.
Ist 780 Major Research Seminar (3-6)
Preparation of a major research paper in the area of the student's specialization. Paper is expected to follow thesis format and be suitable for deposit in University Library or ERIC Clearinghouse.